Dear Ros
I hope you don't mind
I have a confession to make
I've watched you over the years
Heard your tale and felt your tears
As no children came for you to hold dear
When times were tough I saw your smiles
Listened tioyour words and held your hand
Gave you hugs when they were due
And basically just stood by you!
You know I think you're great
You'd make the best mum ever planned
So now my confession I will tell!
When I was sorely tried and felt the stress
You were the one I wanted to bless!
When my last pregnancy was confirmed
How I tossed and how I squirmed
Another mouth to feed I could not take
Yet take that life I could not do!
In those darkest days my thoughts were wild
To you I would have given that little child!
Knowing how much of your love you gave
I would have been so brave
The perfect love you would my child have given
My thoughts were still to give you hope
As I knew I could not cope!
So dearest Ros; what would you have said?
Had I laid that little babe upon your bed?
Alas; it was never to be
For right on 12 weeks; on the dot
My little child left my womb
And sadly passed away
Not yet ready to live this life
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