Sunday, 28 October 2012

How many times?

How many times must I say sorry?
How many times will you bring up my crimes?
How many times will you throw my sins
Back in my face; before you let them lie?
How many times must I get down on my knees?
And say I'm sorry?
How many times will you sit there and wallow in self-pity?
Before you finally understand how you hurt me now!

How many times before you finally 
Accept that we both did things; said things
That hurt and drew blood; deep inside!

I am so sorry for hurting you!
I am so sorry for grieving my dear Lord's soul!
I am so sorry for all those stupid things I did
When we were both so much younger!
I am so sorry for thinking that I had the right to lay the blame!

I was but a little child when he hurt me
I was but a 'babe in arms' along life's trail
When I had to grow up all of a sudden
I didn't understand the hurt that hid inside me
I didn't understand at all!

That hurt was still there in my teen years
That hurt; that pain' that shame!
Even then I was searching for help
But I didn't know it; didn't understand the game 
I just assumed that that was how life was lived
That you carried it inside!
That nameless; faceless pain!

I didn't know how to ask for forgiveness
I didn't know that I was not to blame!
I only know of that deepest shame inside me
I only know what I'd learned as that small child
I thought you always had to give all
To get any return in life!

So I was used and tossed by the wayside
I was longing for someone to love
But all I ever got was pain and suffering
More shame was heaped upon my soul
Ever always searching! What for? I did not know!

Still I tried to find my lost child
Tried to find that inner peace
It was always there before me
Like some bright and shiny Holy Grail!
But though I searched and searched
For what seemed like forever
I never got any closer to my goal!

Now dear lord I understand you
I see your shining love for me
I understand my troubled life
I understand the purpose 
I understand how I had to ...
Forgive myself for all that shame
Forgive him for what was his sin
It was not mine to bear
I forgive him for his weakness
He was just a teenager after all!

Who can claim to be perfect?
Who can claim to do all right?
Not one of us is perfect!
Not one of us has the right
Until you come into this heart here
Until you shine from within this temple 
There is no peace without your light!

All that pain and suffering I went through
All that shame I carried all those years
You've taken that load from my shoulders
You've lifted me up as well!
Through your suffering upon the cross at Calvary
I see my burdens lifted like a veil
Dear Lord you came upon the earth here
Dear lord you took my sins and made me whole!

The Swing

It sat amid the grass and weeds
Sad and alone as it must needs
Waiting for the children to return
Patient; yet forlorn!
Much loved and played upon in its heyday
It was moved from home to home
Carried its occupants to fantasy worlds
Loved and used; squeaked and oiled anon
Always and ever for lots of fun!
It came to the Thiel family in 1974
Just before Ben's birth
Joanna and Rebecca played and climbed 
Swung upon its wooden seats
Rocking back and forth
East and West; South and North
Enjoying its swinging; for all its worth!
It moved to Yundi when Amos was just two
Was climbed all over; saw laughter and tears
Nursed Rebecca's broken collarbone
When she was just six years old and 
Mum Celia tried to swallow her fears
As she and dad Peter watched them all at play!
It was left behind in 1983 ; maybe 1984
For Lizy and Matthias had Kaylene and Krystle then
Grandma and Grandpa Theil  lived right next door!
A few years later it was moved to Sedan 
To live with the Andersson family
Loved by Vanessa and Shelley!
I heard its regular squeakings
As my two girls played there
And a few years later on
Michael's screams as well!

It sat quietly in the dust and wind
For over ten long years
Then Ben came back; recognized its frame
The memories of his childhood
Refreshed after all of these years!

Now Ben's daughter Heidi loves this swing too!
Her eyes wide as saucers
As she kept watch out that rear window
At that trailer carried her new swing home
It was going to be loved again!
Emmett is just a baby now
But soon you'll hear his joy
As he swings with his big sister Heidi
Ben and Naomi's little girl and boy!

