Look around you: see the signs
Warnings flashing: hear the sounds
Don't you know the time is coming?
Can you not understand God's plan?
The warning signs are everywhere
The earth groans, sighs: wars abound
People dying for no good reason
Every single blessed day we hunger
Yes every blessed day we wander
Seeking to understand that which is at hand
Have you seen the heavens tumbling?
Witnessed meteors: showering upon mankind
Do you know what is coming?
Do you know what is prophesied?
Please heed the constant warning signs!
The beacon on the hill
The lighthouse on the shore
Don't you know their warnings?
Don't you know what they are there for?
The sirens wailing: flashing lights
Telling us to move aside: let them through
They come to offer aid: to save the few
Please look around and take heed
Please open up your blinded eyes
Please hear these urgent warnings
Please look up to the brilliant skies
For I give you fair warning: Jesus comes!
Though it all looks the same as it did yesterday...the warning signs are everywhere...telling us of the soon coming end of days...telling us of Jesus' second coming!!! We are in the latter days...close to the end...please heed the warnings...Jesus comes!