I met a man called Peter: he was heading for the sun
He was in need of warmth and healing: as he was pale and wan
We stopped and talked a little: a simple exchange of courtesies
I asked where he'd come from as I helped him meet the sun
Our casual conversation was about the weather that day
Twenty six degrees and some clouds for shade.
How easy and so simple to exchange some words that day
My wait was long and boring: the parking meter called me out
So we spoke some more a little later as I went in and out
I was unhappy about my little finger: I'd cut it really bad!
Now this hard and painful splint was what I really had
I was feeling rather grumpy: didn't like my hand held back
But when I'd seen Peter, I knew just what I lacked!
I wasn't being very thankful as I went about that day
But really I was so lucky that I could get about & play
Here was I: I am ashamed to say: full bodied; no limbs missing
Commiserating my bad luck: when there was Peter
In his wheelchair: hospital gown and all
Trying to get a little sunshine to aid his skin so pale
He was just so happy to get outside into that warming sun
Nothing else mattered as he wheeled himself about
Though his leg was missing: he didn't scream and shout
He was quite prepared to work hard: didn't ask for any help
But fate brought us together and I was shown what to appreciate!
As we talked of our beginnings: mine from Hungary: his from right next door (Serbia)
Growing up there he'd learned to speak a second language just like me
So as we said goodbye again: we said it in Magyar (Hungarian) each other
We parted and smiling, I departed: feeling doubly blessed!