Friday 4 October 2024

Why do these eyes of mine cry?

Why is sadness overwhelming me today?
Why do these eyes of mine cry? 
I miss you my darling father
I miss those days long gone by
Happier days in my childhood 
Gladness was always the way 
Spring/Summer sunshine 
Sweet smiles, laughter and play

Mum’s busy hands in her kitchen
Ever ready to cook up a storm
As many plates on her table we laid 
During those wonderful warm holidays
Family gatherings were her forte 
Laughter echoing throughout the halls 
As grandchildren ran about at play 

Ah these memories bring such pleasure 
My tears are beginning to dry 
As I sit back trying to savour 
Each wonderful day that’s gone by 
Is this a curse or a blessing? 
That my mind is filled to the brim
With such wondrous clear visions 
As I recall so many precious times…

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Why doesn’t she call us?

Sadness comes and tears do flow 
As I think upon all I know 
Saw a few pictures of those souls
A video of them on their stroll
They’re alive; living their lives
Though they don’t know I’m alive 
Their mother’s anger knows no bounds 
So here I am; estranged; unfound 
Her hatred burns with brightest flame 
As she feels I’m to blame… 

I have given all I had 
Left nothing for myself I vow 
What more could any loving mother do
Than give everything for their need
Leaving nothing for herself 
Bled dry by their insatiable greed
Used up then dumped by the wayside 
No longer useful; a dried up seed 

The grandchildren met their nana 
She told them your other nana loves you too
Granddaughter retorted; why doesn’t she call? 
Oh God that hurts; below the belt 
How can I call when she restricts it all
Blocked on every possible place 
Can’t even talk; communications down

Friday 14 June 2024

Have you found yourself?

Have you found yourself? 
Have you looked deeply inside? 
How is it going now
On this wild earthly ride…
Have you become unconditioned? 
From that narcissistic tide?
Have your fortunes so dipped that
You have overcome your pride? 
Does life look any bettter 
On this deeper uncomfortable ride…
Have the rough winds blown you 
So far across the great divide 
Have you found your inner child
Awakening, catching up your stride…

Saturday 25 May 2024

After the operation

Painful, bruised, sore, not amused 
It’s been such a battle 
Just to get through 
One part is over 
The rest is to come 
God help me recover 
For the next part of the run…

Wednesday 1 May 2024

The Big C word

It was such a surprise 
To hear those words 
My ears must be mistaken 
My brain hardly heard 
I’ve been working so hard 
To stay healthy I swear 
For so many years… 
Yet there they are 
Written upon that paper
I have cancer…
I don’t want it 
I have too much to do
So much life to live 
Hard to accept but I have to
The tests are all run
The results are there to see 
Operation due in 3 weeks 
God help me through this 

Thursday 11 April 2024

Treading water

My brain is whirling round and round 
Yet my feet remain on the ground 
So many feelings bubbling up and down 
Like a of torrent; roiling water; these emotions
I don’t know what to think or feel
Is this diagnosis truly real? 
All was going well; blood tests etcetera 
But now I’m free falling; terrified; I cried
Yesterday I was so freaking out 
Today I’m deflated; simply feeling tired
Explanations given; I listened; understood 
Things aren’t quite as bad; it’s actually good
It is operable; indications are looking upward 
So now I’m treading water…
Waiting for appointments; more tests 
Praying; hoping for the best…

Saturday 2 March 2024

Dancing with my darling

You held me close to your heart
My darling please; let’s never part 
The music played as we swayed 
Ahh such memories we made 
Made me feel like we were young
Made me believe those words they sang
George Strait, Gary Allan, Allan Jackson
Yes; their voices were the ones 
Their melodies were heaven sent 
As we twirled; around we went 
I felt your heart beating along with mine 
These precious feelings felt so divine 
Ah thank you dearest Lord above
For sending me my man to love