Saturday, 14 December 2024

Baby red wattle bird

Yesterday I found her
Sitting quietly on the grass
All curled up into a bundle 
Her head tucked in…looking aft 

Yesterday she’d taken off 
Determined to gad about 
Perhaps upon her maiden flight 
Fledgling that she is no doubt 

There’s a danger from that cat 
That sneaks around at night
I’ve seen that mangy, sneaky cat
Turn on our neighbour’s movement light 

I had to gather her up as 
I was worried for this poor little mite
I managed to help her up onto 
The garden shed to settle for the night 

Today I found her in danger once again 
Lost and looking so forlorn 
Ah poor little baby red wattle bird
My heart for you was torn

I tried to move her to safety 
As her parents hovered about 
Making little concerned sounds 
As she looked up at them in fright 

Finally I put her up onto that garden shed
Watched in wonder as her parents came 
And that poor little mite was fed
They were so happy to have her back again!