Sunday, 27 June 2021


You make me sad when you say 
Hurtful things; nasty things
Uncalled for; unnecessary 
Unsayable things 
I know what you truly think
About me 
It hurts 

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Happy Birthday in Heaven

I’m missing you today mum 
I’m missing you so very much 
Haven’t heard your voice mum
Haven’t felt your loving touch 
Remembering your days on earth 
Especially today; on your birthday 
Recalling your favourites; your mirth 
There’s a couple of things I have to say... 

As I think about your life and your death 
You were there beside me all the way 
Thank you my darling for everything 
You were ever the busy worker 
Cooking, cleaning, making, baking 
Certainly you were no shirker 
Your hands were never idle...
No, not until your last days...

Happy birthday my sweet mum 
Up to heaven I send my love 
Miss you, send this kiss to you 
Hugs for you my darling...
My angel in heaven up above! 

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Memories of Dulcie Margaret Hunt

Flowers from Dulcie’s garden 
Roses; sweet and pure 
Memories of times shared 
These grow; endure 
Dulcie Margaret Hunt 
Born inthe Riverland; 1924
I met her in Goolwa 
Simply living next door...
Dear sweet old lady 
She was a pleasure to know 
The best homemade sausage rolls 
I ever had the pleasure to devour 
A gift for a little bit of help 
When she was in need too...
Delicious Anzac Biscuits 
Of these we ate quite a few 
For easing her burdens 
Whenever we could too...

It’s funny how things happen 
But this I promise you...
At Dad’s funeral in Berri 
I knew Dulcie was gone too! 
I don’t know how I knew 
But as I picked up that sausage roll
I dedicated it to you! 
I said “This is for you Dulcie!”
Shelley simply looked at me; surprised 
“What? You don’t eat sausage rolls!”
Thursday 12th October 2018

A few weeks later I met Lynne Robinson 
At the local shopping centre 
Another neighbour from the units 
She told me all about dear Dulcie 
How she’d had a terrible fall 
Was taken to hospital near her son
Down in Mount Gambier; South East 
That’s where dear Dulcie has passed 
Sometime in October 2018

Just the other day; I was thinking 
About dear Dulcie again 
Looked her up in Billion Graves 
A site that’s free to use...

Dear Dulcie Margaret Hunt (aged 94) 
Passed away on 6th October 2018 
The same day as my darling dad 
Something told me she was gone 
When we were celebrating dad’s life 
So in her honour...
I ate that sausage roll it’s true
Yes; sweet Dulcie Margaret Hunt 
Rest In Peace! Here’s to you! 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Continuing the pain saga 15 May 2021

After everything else I’ve had a CT scan. 
It shows osteophytes or bony growths on my spine at the spot where rib pain keeps coming back. Finally something has shown up! These bony growths impinge on my nerves when running etc. 

Ankylosing Spondylitis was mentioned...
I’ve already thought of this as my ankles always used to slip out of place whilst running. You’re running along and about to put your foot down but can’t because suddenly it’s not able to take your weight. You need someone to gently pull it back into position. Not much fun! (Now I can honestly say that I don’t get this anymore...since taking up running through the sand dunes I have strengthened my ligaments and joints.) 

Blood tests to check for the gene gave come back negative. Okay that’s good! I didn’t want it anyway! Lol! 

Also got tested for Thalassemia. People of Mediterranean heritage have this illness. Smaller red blood corpuscles, and less of them making oxygen uptake lower and exercise difficult. Negative also! 

I was running the other day... felt a bit hot, so I took off my vest. As I was running I was carrying it in my right hand and it felt awkward as I ran. 
Suddenly: realisation hit me...
As mothers and women in general...
Upon which shoulder do you carry your shoulder bag? That huge bag that has to have absolutely everything except the kitchen sink...
Let me guess? On your right shoulder! Right? 
I’m right handed so I carried my kids on my left hip! 
Therefore baby bag and handbag etc on my right side! Isn’t it obvious? I have created this pain over the last 40 odd years of my life! Always having my heavy bag sitting on my right shoulder; creating compression on my right side! 
Great! At least I know why I am experiencing this pain now! 

I’ve stopped doing my 2kg weights over my head to workout my arms. I’ve stopped weights all together. Pain has not been anywhere near as bad! Still; I want to strengthen my arms and continue to lose weight...but have changed my approach! 

Trying isometrics and pushups...on my knees...obviously can’t do the full plank!
Hell I’m 64 not 16! Starting off slowly! 

Shelley has mentioned how good yoga is! So that’s my next option! 

I’ll keep you posted! 

15 May 2021

Monday, 7 June 2021

Serendipity 28 April 2021

Since my darling dad passed away in October 2018...

Over the past three years I have had pain in my chest region, from the diaphragm around to the middle of my back. Sometimes so painful I’ve had to lie on my back on the floor with a heated wheat pack between my shoulders, after taking Panadol osteo. That’s the only thing that worked...
I’ve been to the emergency department twice with suspected heart problems... had all the tests; ultrasounds; xrays; stress tests etc. from the heart specialist. Had U/S of my internal organs just last week after my liver function tests were slightly elevated... all clear! 
So why am I getting so much pain? 
Been regularly going to a chiropractor as well... 
The pain keeps coming back! 
After my exercise sessions...I’m doing HIIT
High intensity interval training over short distances as I can’t do long distances because of my crook knee...I can manage short intense bursts of running through the sand dunes and when my lungs are fully expanded I have the same rib pain... 
First I thought it was a stitch but now I know it’s not! 

