Wednesday, 31 August 2016

By His blood He claims us

I cried today; I'll not lie
The story was to cry for
A little boy was saddened
He'd practised all day
With that slingshot grand
But couldn't hit the target
As he returned to the farm
Grandma's pet duck was walking
He'd snuck right up behind him
Let loose that stone
The duck lay prone
Poor boy was disheartened
Ashamed to say 
He hid the dead duck
Pretended all was okay
And went on in to to dinner
Now his sister had seen his act
Took care to hold him near
"Remember the duck" 
Into his ear she whispered
Held his secret over his head
Whenever grandma wanted help
She volunteered her brother
Knowing he could not escape
That's how she kept him quartered
It took quite a few days 
Until he had had enough
And finally he confessed it
Grandma was kind to understand
She'd seen his little accident
Was watching from the kitchen window
Knew exactly what had happened
Wondered how long he'd allow
His big sister to chain him
"I forgive you my darling" 
Grandma replied
I was wondering just how long
You would allow her to tame you

Isn't this exactly the way
That Satan takes our freedom away
Holding our sins above our heads
Taking his word we are thus lead
Away from our Lord who loves us
Don't you know; He sees it all
Yet he loves us; though we fall
No need to hide our shame
For dear Jesus took our blame
On Calvary he died
'Tis by His blood He claims us

Footprints in the sand

Left my footprints upon the sand 
Turned around; thought
They looked so grand, until a wave
Came up; wiped them to nought
This is how our life must be
We walk; we laugh; we live
Like grains of sand beside the sea
We come; are gone again; I believe
In all the universe around us
Created by our dearest Lord
This blessed universe inside us
Upheld by His powerful word
In essence we remain
As the energy He made us
Until He comes again
And as His children He reclaims us

Friday, 26 August 2016

Yellow and green

Everything is spring coloured
All is yellow and green
Beautiful flowers strewn
Across the countryside
Everywhere I look
My senses are beguiled
Acacias; sour sobs; dandelions
Blossoms all a-flower
Beautiful blessings
After these August showers

Sunset over the Coorong

Glorious day trip
Wonderful car ride 
Along the Coorong 
Way down to Robe 
Great, loving company 
Fresh air as we drove
Darkness was falling 
As we got close to home 
Glorious sun was setting 
Clear skies regretting 
The end of another day 
Red gold orb was falling 
Colours; trend setting 
Ah Lord it's heart rending 
To the day; to say goodbye 
Good night dear creatures 
Love the blessed features 
Of this amazing Coorong

Day trip to Robe

Took a day trip to Robe 
A long drive along the road
The Coorong was amazing 
Watching the beautiful waters
As they flew past beside us
Few cars we met that day
Saw the glorious bush
Golden wattles; acacias
Blooming; beside man made trails
So many dead kangaroos
Wombats too; stiff and cold
No longer were they alive; bold
A lone deer eating green grass
The long paddocks teeming
Rabbits; emus; an echidna too
Kangaroos behind the trees
Watching us fly by; if you please
Kingston was quiet and peaceful
Cape Jaffa; too quiet; calm seas
Jetty empty; fishing vessels ashore
Cray season over; that's for sure
Boats high and dry; still for the months
Until it's time to set sail once more
Robe was so beautiful; Skies blue
Standing upon the limestone cliffs
Beside the light house; listening
Cool sea breezes; winter still holds
Sway; whether it's night or day
Crystal seas; hushed ocean waves
Reef beneath the limestone
Underscored by ocean caves
Pigeons and seagulls flying low
Know just where to go
Sheltered from the storms of life
Flying about in the "almost" spring
Settling in to roost; until it's time
To fly away; take to the azure skies
Soon enough; there'll be too many flies
Summer will return; our skins will burn

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Those three little words

You make me happy 
You make me sad 
With your sweet words
My darling lad 
You fill that void 
You make me smile 
When you express 
Those three little words 
Just saying "I love you"
While there is time 
Makes the world revolve 
Makes me hear bells chime 
So remember to utter 
Before it's too late 
Those three little words 
Please don't hesitate 

Saturday, 20 August 2016

When mercy no longer pleads

With unerring accuracy the infinite one
Still keeps account with the nations
While His mercy is tendered with calls to repentance
This account remains open...
But when the figures reach a certain amount
Which God has fixed...
The ministry of his wrath begins...
The account is closed...
Divine patience ceases...
Mercy no longer pleads in their behalf...