Bubby's been banned

Bubby's been banned from the loo
What's  a poor Nana to do?
He thinks it's funny
To chuck things down the dunny
But really my darling; the effect is quite startling!
The plumber's been to empty the septic
The past day has been: to say the least; quite hectic!
With cursing and swearing; no words worth your hearing!
Back and forth trying to clean it
Plunger's been plunging and I'm just dreaming; of a nice clean loo!
The metal worm was turned many a time
Cranked round and round; by hand; to no avail!
Had Rocky sweating though it wasn't real hot!
Now the mechanical worm is churning
Its been over an hour; just turning!
We think we've found a tea towel
Brought back from the bowels
But what else has he tossed?
What else now lost? Forever and ever disgusting!
Mum's phone drowned over a month ago now!
Lord help me as I pray now
You said to ask; well I'm asking!
Please help us unblock the loo!
Thank you Lord!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

My old Red friend

Old Red was just a horse we'd seen
Feeding in the neighbour's paddock
He was with his good mate Misty
Two horses all alone; lost amid the dry red soil
The sparse dry grass was patchy at best
Hardly enough to feed them
Among those rocks and prickles
That covered all the land! 
So we'd take them apples and carrots
To call them to the rambling fence!
We'd climb up onto the tall gatepost
Better to reach and pat their heads

We'd follow them to other paddocks
Taking our food and love to them
They would always come on over
Happily making friends and eating up
All those bits of fruit and veg we'd offer
To draw them to our waiting hands and hearts

We bought dear old Red one day
I remember: as; into our place he was led
Tied to that pale green ute by his rope
He was running slowly toward us
Our girls so thrilled to have him come!
He was now our dear old horse
He was coming home to rest!
We had a paddock ready
Thought we'd sealed all the holes
But old Red was famous
For finding any gaps
And escaping down the road!
We brought him back several times
Until that fence was fixed
Then he was trapped in that paddock
And loved by us all!
We'd buy him 20kg bags
Of crunchy carrots;  every week!
And he'd stay there crunching
Until only a few bits were left!

we tried to be real friendly
We tried to be his mates
But he'd just walk away from us
No matter how hard we tried!
Finally we gave up on chasing
We tried another tack
We'd just walk into that paddock 
Ignoring him and walking far away
Surprise, surprise; what happened?
He was curious to say the least!
As he followed us where-ever we would lead!

Now: Vanessa loved old Red
And liked to play this game
She'd creep into his paddock
Trying to sneak up on him!
She would slowly sneak around
Behind the bushes and the trees
She was trying to be so stealthy
As she tried the tables on him to turn!
But old Red would always find her
Before she could sneak up on him!
For there he was right behind her
Wondering what she was up to!

I remember one sad day
I was crying as I walked
Not even thinking of him as
I walked around the fence!
Soon I heard him coming
Close behind me as I walked
He came so close he touched my heels
As he laid his head upon my shoulder
Offering company for my tears!
So there I was; walking
With my dear old friend
He was offering me his love
As I felt his big head resting
Upon my shoulders; bowed
And soon I was smiling
My spirits gladly lifted
By my dear old  Red friend!

Shane; cat in a bucket

Shane was a big ginger cat
He was soft and fluffy for all that 
He was cuddly and cute but
A real manly cat to boot!
We lost him one day
Thought he'd gone away
You know; looking for a mate!
We searched everywhere
We looked high and low
Couldn't find Shane at all!

One day I looked down in the cellar
It was hot; sunny summer weather
Snakes were about; you know their traits
Hiding anywhere in a cool hollow!
I called my honey to help me
As I heard a strange sort of noise
The bucket was moving; all wobbly!
Tim went up to it; kicked that bucket!
And it went sliding away; to the wall there!
And out of it shot some thing; Shane the Rocket cat
He was named after that for certain!
As he screamed up the air-conditioning duct
Disappeared form sight; in a second!

