Be thankful for small mercies
Appreciate each and every day
For who knows what tomorrow brings
Who knows what is waiting in the wings
Of this massive stage...we call lIfe...
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Happy New Year 2015
A new day has dawned
A new year has spawned
Though life goes on
Each and every day
Without ceasing
Without increasing
Just being alive
Just seeing...feeling
Just knowing that it's all going
As our dear Lord has planned
Makes it wonderful
Makes it feel so grand
This life we are given
This breathing
Each and every day
Is a privilege
For though time escapes
Through that porthole
Into space
We who live by His grace
Must be ever thankful
Ever joyful
That we are here to live
For another day
Though we grieve
Though we hurt
It is through these life lessons
Through these many blessings
That we can surely see
That this life He bought
With his blood and tears
Are worth all the aeons
Of the pains we must concede
Just to be called
His people...His jewels
His children...His seed!
Fun and laughter
Ah the laughter and the fun
Spending quality time
With my daughters and son
The day has been a real laugh
The chuckles and madness
The joy and gladness
The best day I've had
In quite a while you know
Just goes to show you
Don't need to go far to
Share a few golden moments
Make some new memories
And see the blessings
That truly come to be
When you just spend time
With your close family!
Spending quality time
With my daughters and son
The day has been a real laugh
The chuckles and madness
The joy and gladness
The best day I've had
In quite a while you know
Just goes to show you
Don't need to go far to
Share a few golden moments
Make some new memories
And see the blessings
That truly come to be
When you just spend time
With your close family!
She thinks
she understands the whole
Bible by
merely reading through
How to
explain to her that
It is only
through extensive study
That anyone
will surely see
How God works
His miracles
On those who
truly want to be
disciples…His blessed people
And that it
is only through refining
constant prayer and belief
That truth
and understanding
Will come
into our hearts and minds
Will settle
in our souls…become our goal!
And that only
when we see
That it is
giving up self
That brings
us close to victory!
From a distance
I must love
you from afar
Stare at your
As I stare at
the stars
Knowing they
truly do exist
It’s just I
cannot touch you
Just like I
cannot touch them
Never the
less I reach out to them
With this
heart of mine
I yearn to be
among them
To fly up
into that azure sky
That changes
from day to night
Just as the
light changes
And I see
them sparkling
Where before
the sun shone
I know you
are waiting for me too
knowledge keeps me going
This calm
assurance within my heart
That tells me
it will all come to pass
Just as the
stars shine
Up there in
the massive Milky Way!
Perfection takes time
Yeah it’s
takes time!
As they say
“Rome wasn’t built in a
True love
doesn’t always run smoothly
In fact I
think it most definitely
Has to go
around a few huge bends
Before you
finally see
The strait
and narrow path
Has to go up
and down a few cliffs too
Before it
settles down
Be still and
know that God
Has all
things sorted
All things
work towards the good
As long as we
have faith
It’s too late
to turn back now
Please don’t
ever give up on me
I won’t give
up on you
He is with us
Guiding us
along this rocky road
He never
leaves us
We just think
He has
When we can’t
The other
Beside our
Damned if I do
I’m damned if
I do
I’m damned if
I don’t
Dear Lord,
help me
For I am lost
at sea
Feel like
there is no-one
Nothing left
for me
I cannot keep
on giving
Just to jeep
on living
Show me how…
Enlighten me…
I need your
My dearest
Right here
and right now!
In darkest night
In the
darkest night
When there is
no light
everything is too quiet
When I’m
surrounded by my fears
When dreams
escape into mist
I wonder if
you truly exist
Is this just
a dream?
Will I wake
and find that
I am lost and
all alone
Ah honey I am
so afraid
That all will
crumble and I will fall
That it’s all
just happening
In my mind:
these imaginings
That it’s all
been a crazy dream
everything I’ve hoped for
Is lost…is
Just like
Actions speak louder than words
God’s people
are called
To not only
make a difference
But to
represent the life of Jesus!
We are called
to be different in the world
Not only to present but also to represent
The life of
The world is
more interested in what we are
Rather than
what we can do or say
What we are speaks louder than what we say!
Before the
apostles could share the light of God
They had to become the light they were to share
These were
ordinary people whom God enabled
To do
extraordinary things
they went they were ridiculed
persecuted and physically assaulted
For their
beliefs: some were even put to death!
disciples “turned the world upside
Acts 17:6
A revival of
true godliness among us
Is the
greatest and most urgent of all our needs!
To seek this
should be our first work!
Every true
disciple is born
Into the kingdom of God
As a
He who drinks
of the living water
Becomes a
fountain of life
The receiver
becomes a giver
No sooner does
one come to Christ
Than there is
born in his heart
A desire to
make known to others
What a
precious friend he has found
In Jesus: the
saving and sanctifying truth
Cannot be
shut up in his heart!
