Thursday, 6 March 2025

Christmas morning

Sunlight streaming though the blinds 
Reaching in so far and wide 
It’s only 7:30 am my dear
But this coolness will not abide
The forecast is dire this year 
The scorching heat will come 
The whole of Australia’s screaming 
As the temperature keeps rising, son

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Baby red wattle bird

Yesterday I found her
Sitting quietly on the grass
All curled up into a bundle 
Her head tucked in…looking aft 

Yesterday she’d taken off 
Determined to gad about 
Perhaps upon her maiden flight 
Fledgling that she is no doubt 

There’s a danger from that cat 
That sneaks around at night
I’ve seen that mangy, sneaky cat
Turn on our neighbour’s movement light 

I had to gather her up as 
I was worried for this poor little mite
I managed to help her up onto 
The garden shed to settle for the night 

Today I found her in danger once again 
Lost and looking so forlorn 
Ah poor little baby red wattle bird
My heart for you was torn

I tried to move her to safety 
As her parents hovered about 
Making little concerned sounds 
As she looked up at them in fright 

Finally I put her up onto that garden shed
Watched in wonder as her parents came 
And that poor little mite was fed
They were so happy to have her back again! 

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Running through the dunes

Took a run upon our track 
To the great Southern Ocean 
Then right back 
The sand was firm 
From last night’s rain
My eyes watering from the gusty winds 
The salty spray such pleasure did bring
Ah these feelings of exhilarence 
To be out here in the elements 
Oh what joy to feel alive in this 
So much so that my heart sings 
My lungs did burn; my heart did pound
As my strong legs covered the hilly ground 
Afterwards my pleasure soared 
Those endorphins round my brain they roared 
Ah there’s nothing like good exercise 
Here in the southern sand dunes 
Surrounded by these stormy skies 

Friday, 22 November 2024

An arty farty display

A tree branch fell down last week 
Te council car and chopped it up
Instead of wasting the tree logs 
We carried them to the back yard 
Added a few plants from the verandah 
My collection of sea shells and pebbles too
And made an arty farty display…

September 2024


A drop of moisture within a flower stem
Pollen grains both white and orange; then
A cameo face I espy within
A Grecian beauty, perhaps a grin 
All these I see growing from a grassy stem 

September 2024

A gift of Coorong mullet

Our dear neighbour crossed the street 
Bringing a gift of Coorong mullet for us to eat 
A simple meal it was to create 
A couple of eggs, a little flour, paprika, pepper added to taste…
A few minutes in the electric frying pan
A few lettuce leaves, lemon juice, vinegar 
Coleslaw was store bought yesterday 
A delicious meal on a beautiful Sabbath day
Thanked the Lord for bringing me my first 
Taste of Coorong Mullet; ever in my life… 

Thank You to 95 year old neighbour Lloyd 

Brass in pocket

I won an album at the Loxton Disco many, many years ago. The DJ was giving away prizes of albums during the evening and at the end I went up to say “Thank you” for the great music. He thought I only wanted something from him. I got angry and said “I was coming over to thank you for the great music!” And walked away. He then gave me his last LP which was the Ripper Album from that year…
I had asked him to play “Brass in pocket” by the Pretenders earlier in the evening. It was only the B side of the record and he wasn’t sure if it was a good song. He played it for me and I was grateful! What a wonderful memory all these years later…that was back in the 1970’s…