Now I was stuck with a problem!
What to do? How to get that cat down?
From out of our new ceiling?
Cut a hole through the new insulation
Called him a lot: he answered; thank God!
But would not come to me when I called him!
Then up I climbed on the ladder
Balancing there; seemed like forever!
I called and called
But that bloody cat wouldn't come
No matter how sweet I cajoled him!

Then I remembered a trick
Said to work in a trice:
I imagined that cat coming closer!
In my mind I envisioned poor Shane
Coming nearer and nearer again!
It took quite a while; but I saved him in style!
As he came just as I envisioned!

We set him free at last; cleaned up the mess
And just continued living!

Amy and Kia watch the sunset

Amy and Kia love to have fun
They love to run and run
Kia is short and round
Amy is tall and sleek
But still they play together
All the week!
They love to chase the Roos around
They bark whenever they hear a sound
Oh Kia; you are getting slower!
Amy outruns you and does rings around you
Together you spend the day
Sometimes sleeping
Sometimes at play!
You enjoy a bone to chew
Mostly you are so happy
But sometimes you are blue!
You both enjoy a walk
Especially along the railway track
Then off you go to find a trail
You sniff and then run off
I hear your yips as you find your prey
I watch and hope you'll be okay!
I see you chase the rabbits away
And then you come back to say
"Hey mum, we had a chase
But the bunny got away!"
Then as the sun goes down
And we sit and watch the colours play
Upon the clouds and greying sky
When twilight comes to end the day
It's sunset time and we are still at last
Your two little bodies sit close by
Head to head and tail to tail
One as golden as the day
The other black as coming night
Tails entwined we enjoy the sight
Of the glorious bright hued sunset!

Rupert the smart mouse

Rupert was a cute little creamy brown mouse
Michael had to have him for his pet!
He was such a cute little critter and 
He was always happy to have a chat
We made a home for him in an old fish tank
He could see us coming and going
He loved to watch us passing by!
Michael and I made him a home
Out of an old blue rubber ball
We cut out both sides for his windows
We placed his home onto an old wooden curtain ring
Sawdust or kitty-litter on the bottom of the cage
Here he lived for nearly two years!

To make it interesting
We created mazes out of tissue boxes and
Toilet rolls; stuck together with sticky tape!
Every few weeks we changed his home around
So he wouldn't get bored or lonely
He would climb all over the new tunnels
To check it all out and have a good look!
He loved to climb all over me and chatter away
In his little mouse language!

The only time he got really upset with me
Was when I cleaned out his whole home; ball and all!
He was so upset; telling me off as he had to refurnish
His whole bedroom; ripping up tissues as he went on
Chittering and chattering; telling me off!
I never touched his bedroom again!
We moved his home around the place as
It did get rather smelly (even with the kitty-litter)
And as you could guess; it was me who did the cleaning!

One night as Shelley was going to bed
He jumped up onto his tissue box and started chatting
Like he was lonely and wanted attention!
He stood up on his hind legs; like he was begging!
Shelley brought him in and told me of his plight
So I played with him for a while that night!
He let me handle him; no worries!
He loved to eat walnuts and almonds
The occasional pieces of carrot
And sometimes fruit and birdseed too!
He had a pretty good diet!

One day the door was left open
Kairi the cat got inside the house
She was out to eat him
As they played Cat and Mouse!
Kairi knocked off the protective screen
She was in that cage; after his life!
Rupert was saved by those tunnels
As he ran and dodged for his life!
He lived to tell the tale; thank God!

He lived and played and went with us to camp
Up in Macclesfield; quite happy in his transportable cage!

All was well until Shelley gave him a piece
Of Tim Tam biscuit; as a treat!
He started scratching all over
Losing his fur and going all red
He scratched so much he hurt his eye
It was awful to see him thus!
He lost his sight in one eye and was so sick!
Than damned chocolate biscuit!
Took his life! Though I prayed and prayed!
For the dear Lord to heal him
In the end; I could see that nothing could mend him
So I begged the Lord to let my little pet go!
Though I cried and cried; it hurt me so!