Week of
prayer 2014
In the time
of the end
Every divine
Is to be
“We are to rebuild, repair, restore!”
Isaiah 58:12
Marriage and
the Sabbath
Are two
institutions that
Were created
at the beginning
For the glory
of God
For the
blessings of humanity
The two play
an important role
In the
process of restoring
The image of
God in humanity
This is why
Satan is constantly
subtle means
To undermine
their validity!
In today’s
The sanctity
of marriage
Is all but
Marriage as
an institution
Is being
rejected as unnecessary
And as being
out of date
Its original
format and purpose
Are perverted
The sacred
Of marriage
Is under
attack by Satan
Because it is
a foundation
Upon which the
And society
are founded
By precept
and example
The remnant
people of God
Are called to
The original
purpose of marriage
institution for life
Between one
man and one woman!
In the time
of the end
“The Sabbath question
Is to be the issue
In the great final conflict
In which all the world will act a
When the
majority chooses
To worship
what is created
Rather than
the Creator
We should
remind our fellow humans
Of the
memorial of creation
The sign
between God and humanity:
The Sabbath!
prophecy indicates
That Satan
will use both political
ecclesiastical power
To impose the
Of the first
day of the week
In place of
the seventh day
Knowing his
time is short
The devil is
at work day and night
To deceive,
if possible
Even the
The mission of healing
During His
Jesus devoted
more time
To healing
the sick
Than to
Wherever He
The tidings
of His mercy
Preceded Him
missionary work
Is the
pioneer work of the Gospel!
As we come
closer to the end
The world
will experience
Greater will
be the need
For a correct
Of Jesus’
method’s of work
The remnant
should seek to gain
Knowledge in
So they can
meet the
needs of the people
Especially in
new missionary fields!
“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers
Raise the dead, cast out devils:
Freely ye have received: freely give”
Matthew 10: 8
Week of
prayer 2014
From Genesis
to Revelation
The Bible
teaches that
God, Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit
And the holy
Are actively
In the work
of redeeming the fallen
representatives on earth
Are invited:
not to be idle!
To join with
the heavenly intelligences
To become
actively involved as well
“Go ye into all the world and
Preach the gospel to every creature”
Marl 16:15
In one of His
“The Lord said unto the servant
Go out onto the highways and hedges
And compel them to come in
That my house may be filled”
Luke 14:23
Week of
prayer 2014
The greatest counsellor
God is very
much interested
In our
horizontal relationships
inter-human relationships
But also of
the vertical relationship
reconciliation between us
Between God
and humanity
For it is
only when that is right
That our
Among each
Can be right!
God has not
given up on us
It is our
iniquities: our sins that
separated us from our god
It is our
sins that have hidden
His face from
We must tell
of this possibility
We must
publish the truth
It must be
made known to all
That everyone
of this world
May open
again the shutters
Of their
hearts and
Feel the
secure embrace
Of the Lord!
Week of Prayer 2014
We live in a
world of broken relationships
scarred by bitterness…
hurt; friends falling out…
Parents and
children: hostile to each other
A reuniting
of those who are estranged
A ceasing of
hostility…of enmity removed
All things
are of God…
Who has
reconciled us unto Himself!
By Jesus
We are
ambassadors for Christ!
We must
preach reconciliation!
2 Corinthians
5: 18 - 20
Week of
prayer 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
One gift
Ever since the fall of Adam
The initiation of the sacrificial service
A provision has been made...
To reverse the effects of disobedience
The heart of God...
Yearns for His earthly children
With a love: stronger than death
In giving up His Son...
He has poured out to us
All heaven in one gift!
Week of prayer 2014
The initiation of the sacrificial service
A provision has been made...
To reverse the effects of disobedience
The heart of God...
Yearns for His earthly children
With a love: stronger than death
In giving up His Son...
He has poured out to us
All heaven in one gift!
Week of prayer 2014
It is high time: today!
To awake out of sleep
For now is our salvation
Nearer than when we believed
Please take action!
For the time is short!
Week of prayer 2014
To awake out of sleep
For now is our salvation
Nearer than when we believed
Please take action!
For the time is short!
Week of prayer 2014
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Angel flight
Fly angels fly up up up
Through the sky
To my love so far away
Fly angels fly up up up
I'll tell you why
He needs your help
Or he just might die
Please be quick my dear ones
Please take his hand
Hold him here on earth
His life: you know is planned
So please my dear ones
Take control and save his soul
Please I beg of you
Please save his life as planned
Through the sky
To my love so far away
Fly angels fly up up up
I'll tell you why
He needs your help
Or he just might die
Please be quick my dear ones
Please take his hand
Hold him here on earth
His life: you know is planned
So please my dear ones
Take control and save his soul
Please I beg of you
Please save his life as planned
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Darkness and distress
No matter the time of trouble
No matter the time of day
Oh Lord they fall and stumble
In this darkness: to their dismay
Oh Lord we need to be a light
We need to tell of all we know
For surely some will hear us
Surely some will then understand
The greater glory...the greatest story
The redemption of us all
The blessed Christ who died
The blessed saviour
The purest lamb...our all!