Review and Herald
June 3 1915

An earnest prayer

An earnest prayer offered up
From a sincere, contrite heart
Is of more value in God's sight
Than is eloquence of speech.
God hears every prayer
Offered with the incense of faith

Review and Herald
June 23 1903

The world beckons

Even while we are supposed to be asleep
The world beckons; wants to be seen
Though you want peace: solitude to keep
Messages light up your telephone screen

Friday, 19 August 2016

Just give a little

Just give a little
Just give a smile
Just give a little
And all the while
You will see that life
Is worthwhile
Those with very little
Are willing to share
Those who are hurting
Truly do understand
They know of your pain
Been there before you
Watched all along 
As you give a little
Give a smile
Angels are watching 
They see your trials


Scavenger; seagull
Flying around above
Seeking to find food
Anything will do
Swooping swiftly
Taking all it can
Stealing the crumbs
From the garbage can
Watching people eating 
Circled: down he swooped
Taking as much as he could
Before anyone could recoup

Lost but never alone

I've felt lost for quite a while 
Seem to have forgotten how
To be happy; how to be glad 
But now as I look around
I realise I have so very much
To be thankful for; here's the score
I have my beautiful children
My gorgeous grandchildren
My parents are still alive
Though they are not well
Many are worse off; what the hell
I am lucky to be alive
Lucky to have survived to a good age
Lucky to have good friends
Lucky to have a roof over my head
Lucky to have enough to eat
To have clothes to wear
A warm bed to sleep in
There are many on this earth
Who suffer pain from birth
Who go without so many things
Ah dear Lord you give me wings
I am thankful for all gifts you bring
Forgive me please for descending
For lacking faith; for sinking low
Help me; lift me up; grant me peace
I open up this heart and soul
Beg your forgiveness; beg for grace
To return to your dear side a pace
I cannot do it without your grace
Let me please see your glowing face

Thursday, 18 August 2016

My final destination

Location, location, location
Real estate sales destination
For me it is not even in the equation
I'd rather be free beside the sea
Wandering around: where-ever 
It's where my love is found
That's my final destination...

Encounters with angels

I've had many encounters 
With God's heavenly angels 
Ever since I was a little girl 
Many times I've felt them 
Knew they were right there 
Watching over me; protecting me
Saving me from my own stupidity 
I often wonder if I truly knew
Just exactly how many times
I have been saved from disaster 
By my guardian angels; my carers
Oh how many times I've imagined
Their faces as they watched me fall
Watched me tempt fate as I stumbled
Through this journey called "Life"
Just over a year ago they saved my life
I felt the tingle as they gripped my arm 
Warning me of danger up ahead
I slowed down and watched 
That massive truck come hurtling 
Through the hills; taking up 
Both lanes of that narrow bridge 
Thank you dear ones for saving me
Thank you Lord for your messengers 
Thank you Lord for loving me
Terrible sinner that I be...

The Rock

I was drawn to the rock 
Far below; it called out to me
At first I merely wondered
Could we climb down to see?
Yes! I dared to venture 
Closer and closer to the sea
Cliff tops blown by strong breeze 
Farther down we clambered 
Dared we make our way 
Right down that cliff face?
I said "yes please; indeed!"
Slowly; carefully we made our way
It was such a beautiful sunny day
Others had been before us; obviously 
Such an amazing feeling; you see
To be sitting there beside The Rock
Halfway to the top of The Bluff
Enjoying the amazing scenery
My climbing accomplice and me...

Old and new

The old is shrinking; waning 
Like a tired old moon
The new is changing; growing 
Like a colourful bloom 
One has to end 
For another to begin
Like a Phoenix ablaze 
Life begins again...

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Casting out demons

Overwrought by pain
Demons astir within
Can't breathe in again
Gasping to alive; remain
Suddenly he knows
This cannot go on again
Prays for some relief
Begs for sanity to claim him
She lays her hands down
Takes hold; exorcising
Angels in the room
Assist her in her work
She prays unto the Lord
Asks for power to overcome
This demon must be fought
Cannot be ignored
Cannot let it claim him
He cries out unto the Lord
The pain beyond belief
Allies; together they fight
Then; finally; comes relief

Cuddles and pillows

Cuddles and pillows
All gifts from above
From a little girl
So full of love
"I love you so much"
My precious Elfy says
As she gives me cuddles and
Puts more pillows behind my head


Hold me close
Tell me it's okay
Kiss my tired eyes
At the end of the day
Show me that you care
Say those three little words
I lay my heart bare
Grant you entry to my world

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Renew my hope

Renew my hope oh my Lord
Renew a right spirit within me
Cleanse my soul oh my Lord
Empty my heart of all my fears
Lift up my spirits oh my Lord
Take me up into lofty heights
I have been lost for long enough
I have turned away from thee
Have slipped into the very depths
Sadness has been my downfall
Disbelief my companion; yes
I have failed those around me too
Have given in to black despair
But a new hope is springing forth
Rainbow spreading across dark skies
For I know you are with me Lord
Your angels are near me still
And as I kneel and pray my Lord
Your answers to my questions will
Be given; I hear your blessed voice
"Fear not my precious daughter
Have courage; be strong; hang on
My hand is reaching for yours
My hand is extended in good will
I hear your prayers my daughter
I see your tears; know your pain
Please allow my strength to conquer
Your weakness I cover still
Know you are not forgotten
Peace comes to those
Who hear my voice still!"

