Friday, 7 December 2012

What is normal?

What is normal? What is nuts?
How do you describe your life?
How do you explain all the lumps and bumps?
What for one is sane and normal
For another is way out to space!
When I laugh and joke and act all silly
For me that is a normal day
Yet for others it may be outlandish
For another it may really be so weird
But here's the logical explanation!
My parents worked so hard every day
I don't recall them ever being crazy
You know: laughing right out loud!
I can't remember seeing them kissing
I don't remember them hugging a lot
Or even just holding hands!
So for my kids I made an effort
To show them how much fun could be had!
Though we've had our misunderstandings
Though we've had our falling outs
We also had lots of hugging and kissing
Lots of playing games and mucking about!
We'd play hide and seek; all over the house
Played Monopoly and other games
We watched lots of movies together
We played around and made it fun
So that when we come to remember
We can truly say: yes we played 
And loved and had our fun!


  1. My life completely changed after my conversion. Before that I thought that Bible is fairy tale and all human values are relatives. How God could change this heart like mine - that's miracle... Today my life is quite normal. Greetings to You :)

  2. Greetings my dear friend;I am so glad that the dear
    Lord has come into your heart! God bless, you every day I think of you so far away in cold Poland!