Who sacrificed for me and you
Yes He gave His life upon that tree
So that all mankind could be free!
No matter the time of day
Oh Lord they fall and stumble
In this darkness: to their dismay
Oh Lord we need to be a light
We need to tell of all we know
For surely some will hear us
Surely some will then understand
The greater glory...the greatest story
The redemption of us all
The blessed Christ who died
The blessed saviour
The purest lamb...our all!
Who sacrificed for me and you
Yes He gave His life upon that tree
So that all mankind could be free!
Friday, 26 December 2014
I would fall upon the Rock
I would be broken
I would give up this: my life
I would yield up this token
I would be made anew
I would be reshaped and remoulded
For my Lord it is only you
Who was willing to do for me
All that was necessary
All that was needed
So unto you my dearest Lord
I give up my self-will
I give up all that I am
I pray that you might find me here
Worthy of all you had forsaken
I would be broken
I would give up this: my life
I would yield up this token
I would be made anew
I would be reshaped and remoulded
For my Lord it is only you
Who was willing to do for me
All that was necessary
All that was needed
So unto you my dearest Lord
I give up my self-will
I give up all that I am
I pray that you might find me here
Worthy of all you had forsaken
He sets me free
The sea is so blue tonight
A peaceful, serene dark blue
Calmness descends upon me
As I listen to the crashing waves
The breezes are cool...almost cold
And yet it is a wonder to behold
From this cliff top eyrie I survey
The land around this bay
Then as I turn to look
Out to sea again: I feel
Connected to my dearest Lord
Here we are together inHis nature
Here we may talk and be free
No words need to be uttered
No human words would suffice
For here we may commune in nature
Here upon this cliff top
I am close to Him who made me
Here I am closest to my Lord
Who saved me...who sets me free!
A peaceful, serene dark blue
Calmness descends upon me
As I listen to the crashing waves
The breezes are cool...almost cold
And yet it is a wonder to behold
From this cliff top eyrie I survey
The land around this bay
Then as I turn to look
Out to sea again: I feel
Connected to my dearest Lord
Here we are together inHis nature
Here we may talk and be free
No words need to be uttered
No human words would suffice
For here we may commune in nature
Here upon this cliff top
I am close to Him who made me
Here I am closest to my Lord
Who saved me...who sets me free!
Testimony of time and love
God wants me to tell
Of what He's done for me
To be a shining light
To lead others to Him!
My testimony...
That no matter how low we feel
No matter how far we have fallen...
He is always with us!
He is...
The sunlight through the clouds
The birdsong in the trees
The peace like a river that fills us
This is my duty...
This is what we all must do
Pray constantly for the latter rain
Human to human...
Tell what my Lord has done for me!
No matter what we are, what we have done!
No matter where we have wandered
He accepts us as His children
The inheritors of His kingdom!
Each of us must share our testimony
Tell of His good works in our lives...
Tell of His soon coming...
The bridegroom returns soon
And we must be ready...
We cannot help open the path
If we have no lights
Too many with their pointless existence
But we must try
For how will they know?
Unless we warn them?
Unless we show them?
Something we do today
May be just the thing
That sets them on the right path
Later on: tomorrow!
Some word, some action
No matter how insignificant
Might be the catalyst
The yeast that makes it all rise
To help them see...
He is working with us: in us
But we need to do the talking
Sowing the first seeds
Our Lord will do the rest!
He is after all
The author and finisher of our faith!
He is able to make us
Succeed if that is His choice
Which it is!
We must have faith to go about
Bringing about the final result
The harvest!
Of what He's done for me
To be a shining light
To lead others to Him!
My testimony...
That no matter how low we feel
No matter how far we have fallen...
He is always with us!
He is...
The sunlight through the clouds
The birdsong in the trees
The peace like a river that fills us
This is my duty...
This is what we all must do
Pray constantly for the latter rain
Human to human...
Tell what my Lord has done for me!
No matter what we are, what we have done!
No matter where we have wandered
He accepts us as His children
The inheritors of His kingdom!
Each of us must share our testimony
Tell of His good works in our lives...
Tell of His soon coming...
The bridegroom returns soon
And we must be ready...
We cannot help open the path
If we have no lights
Too many with their pointless existence
But we must try
For how will they know?
Unless we warn them?
Unless we show them?
Something we do today
May be just the thing
That sets them on the right path
Later on: tomorrow!