Sometimes it happens in the middle of the night and I wake up in agonising pain...

My darling daughter Shelley treated me to a girl’s day out at Endota Spa in Mawson Lakes last weekend! 
Talk about serendipity! 
Cassie; my masseuse for the treatment: has been through hell; a car accident; several spinal operations; lost one rib; nerve pain; on strong medications. The first person in a long time to listen and understand the pain I am going through...
Sure; the doctors have to try and find the most dangerous possibilities first...
Heart... internal organ failure etc...

But I have known it wasn’t my heart, it has always felt like my rib is pulled out of place and is pinching my nerve... 
Xrays don’t show it! Ultrasounds don’t show it! 
First thing Cassie said: you’ve got a pinched nerve! 
At last! An answer the same as my original thoughts! 

28 April 2021

The cranky old rooster

We had a cranky old rooster 
When I was just a teen 
He was a nasty piece of work 
No niceness in between 
Ever acting the total jerk 
Attacking everyone you see 
Especially scared little me... 
Even if I carried a long stick
He was a total cranky old dick!
One day he met his match 
When my sweet darling dad 
Went out with intent to catch 
That nasty old evil rooster
“Off with his head!” Was the cry 
Relieve him of his sinful pride 
Let his blasted liver be fried
Turn that pompous old rooster 
With his unbearable crowing pride 
Into a tasty meal...
And a measly old feather duster! 

2 May 2021

Christie’s Beach Ocean Breeze 10 Mar 2016

Christie’s Beach 
Ocean breeze 
Gentle waves 
Sunshine bright 
Great swim tonight 
Peaceful; serene’s a dream 

10 March 2016

Scone Time 10 May 2021

Sooo...was watching ABC and they had “Scone Time” : Aussie chefs making scones on the Landline give to lonely old folks who live alone in their local area... 
They inspired me to make some friends f my own delicious healthy version of their scones... 

In a bowl 
Mix 2 eggs, vanilla essence, a little milk
A few generous spoonfuls of Greek yoghurt
Cinnamon, dried sultanas, chopped dried apricots
Whole meal Self Rasing flour...
And viola... 

Baked in the air fryer for about 15 minutes
Topped with my homemade apple and rhubarb compote plus more Greek yoghurt... 
Add a cup of green tea
And the rest is history...yummy! 

Remembering Roza Szabo 5 January 2021

Born in Hungary; 24 June 1938
Arrived in Australia; 31st January 1957
Aboard the Aurelia ( a few months before my birth)
Lived life to the full here in her new home
Returned to Hungary; 3-4 times 
Passed away 28th December 2016 (aged 78)
Farewelled; 5 January 2017
(Dad’s birthday 4th January; Hughie’s on the 6th) 
So we chose the 5th to say goodbye! 
Still brings a tear to my eye! 
Miss you my darling mum and dad!

Dad passed 6th October 2018

Into dust 25 January 2021

Time unravels into dust 
Continue living; we all must 
Whether it hurts the heart or no
Our loved ones we must all let go...
Surely we are all just ashes 
Blowing on the summer breeze 
Life goes on; memories are flashes
Pictures deep within; we try to squeeze 
In as many as we can; to fill life’s void 
Sepia tones on old celluloid...
Pain returns each time I dream 
Makes my heart just want to scream...
Ah I know; each life does matter
Our strong hearts fracture; break; shatter...
Still; love overcomes; love does surely rule 
For; though you’ve gone; I remember you...

For all those I have lost over the last few years...
25 January 2021

How things have changed 3 April 2021

Mum and dad are long gone 
Tim and Nana Evelyn too
Alec is still a grumpy old shit 
And I never get to see Hugh 
Deb died at 51; on her birthday 
Aunty Clare by Christmas 2012
Vanessa and her family are in Chile 
All my grandchildren so far away...
Michael’s moved to Geelong 
To make a new life for himself 
Shelley and Josh in Blakeview
It’s only 2 hours up the road...

Found peace in my surroundings 
As I now call Goolwa home 
Enjoying all she has to offer 
As we drive around; roam
Great company; much laughter
Following these amazing shores...
Got the Great Southern Ocean 
The mighty Murray River too
Lake Alexandrina, Lake Albert...
The South East is always calling 
Life beckons me onward 
So much more living yet to do...

3rd April 2021

Paid in blood Easter 2021

Hs blood has dripped
Beneath the cross 
His heart has cried
Saddened by our loss
His breath has sighed
Through cracked dry lips 
His tears; salty; pure 
Ahhh His death; our cure
All His pain 
For our souls; He endured...
But rejoice oh fallen ones 
For He will arise anon 
This blessed Lamb 
Our dear Lord’s Son! 

Saturday 3rd April 2021 

He’s leaving home 23 February 2021

He’s leaving home 
On a jet plane 
Qantas is the one 
And soon enough 
He’ll be airborne 
Not long gone 
Just interstate 
It’s not the end 
Just a little bend 
In this game of life 
He needs to fly 
Up into blue skies 
Live a little 
Grow a lot...
Away from the security
Of my apron strings 
See what life will bring 
Over new horizons... 

Tuesday 23 February 2021

I’m back!

I’ve been away a while 
Kinda lost my smile 
My dear mum and dad 
Have passed; been sad 
I apologise for my lack 
In not keeping things on track 
Please accept my apologies 
Given time to grieve... 
I will do my utmost; my very best 
To get my site up to the test
Thank you all for understanding 
I will strive to write again
May God bless you all my friends 
I pray this makes amends...