Monday, 15 August 2016

Let's go for a little walk

Let's go for a little walk 
You said with a little grin
Let's take a little stroll
Let's enjoy this sunny day
Let's talk a little while  
As we eat up the miles

Along beside the river 
We took it slowly then
Until the path ran out
Up over the dunes we went
Bushes growing everywhere
Little creatures scurrying 

A few miles further on
We stood atop a hill
The view superb; air so fresh
Continued on until
We saw the Murray mouth
Red dredges in the stream 

Too far to continue on
Let's not be silly love 
Safety is paramount 
Let's not overdo it now
So we turned towards the sea
Great Southern ocean views

Met us as we found our feet
Wandering along a pleasant shore 
Too steep to climb on down 
Amazing how beautiful it was 
We wore great smiles not frowns 
Traversed the dunes along 

Finally we were back at the track
Leading to the car park 
Up over the boardwalk 
Along the lonely track 
We ran up the three steep hills 
Arriving back at last; my love 

I was glad to find that beast 
Old Lynny; the car; was waiting there
Thankful I was; to be sure 
For doldrums never come to those 
Who seek to find true peace! 
Walking for miles along life's shores

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Chasing the wind

So many live their lives
Chasing the wind
Without reason; without rhyme
I feel sorry for mankind
Always seeking; never finding
Those elusive things...
Goods and riches
Excitement; thrills
Taking drugs; popping pills
Many are injured; die; are maimed
Lying in ditches; poor wretches
Chasing the winds of time

Venom spewing forth

I heard a message on her phone 
I looked; thinking it might be 
Important; you see...
She doesn't know I read them
She doesn't know I've seen...
I can't believe the nasty...
Venom...that I've just read
What on earth is the matter?
With people...
So much pain and suffering
So much hurt; anguish
So many lying ill; dying 
Time is running out for us all
We have to love one another 
Not fill the world with more hate
Isn't there enough of that already?
God help us all...
I can't take it when people argue
I've had enough of all this hatred
Please, just let us love one another
Please dear Lord come soon 

Monday, 8 August 2016

Salty droplets

Droplets of water 
Salty little tears 
Flow freely from within

Making tracks 
Just as they ought to
Right down to my chin

It's simple to understand 
The salty little droplets 
Never come as planned 

They sneak out of our eyes 
They trickle slowly down 
Showing that hearts are breaking 

Showing that we really care 
That's why those salty droplets 
Escape our eyes; when we are unaware 

Please meet me in the middle

Please meet me in the middle
Please come and take my hand
I would be ever so happy
If you would only understand

Please accept my dedication
Please let me make my stand
I am here to stay forever
Just allow life to go on as planned

Please hear my voice whisper
Please read my lips and see
I offer up this human being
I offer up all that I am; all that is me

Please hold me in your arms dear
Please hug me oh so close
Right here in your warm arms dear
I could lay for ever; satisfied; comatose

Please accept my contribution
Please take my very heart
I would stay with you forever
Never would we ever drift apart

When I was lost

When I was lost I was alone
Felt so very far from home
But as anyone could see
By those footprints beside the sea
Another actually walked
Right there beside me
Jesus carried me all along
I was weak but He is strong
In His arms I was lifted up
From down in that deepest
Darkest pit; He saw my tears
He cared for me...
Today I am again forlorn
My sadness comes
It will not go
In my heart I know it's true
Jesus knows my pain
I'm telling you
He sees my tears
Understands my fears
In His arms I am at peace
There; as I am carried
I find my sweet release
Thank you dear Jesus...
For still loving me

Whale watching

Been searching out whales
Waiting to share some smiles
I've seen dolphins and seals
Heard little children's squeals
On Sabbath I finally got to see
Some whales; amazingly...
Saw some waving fins
A blowhole; rising stream
Had my huge binoculars in hand
Watched from high upon the sand
It was such a blessed pleasure
To be sure; I loved it: want to see more
Please dear Lord I'd love to see
Many more whales over the years

Unravelling starting over

Half the blanket is unravelled
Half is still intact
I found a few different rows 
Weaker that the rest
Each time I pulled upon them
Each time any pressure came
It all fell apart within my hands
Guess it will never be the same
These broken lengths seem useless
They cannot be used again
Unless I tie them all in knots
Tie them up and tie them up again
My life is like unto this blanket
There are so many coloured rows
But now as I pull them all apart
This is how my story goes...
I can redo the whole blanket
I can go back to the very start
But in pulling it all apart
Guess I can start it all again
But this time I've learned my lesson
This time there will be no weaker link
I will discard the broken pieces
Use only the strongest, purest wool
Those pieces that do not break
At the very slightest pull
The colours are still the same
Dye lots and pretty colour scheme
But this time I'll change the rows
Add more variation
Add a few different purples; greens
Give it all a new life
A fresh look; brought back
Into this; my life; once again