Some word, some action
No matter how insignificant
Might be the catalyst
The yeast that makes it all rise
To help them see...
He is working with us: in us
But we need to do the talking
Sowing the first seeds
Our Lord will do the rest!
He is after all
The author and finisher of our faith!
He is able to make us
Succeed if that is His choice
Which it is!
We must have faith to go about
Bringing about the final result
The harvest!
Praying for love
I would like...a God-fearing man
With a sense of humour
Is that too much to ask?
Would that be such a task?
There are so many things
That I long for...
Handsome, happy, hard-working!
Loves kids and animals
Knows how to have some fun
Enjoys the simple things in life
Holding hands...a walk in the park
Listening to God's nature all around
Someone who really sees me
Someone who understands
My work for The Lord...
A dark skinned Amerindian
Dark hair and eyes...Latino?
I don't know!
God only knows: for I asked it of Him!
He answers prayers!
"I asked for someone musical
I asked for someone with whom to share
I asked for a love unlike any other
I asked and thus I know it is there!"
These words I wrote in "Seeking Solace"
About 2 months ago
I guess it takes a little while...
For all these things to fall into line
Time and distance to overcome
But all these things work as God designs!
I would love to have a companion
Someone who can be strong...
When I am not...
Someone to travel with me
Along this rocky road of life
To where ever I must go!
Like Orpah said to Naom
In bygone Bible days
"Your God will be my God
Where ever you go I will go!"
With a sense of humour
Is that too much to ask?
Would that be such a task?
There are so many things
That I long for...
Handsome, happy, hard-working!
Loves kids and animals
Knows how to have some fun
Enjoys the simple things in life
Holding hands...a walk in the park
Listening to God's nature all around
Someone who really sees me
Someone who understands
My work for The Lord...
A dark skinned Amerindian
Dark hair and eyes...Latino?
I don't know!
God only knows: for I asked it of Him!
He answers prayers!
"I asked for someone musical
I asked for someone with whom to share
I asked for a love unlike any other
I asked and thus I know it is there!"
These words I wrote in "Seeking Solace"
About 2 months ago
I guess it takes a little while...
For all these things to fall into line
Time and distance to overcome
But all these things work as God designs!
I would love to have a companion
Someone who can be strong...
When I am not...
Someone to travel with me
Along this rocky road of life
To where ever I must go!
Like Orpah said to Naom
In bygone Bible days
"Your God will be my God
Where ever you go I will go!"
Prayer of thankfulness
Thank you for helping me today
For guiding me
Away from despondency
For leading me into this discussion
You have lifted up my eyes
Unto my dearest Lord
You have helped me see
That though I falter
Though I fall
There us a much higher goal
Along this path that leads to my Lord
This is the gift of God
To bring two people together
That they might lift each other up
In times of trouble!
For guiding me
Away from despondency
For leading me into this discussion
You have lifted up my eyes
Unto my dearest Lord
You have helped me see
That though I falter
Though I fall
There us a much higher goal
Along this path that leads to my Lord
This is the gift of God
To bring two people together
That they might lift each other up
In times of trouble!
Lighten my load
My God is always with me
He carries me when I cannot go on
Like He is right now...I ask it of Him
The pain does not completely go away
But He lightens my load...just a little
Just enough to make it bearable...
I can hear all the laughing...having fun
But I cannot join mind is not right
Not quite!
I just want to be alone...
I don't want to let them...
See me last night...
I know it's silly but that's life!
I need to...
What do I need?
I need to search inside...
My soul...
What will make me feel better?
I must contemplate this life
That God has given me...
Seek and ye shall find!
That's the beautiful story
That is what God would have me decide!
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
I want...I need
It's driving me crazy
Though I fought against it
Something happened and
Now it's like a dam has burst
And I cannot plug the massive tide
That has opened up!
Am I making any sense at all?
I will wait forever if I have to!
But oh Lord it hurts
This loving you
My heart is fit to burst
With thoughts of you
Oh please come back
Don't go
Don't leave me yet
I'm crying over you!
It's driving me crazy
Though I fought against it
Something happened and
Now it's like a dam has burst
And I cannot plug the massive tide
That has opened up!
Am I making any sense at all?
I will wait forever if I have to!
But oh Lord it hurts
This loving you
My heart is fit to burst
With thoughts of you
Oh please come back
Don't go
Don't leave me yet
I'm crying over you!
I am scared of...
What am I scared of?
I am scared that you won't...
Like what you see...
I am scared of...
Losing you...
I am scared of what is to come...
The future of this earth...
The destruction to come...
But I will face it...
If you are beside me!
I'm scared of leaving...
Everything that I know...
I am scared of...
The new life that I yearn for...
With you...
But I will face that too...
With you beside me!
I feel like I am deserting my family...
Because I want to be with you so much...
I love them too...