One day he got out of his cage
Don't ask me how, because I don't know!
How come he never escaped before this time?

I found him lying on the floor
He was wet and slobbered on
Like some one had grabbed him and then let him go

We had two little dogs called Amy and Kia
Neither of them would confess to the crime
I am not lying!

I was just relieved that my little Rupert
Was no longer in pain!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

My Lord's Love is Light

Love is light, love is power
I have the love of my dear Lord
His love is my power!
I keep my body as His Temple
I keep my Lord's home pure and clean
What I put into this body
Changes how I think and feel; all right!
What I allow my mind to think
Changes how my body feels
My positive reactions
To all that happens daily
Keeps me spiritually strong and sure
My Lord's influence keeps me pure!
Dear Jesus; Light of all the world
Has freed me from my burdens
His yoke is easy; my burden is light
His rules and regulations
The Ten Commandments
Are a guide unto my feet and heart
They are not there to make it harder
They are given with such love; insight!
He knows before I do it
He knows how I will feel
He shows me how to react
He shows me how to be!
He knows I'll feel bad if I take
Something that's not mine to have
He understands my workings
He instrumented the blueprint
From His divine plan!
So why shouldn't He give us the guide book?
The workings of the man
To be used to guide and forgive me
Should I wander from His plan?
That is what these guidelines are!
They are the technical workings 
Of all of me and my fellow man
Given by the manufacturer
Given to be used for our upkeep
For our servicing and care!
Given by my Maker
Given with great love
To keep me working stronger
As I tread the path ever upward
Toward my greatest goal!
Thank you Lord for being my guide
Thank you Lord for loving me
Thank you Lord for saving my life
Thank you Lord for giving life
Where before there was nothing
From ashes I was born
Like the phoenix arising
From the dust of yesterday's morn
Oh Lord; You are my guiding light
Oh Lord; You are my all!
I long to be bathed with Thy grace
I long to see Thy loving face
But knowing this: I would never be
Able to see Thy countenance!
In the brightness of Thy light and power
I would be as dust again; right there!
For You; Lord know!
More than I could ever learn
Yet still I long to see You!
Long to be; beside Thy feet
Forever; like a little child
Looking up at Thy dear face: eternally!

Wedding Belle Blues

So will you marry her Drew?
You love her and she loves you!
You know you found your soul mate!
You know that she'll be true!
Will you marry her Drew?
From the first; I already knew!
That first time that I met her!
I was sure she was for you!
I felt the connection with her!
Like I'd known her forever!
Just like I've known you!
You know I believe that
Things happen for a reason!
For you; I just knew; she was the one!
And forever she's the one!
To your moon; she is the sun!

(Bianca was at Nana's funeral
She felt and acted more like family
Than the real nieces and cousins
More like a true sister than the others
We bared our souls to each other
Like I've done with no other!)

Save our bees

I put a cork into the dog's water dishes
To save those thirsty bees when they fall in
I fill those pots up regularly
In case the Roos get thirsty too!
The Willy Wagtail comes around
To have a little drink but
He he doesn't trust those cats
He goes to another dish for his sip of drink!
He's too smart for those cats; don't you think?
He perches on the bucket's edge
He jumps around and looks about; many times
Before he gives in to his thirst
Then he does it all again; before another sip!
I've seen him do his dance along the bucket's lip!
Today is warm and sunny; lots of bees about
I went to have a quick look
Found lots of bees in the drink!
I put my fingers in to give them a boost out
But I did it way too quick:
You could have heard me shout!
I got a stinger; in my finger!
Boy did it sting! Raced inside to fix it up
With raw onion's juice; soothing; easing it
Nature's way of helping out; if you know the drill?
Now it feels a little stiff; if you get my drift?
Almost like the numbness of a severed nerve!
At least it will improve!
I'm sorry little bee; I didn't mean to make you sting!
I only wanted to help a bit; not to make you die!
Four other bees are flying now; up in the deep blue sky!

