Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Love and other bruises

Does your lover touch your very soul?
Does love itself take over, take control?
Does laughter come and never go? 
Do smiles encroach deeper than you know? 
Have you ever known such peace inside?
Where was your mind before this tide? 
Now that love is here does it truly abide?
Ups and downs are still a part of life…
Perfection may seem like a wild ride 
But life goes on, we must take all in our stride…

Crying over you

She cried herself to sleep last night 
After that stupid, terrible fight
Words were said; hurt and sad 
Left them feeling really bad 
He didn’t come and kiss her goodnight 
He too was feeling so uptight 
Anger burning in his soul 
Like an aching crater; a black hole