But I love you like oxygen...
I can't explain but...
I hope you understand...
I am torn...
I was hoping you'd help me...
Reassuring me with your love...
Your words...your love...
Oh God it hurts so much...
To be in love with you!
But I cannot stop these feelings...
From escaping through my eyes!
Through these tears that flow...
This pain Inside my heart...
This longing to be held...
Within the safety of your arms!
Please tell me you love me...
Tell me everything will be alright!
What am I scared of?
I am scared that you won't...
Like what you see...
I am scared of...
Losing you...
I am scared of what is to come...
The future of this earth...
The destruction to come...
But I will face it...
If you are beside me!
I'm scared of leaving...
Everything that I know...
I am scared of...
The new life that I yearn for...
With you...
But I will face that too...
With you beside me!
I feel like I am deserting my family...
Because I want to be with you so much...
I love them too...
But I love you like oxygen...
I can't explain but...
I hope you understand...
I am torn...
I was hoping you'd help me...
Reassuring me with your love...
Your words...your love...
Oh God it hurts so much...
To be in love with you!
But I cannot stop these feelings...
From escaping through my eyes!
Through these tears that flow...
This pain Inside my heart...
This longing to be held...
Within the safety of your arms!
Please tell me you love me...
Tell me everything will be alright!
I want to feel again
I want to feel alive again
I want to feel love again
I need you my love
I need to be with you
Cos I can't bear this
Any more...
I want to feel alive again
I want to feel love again
I need you my love
I need to be with you
Cos I can't bear this
Any more...
A grain of sand
Though I slip
And though I fall
You've taken my sin
Paid my price
And all in all
What have I got
To be sad for?
I hear these waves
Crash upon this shore
I understand
How it all works
It's just that I'm
A grain of sand
Nothing more
There are so many others
Worse off than me
But still it hurts
Still it pains
This human heart
To be alone
So as I cry
My salty tears
As I deliver
Up my fears
I give to you
All that I am
All this weakness
Here within me
I surrender up
To you my Lord
This life to you
That you would please
Deliver me
Save my soul
Give me peace
Take control
For I would be
The one you choose
To be a light
To be a source
Of peace and love
To all mankind
So fill me up
Send me forth
Guide me now
Prove my worth
What ever I have
I return to you
For saving me
Freeing me
From my life
Of iniquity
And though I fall
You've taken my sin
Paid my price
And all in all
What have I got
To be sad for?
I hear these waves
Crash upon this shore
I understand
How it all works
It's just that I'm
A grain of sand
Nothing more
There are so many others
Worse off than me
But still it hurts
Still it pains
This human heart
To be alone
So as I cry
My salty tears
As I deliver
Up my fears
I give to you
All that I am
All this weakness
Here within me
I surrender up
To you my Lord
This life to you
That you would please
Deliver me
Save my soul
Give me peace
Take control
For I would be
The one you choose
To be a light
To be a source
Of peace and love
To all mankind
So fill me up
Send me forth
Guide me now
Prove my worth
What ever I have
I return to you
For saving me
Freeing me
From my life
Of iniquity
Guiding light
Oh Lord please help me
Oh Lord please grant me
The courage to go on
The strength to cope
Oh Lord: my saviour
Oh Lord: my guiding light
Thank you for the peace
That you give me tonight
For though I stumble
Though I slip and fall
You are right beside me
You're at my call
I know that all things come
To those who wait
But sometimes it's just
Too hard to fight
Sometimes this human heart
Just cannot do what's right
Forgive me Lord
For faltering now
Please give me strength
And I know somehow
I'll get to the other side
I'll see the light
That shines so bright
It comes from you
When darkness falls
To guide my feet
To guide my heart
Along this rough path
Along this winding road
And I know that all along
You've carried me
When I can't move...
Oh Lord please grant me
The courage to go on
The strength to cope
Oh Lord: my saviour
Oh Lord: my guiding light
Thank you for the peace
That you give me tonight
For though I stumble
Though I slip and fall
You are right beside me
You're at my call
I know that all things come
To those who wait
But sometimes it's just
Too hard to fight
Sometimes this human heart
Just cannot do what's right
Forgive me Lord
For faltering now
Please give me strength
And I know somehow
I'll get to the other side
I'll see the light
That shines so bright
It comes from you
When darkness falls
To guide my feet
To guide my heart
Along this rough path
Along this winding road
And I know that all along
You've carried me
When I can't move...
Kiss away my tears
I feel so alone
I need you now
To kiss away my tears
To talk away my fears
Please save my life
Tell me it'll be alright
Tell me that you care
Tell me it'll be okay
This life's not fair
But if I know you'll be there...
I need you now
To kiss away my tears
To talk away my fears
Please save my life
Tell me it'll be alright
Tell me that you care
Tell me it'll be okay
This life's not fair
But if I know you'll be there...