Love is Light (10/11/11)

Love is light
Surely that's right
Love is more powerful
Than any two-edged sword!
Love is what rules
Up in heaven and here on earth
Love for our bodies: the Temple of Christ!
Love for our neighbour
Our Lord's decree
Love for our earth
In this we must all agree!

Fox on the Run

There's a fox living in the paddock
I heard a noise beneath the shed
I saw her bushy red/black/white tail
As she scrambled out and fled
Old Red is gone; buried near at hand
His memories still right here
Among the many in my head
Though his home has fallen down
That's where she's made her bed!
I've heard her crying in the night
Eerily: her voice;  baying at the moon
Like she's calling for her long lost mate
Begging him to comeback soon
Kia and Amy often beg for release
To run outside and bark at night
Though they're often chasing Roos
'Tis only now I see the light
It's the vixen they've been answering
As she howls and cries out loud
Hers; the voice they're hearing
In that pale, lonely, cold moonlight!

Free Will

Free will; free choice
Listen to that inner voice
You can do what you want
But you will have to pay the price!

Dreamscape (18/9/12)

I am flying through the air
I am the commander of the Dragon Guards
We are the only buffer between the earth and war
We fly about; scanning for foes
Over water and lands we fly!
The battle rages everywhere!

In the beginning; we were hiding
Trying to escape our foes
We were digging in; subterranean vaults
Our hiding places were so good
We were never found!
Not for many years!
Then; only our bones were brought to light!

Now we're back in action
In the present; but what date? I don't know!
I know I'm dreaming: I look at my hands
I hold them up before my eyes
I can see my hands; though they look odd!
Cracked and covered in blood
Why am I doing this?
Nobody ever sees their hands in their dreams!
It's a long desired attribute
Shamans tricks to control their dreamscapes!

I continue to look at my hands
I am amazed that I can control my dream
I am flying through the air
In my spaceship: we pursue our enemies
We shoot them own and keep on shooting
Guns blazing: rockets roaring!
We are winning the war!
Success is ours and we are jubilant!


Blessings in showers of 
My Lord's divine powers
Ready, willing and able
To have faith and be able
To listen and understand
To take my dear Lord's hand!

Beautiful Spring

Enjoying the beautiful weather
The beautiful sunshine
Azure skies without a cloud
Brightness and beauty all around!
I see birds having fun
Flying in and out; chasing each other; in the sun!
The swallows are so cute and sweet
As they fly about!
Saw a hawk diving down
To catch a bite to eat!
Sometimes I wish I could flit and fly about
To see what it looks like from so high above!
I really would like to fly; in beauty; like a dove!

100 words about my almond tree

My almond tree; my world!
No cubby houses in the 1960's
Spent many glorious hours up there; pretending!
I had the best life in the world!
I was a sea otter; carrying rocks up; to crack my almonds!
I was Mowgli in the Jungle Book!
I was Rapunzel;  in her amazing tower!
I was a princess; in her fantastic castle!
In the fresh air and sunshine; I was happy to make believe!
My daughter and now; my grandsons
Climb up our imaginary ladders
To find ourselves living out our happy, imaginary existence!
Up in our favourite almond tree!

Buddleia Ballerina (15/10/12)

The skies are grey and overcast
But the sun has not shined her last
It's just another different day
Nature's vagaries at play
A tiny movement's caught my eye
The buddleia's leaf; spinning round
The slightest breeze; sends it pirouetting
Suspended by a silken web
The owner's not around right now but
I owe her a debt anyway
Such precious creatures hide away
From man's ever critical eyes
We see beauty where we find it
Maybe not as we expect
For God does not think as we do
He has much greater plans
We are drifters on His magnificence
We are specks of dancing sand
Like feathers falling from the skies
Pulled hither and thither by His mighty will
We are of such little consequence
In this massive world of ours
Yet He; guides and loves us still!


