Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Love and other bruises

Does your lover touch your very soul?
Does love itself take over, take control?
Does laughter come and never go? 
Do smiles encroach deeper than you know? 
Have you ever known such peace inside?
Where was your mind before this tide? 
Now that love is here does it truly abide?
Ups and downs are still a part of life…
Perfection may seem like a wild ride 
But life goes on, we must take all in our stride…

Crying over you

She cried herself to sleep last night 
After that stupid, terrible fight
Words were said; hurt and sad 
Left them feeling really bad 
He didn’t come and kiss her goodnight 
He too was feeling so uptight 
Anger burning in his soul 
Like an aching crater; a black hole 

Monday, 1 August 2022

Hospital melancholy

I hate lying here with a drip 
Waiting for the next test 
Wish they could simply 
Move me up that waiting list 
I’m fed up with fasting 
Fed up with being fed up 
God, please help me cope 
Get me through this mope 
I want to run, have some fun
Ahh…another vampire taking blood 
I want to eat some delicious food 
Felt like a prisoner on death row 
Had a famous last meal you know 
Last night the lentil lasagna 
Tasted ooooh sooo gooood
The jelly and custard was divine 
I could eat another one right now 
But I’m fasting once again
And every advert on TV 
Shows me strawberries and then 
Children eating cookies once again 
My stomach rumbles with desire 
As I imagine; salivate and perspire 
At least I can dream of another meal
Surely time will finally reveal
Some respite from this undesirable plight 

How you see me

I’ve been viewed in many different ways over my life
Young and sexy in my teens; in my size 8 jeans
Skinny little teen/girl; within my own little world
I was shy, nervous; insecure and naive 
Oh so terribly shy; you wouldn’t believe 
People thought I was a snob! It’s true! 
But they didn’t really have a clue 
They never walked in my shoes…

As a child I felt happy within my family 
Loved by my parents; never was that in doubt 
I enjoyed going to school; learning was a pleasure 
Knowledge was my personal treasure
I wore it like a badge of honour you know
My parents were immigrants; new to this county 
I helped them learn this weird Aussie language 
I was proud of being at the top of early classes


I was 28 when I had my first child 
My second was born on 28th June 1989
My niece was born 28th December 1973
My mum passed on 28th December 2016
My Auntie was born on 28th April in the 1948
My uncle was born on 28th August 1940

I once took 28 sleeping pills when I wanted to die

Thank God I didn’t succeed 
I would have missed these precious years

Friday, 6 May 2022

Easter madness

 Easter Bunny delivered his stash

Smelled so deliciously good...

Resisted as long as she could; smash!

Dark chocolate; milk chocolate too

Mint scented dark egg watched on

Hazelnut grand tried to make a stand

Had to crack it open; just a smidge

Ah...Heaven was at hand...

One bunny was nibbled by the ears

He died and went to Heaven...

Now they're all safely in the fridge...

18th April 2022

Friday, 7 January 2022

To my precious grandson Santiago

You turned 14 years of age, just yesterday 
Your are a young man, full of life 
I miss your happy smiles, your wit 
Do you ever think of me, even one bit?
Your nana, I am so far away from you
Not just in miles, but in everything I guess
Happy birthday my darling
May you enjoy your youth 
May you grow in wisdom and show 
The world that you are good and kind
May you be fruitful, May you be sweet 
And you ever excell in all you try 
I hope one day I’ll see again your smiles!