Pleasure and pain
There are lovers in the car
In front of me...I envy them
They have each other: tonight
They have the comfort
The knowledge of being close
They have their senses: alive
They have the pleasure
I have the pain!
I thought I could
I thought I could
Cope with this pain
But tonight...I've had enough
Can't stop these tears
Can't pretend any more
I'm not okay...I am a mess
And I need you so much
God help me please
When will this hurting stop?
I've got to leave
Got to get away
Heading to the beach
Try to find some peace
I just cannot watch
Everyone having fun
I just can't pretend
That I'm okay
Oh Lord I'm lost
Please show me how
To save myself
To let it go
I hear the waves
Upon the beach
I know you're here
Within my reach
And finally as I sit and cry
The peace descends
I find a way
To see the light
Of another day...
Cope with this pain
But tonight...I've had enough
Can't stop these tears
Can't pretend any more
I'm not okay...I am a mess
And I need you so much
God help me please
When will this hurting stop?
I've got to leave
Got to get away
Heading to the beach
Try to find some peace
I just cannot watch
Everyone having fun
I just can't pretend
That I'm okay
Oh Lord I'm lost
Please show me how
To save myself
To let it go
I hear the waves
Upon the beach
I know you're here
Within my reach
And finally as I sit and cry
The peace descends
I find a way
To see the light
Of another day...
Can't take any more
There comes a time
When it's all too much
There comes a time
When you've had enough
When the tears do flow
They just won't stop
When it's just too much
The pain won't go
It seems too hard
To just go on
Oh God it's now!
I've had enough
Please help me now
Please lift me up
Cos I just can't cope
I can't pretend
That it's okay
I can't live like this
I'll let you know
Lord I can't go on
I've had enough
Please take this cup
Please save me now
God please...please
Take this heart
Please dear Lord
I give it up
Help me now!
When it's all too much
There comes a time
When you've had enough
When the tears do flow
They just won't stop
When it's just too much
The pain won't go
It seems too hard
To just go on
Oh God it's now!
I've had enough
Please help me now
Please lift me up
Cos I just can't cope
I can't pretend
That it's okay
I can't live like this
I'll let you know
Lord I can't go on
I've had enough
Please take this cup
Please save me now
God please...please
Take this heart
Please dear Lord
I give it up
Help me now!
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Merry Christmas 2014
In this crazy world of ours
I pray that it will be
A safe and blessed Christmas
A peaceful, fruitful time
A meeting of families and loved ones
Enjoying the festive season
Appreciating all the wonder
All the miracles that abound
At this giving time of year
Remember to share the love
Remember to be thankful
Remember that is because of Jesus
That we have the best gift
That of eternal life: to look forward to!
I pray that it will be
A safe and blessed Christmas
A peaceful, fruitful time
A meeting of families and loved ones
Enjoying the festive season
Appreciating all the wonder
All the miracles that abound
At this giving time of year
Remember to share the love
Remember to be thankful
Remember that is because of Jesus
That we have the best gift
That of eternal life: to look forward to!
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Ah love: I keep sighing
Great breaths of air
Escape my lungs
Like I cannot get
I miss you so much
When we're not connected
Even if it's just by
A transparent link
A gossamer ribbon
A moonbeam...
Great breaths of air
Escape my lungs
Like I cannot get
I miss you so much
When we're not connected
Even if it's just by
A transparent link
A gossamer ribbon
A moonbeam...
Wishing and hoping
I'm wishing and hoping
You are here
To talk to me
To be with me...
To love me...
To kiss me...
Why am I crying over you again?
Why does it have to hurt so much?
Why does life have to be such a bitch?
Please come...
I need you...
Scared of change
I can't help it...
I'm scared of change...
I am afraid you will see...
This outer shell...
And not recognise...
The inner me...
I know I'm being ridiculous...
But I love you so...
Can't bear the rejection...
You understand this fear...
I hope...
I've carried it all my life...
Like a shadow...
I've never felt like...
I deserved your love...
Or anyone's for that matter...
Ah honey...
These tears...
Escape from my eyes...
Sneak down my face...
I love you so much...
It hurts...
Pray for me...
Help me...
I'm drowning...
Save me...
I'm scared of change...
I am afraid you will see...
This outer shell...
And not recognise...
The inner me...
I know I'm being ridiculous...
But I love you so...
Can't bear the rejection...
You understand this fear...
I hope...
I've carried it all my life...
Like a shadow...
I've never felt like...
I deserved your love...
Or anyone's for that matter...
Ah honey...
These tears...
Escape from my eyes...
Sneak down my face...
I love you so much...
It hurts...
Pray for me...
Help me...
I'm drowning...
Save me...
Where are you?
Where are you my love?