Driving along the free-way; heading for the city
With my girl and her two little boys
Chatting of our lives; the sorrows and the joys
Saw what I thought was a shooting star
Just as we were sitting there in that darkened car!
Then I realized I was wrong; as this attitude was so strong
Speeding fast; across the dark night sky
Among the wispy clouds; up high
Then slowing quickly; almost to a stop
Before disappearing; within a second's pace
Orange coloured globe up in the dark night sky
What did my eyes espy?

 (9:05pm Monday 22nd October 2012)

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Four Hearts

Sitting outside in the afternoon sun
Needed some Vitamin D; and fun!
Tried to read but my mind wouldn't fly
Too much pain for me to even try!
Poor muddled head and sinus' clogged
Needed to breathe and sample the air
Laying right back in my beanbag chair
I asked the dear Lord to help me now!
As I pulled on my hat and enjoyed the clouds
The high winds pushed and pulled them about!
The shapes they made were a spectacular feat!
I asked for a heart like months ago I got
A beautiful shape in heart and 'u'
The winds they moved and shaped them in
Until I could see the heart in the clouds
Then dear Lord; I asked out loud
"How about four hearts?"
I watched and waited and the clouds still moved
But the wind blew them off and no heart loomed
Than as I sat and my mind wandered off
I saw four hearts walking tall and proud!
Mama cat moved and walked right past
And behind her came the kittens at last
Three little kittens; yes: one, two, three
Cute little things as fluffy as could be!
The first was black and bigger than the rest
The second was tabby grey and tough and sleek
The third little one was a tiny tortoiseshell
They all walked so proudly after their mum!
Tails in the air and pleased as punch!
Mum had taken them out to have some lunch!
Now it was time to go and have their nap
Under the hedgerow and behind the tank
I watched and marvelled as they each
Made a little jump as they passed the little bump
And continued on as they moved
In the sunshine bright!
Thank you Lord for the four dear hearts
Thank for being in my life; a part
I love you dear Jesus for allowing me
To see and breathe and feel a part of it all
Thanks belong to You most of all
For loving me so much and showing me all!

Beware the evil wringer

Remember the old Hoover?
That washing machine of old!
It may have looked simple
In its pretty pink and white decor
But I was scared 'cause it was evil
That's what I thought!
It could be noisy and nasty
And eat up all your clothes!
It also ate your fingers
If you were the least bit unwary!
When it was time to use that wringer
Watch out clothes! Watch out fingers!
You're going to be wrung and squashed!
And mangled and wrangled
And if you didn't watch it
You'd be up to your wrist!
So quickly; it ate like a crocodile
Or maybe like some sucking
Giant leech or swamp monster
Just waiting all the while
And when chance came; it got you!
Dragged you in; until
It had you gasping and screaming
In its evil clutches; until the latch 
Released you; after mashing up
Your little hands and bones!
A veritable monster of ancient days!
My brother was bitten
And so was my best friend
Ended up in hospital
A plaster cast to help her mend!
Poor little bones and flesh
Poor little unwary child
Watch out! The monster is wild!

Hildegard of Bingen

Like a feather on the breath of God
Dear Hildegard; you surrendered
To His will and might were you
Like an eagle on a warm air current
You were content to simply be!
Like a tiny particle of dust
On this mighty earth - swaying
Floating in a place of warmth
Knowing not where you would land
But being blessed and all-seeing
By God's Holy flames upon your brow
His wondrous visions in your eyes
How I do envy you His presence
In your simple life and faithful heart!
I thank you for conveying
That dearest love from our Lord
To all mankind you were
The Sybil of the Rhine
Visionary; poetess and composer
Blessed in being able to be
Writing; seeing; hearing and knowing
All about our dear Lord

