Never could I even hope to intrude
Upon her domain; until the time came
When she finally allowed us in
Finally; when she could no longer do
All those loving things; she used to
Finally; we were no longer told "no"
"That's not how you do it; like this!
This is how it should be done!"
When words were no longer forthcoming
And we were allowed control
That's when she was too ill; too old
Then; silently she endured; without a word
For "us" intruders; into her sacred world
Then; when she could no longer speak
And only then would she accept us; meek
Substandard doers; to care for her
To cook for her; wash for her
Do all those things; that only she could
Then and only then did she finally allow
Us; inferior human beings to do for her
Those things she could no longer do
When she was old; ill; bowed...
4th April 2019