I need to know
Before you go to sleep
Please talk to me my love
I need to hear your heartbeat
Across the miles
I need to hear you say
That everything will be okay
Where are you?
My everything!
Why aren't you beside me?
To love and guide me?
To kiss away my tears
To talk away my fears
Where are you when I need you?
Most of all
When I hunger for you
And everything you are to me!
Am I being punished?
For doubting?
For bring scared?
For my lack of faith?
Please talk to me...
Is this just a figment?
Of my imagination?
Why can't I see your face?
What happened to you today?
Are you okay?
You're fast asleep...
And I am all alone...
As always!
I need to know
Before you go to sleep
Please talk to me my love
I need to hear your heartbeat
Across the miles
I need to hear you say
That everything will be okay
Where are you?
My everything!
Why aren't you beside me?
To love and guide me?
To kiss away my tears
To talk away my fears
Where are you when I need you?
Most of all
When I hunger for you
And everything you are to me!
Am I being punished?
For doubting?
For bring scared?
For my lack of faith?
Please talk to me...
Is this just a figment?
Of my imagination?
Why can't I see your face?
What happened to you today?
Are you okay?
You're fast asleep...
And I am all alone...
As always!
Until I actually get to touch you...
You will remain a dream...
Until you are really here...
You will be my imaginary love...
My dream lover...
Until I can actually see you...
You will remain ...a shadow...
A wisp of reality...a hologram...
A ghost of your true self...
I will not believe it is true...
Until I feel your hand in mine...
Until I feel the touch of your lips...
Until I feel your warm embrace...
The glorious touch of your skin...
Upon mine...
Then I will believe!
You will remain a dream...
Until you are really here...
You will be my imaginary love...
My dream lover...
Until I can actually see you...
You will remain ...a shadow...
A wisp of reality...a hologram...
A ghost of your true self...
I will not believe it is true...
Until I feel your hand in mine...
Until I feel the touch of your lips...
Until I feel your warm embrace...
The glorious touch of your skin...
Upon mine...
Then I will believe!
Bring me back to life
Am I dreaming?
Are you real?
Do you truly exist?
Where are you my love?
Why aren't you next to me?
You are the reason I am so happy!
You are my dream!
You are the reason for my existence!
My every thought revolves around you!
My every breath is for you!
My heart beats for you!
My soul longs for you!
Without you...I am empty!
Please come soon...
And fill up this empty shell
Please bring me back to life!
Please breathe on me!
And keep me alive!
Please touch me to show me
I am truly alive
That I can feel
Are you real?
Do you truly exist?
Where are you my love?
Why aren't you next to me?
You are the reason I am so happy!
You are my dream!
You are the reason for my existence!
My every thought revolves around you!
My every breath is for you!
My heart beats for you!
My soul longs for you!
Without you...I am empty!
Please come soon...
And fill up this empty shell
Please bring me back to life!
Please breathe on me!
And keep me alive!
Please touch me to show me
I am truly alive
That I can feel
The hand we are dealt
I'm at the airport
Watching the planes landing
My thoughts are in the future
In some other place and time
Wondering about possibilities
Wondering about this: my life!
Does love come stumbling in?
Only once in a lifetime?
Or does it happen often enough?
To make us think we are lucky?
To make us feel we are blessed?
Are we ever truly happy?
Are we ever truly content?
With what we are given?
With the hand that we are dealt?
Do we have to compromise?
Do we have to be satisfied?
With the little pieces and accept?
That little is better than nothing?
That something is better than none?
For our Lord promises to give us
The blessings that we pray for!
The love that only He represents!
That unconditional love of our Father!
That God-given sacrament
When two are joined together
To live out their lives in love!
Watching the planes landing
My thoughts are in the future
In some other place and time
Wondering about possibilities
Wondering about this: my life!
Does love come stumbling in?
Only once in a lifetime?
Or does it happen often enough?
To make us think we are lucky?
To make us feel we are blessed?
Are we ever truly happy?
Are we ever truly content?
With what we are given?
With the hand that we are dealt?
Do we have to compromise?
Do we have to be satisfied?
With the little pieces and accept?
That little is better than nothing?
That something is better than none?
For our Lord promises to give us
The blessings that we pray for!
The love that only He represents!
That unconditional love of our Father!
That God-given sacrament
When two are joined together
To live out their lives in love!
Loving you is like...
Loving you is like...being a little kid
In a candy store!
Loving you is like...standing outside
During a powerful rain storm!
Loving you is like...being on the beach
On a beautiful summer's day!
Loving you is like...waking up and
Every morning is Christmas Day!
Loving you is like...sliding down a rainbow
And landing in the pot of gold!
Loving you is like...all the colours of the day
Sparking all around me!
Loving you is like...I've never felt before!
In a candy store!
Loving you is like...standing outside
During a powerful rain storm!