Ode to Diana Gabaldon

How do I thank thee; Diana of Gabaldon?
Let me count the ways!
I must thank you; again and again
For bringing mirth and chuckles by the ton
Your stories bring me to tears
They play upon my fears
They make me giggle; gloriously!
Sometimes even make me shout; with glee!
Dear Claire and Jamie; so complete
Such an awesome couple; so sweet!
The way they have to meet and then
They have to go away again!
I've read their story; several times; at least!
When I'm feeling down; I pick them up again
This must be: about the fourth time, you see
That I've found no better reading!
Then you know as well as I do
It won't be the last time!
No matter where I put it down
It's never with a frown!
I always marvel at how; you do; your characters endow!
I look forward to laughing out loud!
Trying not to be a gloomy cloud around my family
When times have made me feel so sad
I pick them up and find that I'm
Enjoying their company; even when they're bad!
I giggle and guffaw; I can't stifle any more
It's bursting from inside!
I find my mouth grinning wide!
As I imagine how; Claire and Jamie row!
So naturally and so neat; without even missing a beat
I am smiling and reading faster; as I go
I want to make it last longer!
I love the way they show how utterly complete
They are together; once they meet!
Your descriptions of their history
Will never be a mystery because you have made
Everything in every shade
So real and so alive; not any bit contrived!
I love the way her hair just curls up everywhere
So normal and so real!
Everything she feels; her little outbursts of words
Though hard to take; at first
Sit funnily and when she's angrier and then
Out it bursts again!
Jamie; so big and tall and strong
Just the perfect gentleman!
He loves with all his heart; right from the very start
His land is "all" to him
So hard to leave behind; but in the end it shows
How strong and good love grows
He is a farmer and a lord
Those two are never bored!
I've finished Cross Stitch, 
Dragonfly in Amber is done too!
Voyager my favourite; is tossed aside
After that bumpy ride; I'm halfway into the next
Drums of Autumn says the text
Can't wait to finish this!

Then it's on to The Fiery Cross
How many words you've written? 
How many words I've read
I've read them all and then read them all over again!

Can't wait for Bree and Rog to arrive
We're at that part right now
Their storm tossed ship did meet
With the shores of old USA
Can't write more; I have to read!
But I am looking forward to
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
And then An Echo in the Bone!

Friday, 12 October 2012

That darned apple

That darned apple keeps on popping up
And messing up my life
It always seems to come around
And causes so much strife!
That darned apple caused Eve 
So much torment and pain as well
Cos that evil snake tricked her
And now we're all headed for hell!
How come that poor apple
Always gets the blame?
When really; we are all wicked
But just don't want to take the blame!
You've heard that old saying:
"The apple doesn't falls far from that old tree!"
Well I guess they're right because
We are sinners all; we all fall short of the mark!
"Tis only through Jesus that we are saved at all!
He is the change we all need to be saved before the bell!

Confessions of a little girl

It's taken me many long years 
To open up my heart and let my Lord inside
I guess I was still that little girl
Trying to hide all my hurt inside!
I've finally got up the courage
To tell my tale at last!
Instead of letting it lay buried
Along with all my other stupid past!
My cousin didn't physically hurt me
But he did make me feel ashamed
He touched me and did things
That caused me to change; back then
Though I was but a little child
It made me dirty; different; from then on!
Told my mum and dad last year
Finally confessed and let it out!
Dad said: "What do you want me to do?"
My mum said "Why didn't you tell me?"
How could I answer them at all?
How does a 5 year old
(I think that's when it was.)
Tell her folks and explain it all
When she doesn't even understand!
How does she ask for help?
When she doesn't know how to ask?
How does she let it go?
How not to let it hide deep inside?
And like a cancer; let it grow?
That deep shame that doesn't fade
But lingers on and on!
Like a tattoo etched so deep!
Inside: where it coils; like a sleeping snake!