Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Sharing the sunset

For the first time in ages I was able
To look up into the brilliant evening skies
I was able to share the sunset with another
Yes I was so happy to be able to say
"Look at that scenery: see that beautiful sky?"
Such a simple act: such an honest fact
To share that pleasure so easily gained...
Yet alone it is maybe not as pretty?
Maybe not as memorable as when together
With a friend, a sister or brother, a lover
Of nature: of simple pleasures: these treasures
Are meant to be shared around: to all mankind
Such a blessing to deliver: a simple little pleasure
Share something with someone new: I'm telling you
It is such a blessing to be able to share it
With another soul who feels the same as you...

1 comment:

  1. Being able to share a special moment with another human being is the best feeling...