Loving you is like...being on the beach
On a beautiful summer's day!
Loving you is like...waking up and
Every morning is Christmas Day!
Loving you is like...sliding down a rainbow
And landing in the pot of gold!
Loving you is like...all the colours of the day
Sparking all around me!
Loving you is like...I've never felt before!
The weight of the world
Ah my love: I cried today
As I knelt in church to pray
For the weight of the world
Was heavier than I would want
And I could see no respite: no!
For several reasons those tears flowed
Yes they became a torrent
I cried for all the weak ones
I cried for all the sick
I cried for many members
Of my very own family too!
For the fact that they are lost in sin
And do not want to be saved!
I cried for my love so far away
I cried for I am undone!
I cried because of the Father
I cried because of the Son
Oh Lord you took my sins away
Gave me salvation in their stead
Oh how I cried to think of
These many wonderful blessings
That come to me simply because
Of the precious blood that you have shed
Oh Lord I asked for your compassion
I asked for peace of mind
I asked for understanding
To enlighten this tormented mind
Yet still I asked for blessings
Upon this head: bowed down unto you
That you continue filling up my cup
With precious words that I write
That I may continue my work with you
That I might be comforted by your might
I need your blessed strength oh Lord
Of myself I cannot ever succeed
It is only with you my dearest Lord
That I can ever hope to win!
As I knelt in church to pray
For the weight of the world
Was heavier than I would want
And I could see no respite: no!
For several reasons those tears flowed
Yes they became a torrent
I cried for all the weak ones
I cried for all the sick
I cried for many members
Of my very own family too!
For the fact that they are lost in sin
And do not want to be saved!
I cried for my love so far away
I cried for I am undone!
I cried because of the Father
I cried because of the Son
Oh Lord you took my sins away
Gave me salvation in their stead
Oh how I cried to think of
These many wonderful blessings
That come to me simply because
Of the precious blood that you have shed
Oh Lord I asked for your compassion
I asked for peace of mind
I asked for understanding
To enlighten this tormented mind
Yet still I asked for blessings
Upon this head: bowed down unto you
That you continue filling up my cup
With precious words that I write
That I may continue my work with you
That I might be comforted by your might
I need your blessed strength oh Lord
Of myself I cannot ever succeed
It is only with you my dearest Lord
That I can ever hope to win!
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Steady as a drum
My heart beats for you
It beats like a steady drum
Each breath I take
I take for your sake
Every glance I take at life
Fills me with love...
The fresh breezes in the trees
The salty tang of ocean waves
The glorious sunshine glows
And all of me just knows
All of this body and soul
Knows that you are my delight
And as I go about each day
My thoughts arise and I pray
That my dearest Lord
In heaven up above
Will grant us this time to love
Will grant us happiness and peace
Will grant us joy from up above
Will grant us so many blessed things
Yes: this I ask of Him, my love!
It beats like a steady drum
Each breath I take
I take for your sake
Every glance I take at life
Fills me with love...
The fresh breezes in the trees
The salty tang of ocean waves
The glorious sunshine glows
And all of me just knows
All of this body and soul
Knows that you are my delight
And as I go about each day
My thoughts arise and I pray
That my dearest Lord
In heaven up above
Will grant us this time to love
Will grant us happiness and peace
Will grant us joy from up above
Will grant us so many blessed things
Yes: this I ask of Him, my love!
I wish I was in heaven
Another day of waiting
Another day without you
Another day of hating
Being here without you
Oh honey I am sad
I wish it was easier
To stay happy
To stay glad
Missing you is the pits
I count the hours
Until I hear from you
And then the time
Simply escapes
And you're gone again
I wish I were in heaven
Up above
For there, there is no sadness
No death
Only our dear Lord's love!
Another day without you
Another day of hating
Being here without you
Oh honey I am sad
I wish it was easier
To stay happy
To stay glad
Missing you is the pits
I count the hours
Until I hear from you
And then the time
Simply escapes
And you're gone again
I wish I were in heaven
Up above
For there, there is no sadness
No death
Only our dear Lord's love!
The best I can be
I wish to be the best I can be
I hope to be the happiest I have been
I pray to be fulfilled beyond my dreams
I welcome the new me that arises
For though I am but a humble spirit
I want to be all you would dream of
I want to be everything possible
For my Lord. For you. For
me. For my family
Through the hours
Missing you through the hours
Counting the hours until we touch
Missing your words...
Yes it's true
Oh honey the days are longer
Without you here...but you know
The thing that makes me bear
The waiting: the commiserating
Is that you love me and want me too
Though I can hardly believe it's true
That one day soon we'll be together
Even if it's just for a little while
I hope for forever: eternity with you
So as I wait another long day
Dear, my thoughts and prayers
Are over there across the world
With you! Yes my love: with you
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