Sunday, 25 September 2016

Meetings upon the path

Each and every day we walk
Upon this path called life
Hoping to find the very one
Who will take the chance
And love us all through this life
Some will come along
Maybe stay just a little while
Making our heart leap
Making us smile...
Happiness comas and stays
But soon enough it ends
Something wasn't quite right 
Perfection was not to be found
No blissful happy ending...
but one day the bells will chime
All fits together: love blossoms wild
Your soul mate comes to stay
Together you complete the puzzle
Like a jigsaw: every piece fits
It's easy to be together: in love
It's a blessing to be alive
With true love sent from above

Message from my Lord

Picked up my Bible
As I sat down in the pew
Asked the Lord for a message
Opened my Bible; Isaiah chapter 12
Read the whole chapter
It's like the Lord already knew
Just what I needed; yes it's true
I have felt lost and abandoned
Felt lonely; overcome; subdued
Yet as i look up and ponder
Who has left who?
I know it is I who have strayed
I; who have fallen short
Now as I read the message herein
My Lord welcomes me back home
His is the strength I feel within
As I draw from the well of salvation
I feel him looking on
Eyes shining brightly
As He welcomes me home again


Today my blanket was unravelled
I returned to that very beginning 
From almost 40 years ago
None of that old blanket remains
It became many balls of wool again
It was reborn...
It became a brand new blanket
Renewed; reused; re-crocheted
It's pattern is totally unlike the first
Yet has it really changed?
It is warm and inviting
It still does the job it needs to do
It is functional and has a purpose
Though the wool is old
It still retains its original colour
I might be getting old
But I am still useful
I am capable of many things
Inside; I still feel like a teenager
I might be wrinkled and look aged
But I still have feelings; needs; uses
I still need to feel loved and accepted
I still need to feel appreciated
I still need to do things; to feel alive
Just because we get older
Doesn't mean we are useless
We are simply reborn
Like the Phoenix of old
Reborn of our ashes
Renewed in spirit
Just as we will be
When Jesus comes again

Birthday and a funeral

Today my grand daughter turned 3
A blessing to be sure
A wonderful beginning; pure 
We're celebrating with a party...
Also today there was a funeral
To celebrate the life of another
A friend's mother; sadness reigned
85 years is a good innings
A long life full of blessings
Children, grand children,
great grandchildren
Being thankful that she lived
Now looking forward to another
Yet to come

Pickaninny girl

Each time I walk this path 
I feel you watching me
Little pickaninny girl
Little aborigine
I see your smile
I sense your presence
I see you standing there
I feel your very essence
Big bright brown eyes
Dark curling hair
Gorgeous happy smile
Freedom in your air
You run to greet me
Totally unafraid
But mother stops you
Mother calls your name
She stands behind you
Hand upon your shoulder
She looks a little timid
You are so much bolder
I know you lived here
Once upon a time
With your precious family
Long before my time

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Letter to my daughter

Heard a song upon the radio
By Allen Jackson; this is how it goes

Let my mistakes be your stepping stones
Walk upon the rocks I stumbled on 

Well dear girls I must confess
I made enough mistakes for us all
Please learn from my stupid choices
Please; all you girls; hear my voice; it's
Easier to watch another; whether sister
Your aunt; your dear old mother
Once we were young; just like you
We did our best; tried and tested 
Many things we did just the same
Silly things; we took the blame
But please listen; hear my plea
Don't do stupid things like me
Why not learn a thing or two
Why fall apart when there's no need 
So please don't cry about your lost love
Remember; another will come along
I know it hurts when your heart breaks
I've been there too: made my mistakes
If I could save you from pain and hurt
Then my confession: for all it's worth
Could save you from this disgrace
Save you from all the shame
Please: let me take that blame

Aerial acrobatics

Falcons, kites, birds of prey
Hawks and eagles; raptors too
How I love to watch all of you
Wondrous acrobatics as you fly
Each and every day in the countryside 
I look up and wonder what I will find
It's like we are related: I feel so akin
That I know I will find you flying
Up in that blue sky: there on a whim
Saw a magnificent brown hawk
Flying above us: swooping to show us
You are so amazing: I know you love us
It's like you love showing off
Our eyes are opened wide
At your aerial acrobatics shows

Once upon a time

Once upon a time
When I was so much younger
Lost; alone in this world
Its true; I was a loner
Introverted; shy and scared
Afraid to say boo
Look you in the face; never dared
Rather turn away from you 
The words never came 
Blushed red as beetroot
Tongue-tied; days were the same
Wish i had given a hoot 
But I was terrified of failure 
Wanted to sink into the ground 
Everything was difficult 
No matter who was around

Blood upon the floor

There's blood upon the floor
Emergency room; quiet; still
Doctor's gone; nurses too
Just machines; beeping
CPAP breathing...
I'm sitting here; watching you 
Bright red drops upon the floor 
Upon your nightie; once pink; too
X-ray machine has come and gone
Diagnosis; pneumonia; fluid too... 
How quickly life changes
Yesterday; we were laughing 
A little bit; imagine it... 
Today we're in Emergency
Ambulance: called; urgently 
I cannot leave you 
I prayed for you; dear mum
Asked God to hear my plea...
Your B P's gone down quite a lot 
Your hand feels warm to my touch 
Felt like crying; but; what's the use?
I have to be the strong one; no excuse!

70's reminiscing

My teenage brother
With his long, black hair 
Elvis like sideburns
Paisley shirts; bell bottom flares
My old Hillman Hunter
Grey and white; wood-grain dash 
Size 8 pinstripe flares 
Skinny little me; long dark hair
Discos in the Riverland 
Loud music thumping 
Out into the dark, summer air 
Teenagers dancing; jumping
Micro miniskirts
Lots of bare, suntanned skin 
Ah those long ago days 
When we were, young and thin

Walking back

Walking back from the hospital
Exercise; a release for my troubled mind
Sun was shining brightly
Flowers; blooming quietly
Purple blooms everywhere
No matter where I look; I find
Sunlight and shadows
Dear mum...
Thoughts of you fill my mind

Pink sunset

Glorious pink skied sunset
Along Christie's Beach
I felt the need to hear
Waves breaking: my peace
Returns as I behold
Beauty beside the sea
Huge orb; red gold
Sinking; slowly; peacefully
Into the pale pink sea