Wednesday, 3 July 2013

The mirror

The mirror stood silent and alone
Polished to a magnificent sheen
Reflecting muted colours about
As if it was just waiting for something
Waiting for someone to come
To say "hello" or show some feeling!
My little boy loved his blue cap
(I made that cap for him)
Michael wore it everywhere he went
He saw that shiny mirror
He had to have a look! He had to have a feel!
Was it real? Was it a magic mirror?
How do you know these things at 5?
How do you find out if these tales are true?
Well I suppose you just try it out don't you?
He put his little fingers on that crystal surface
His dirty fingers made little marks upon that glass
He was having some fun while we shopped!
Looking at his reflection and at his cap
Then the woman came and stopped him
Gave him dirty looks and made it obvious
She didn't like my little boy 
Touching that polished surface
Making marks amid her cleanliness!
I was upset and said: "What are you doing?
Why are you so concerned about your mirror?
I am buying a coat worth hundreds of dollars
Stop making such a fuss
You can clean your mirror in a few minutes
When we'll be out of your shop!"
Suddenly both the salespeople were 
Being so nice to my little boy
Giving him a new cap to wear
With kangaroos on it as a little gift!
He didn't want that cap: he had his own!
But I felt happy that they took notice
For I was ready to walk out of there!
Wasn't my business good enough for them?

As I turned around I'm sure I saw a movement
It was just a tiny flash but I'm sure it was a smile!

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