You told me you have everything
You could possibly physically desire
Yet in reality you have nothing...
Nothing spiritually: internally: you expire
If you are unhappy within yourself?
You cannot expect another to make you whole
I am not here to make you happy
I am here to bare my soul...
If in doing so I make you think?
Then I have achieved my goal...
I am not offering my words as consolation
I am not offering up myself at all...
Only my words are here to guide you
To inspire you to change your world...
You're an adult: all grown up in this world
You have your life purpose: as do I
Though you think that connects us
I will not tell you a lie...
There may be that spiritual connection
There may be more than meets the eye
If my words touch your heart: that is good
If my words make you change: that too is good
But what I have to offer of myself
Is not what you are in reality: looking for
I cannot give you what you seek
Search your soul for what exactly it is you need
It is to be found internally: not externally
Within yourself: you will find that which you seek
I cannot do it for you: I cannot be what you need
I cannot be everything to everybody...
What has God given you?
What have you asked of Him?
It's not about you and me
It's not about "us"
It's about your personal relationship
With your God: that is the ultimate peak
Look deep within yourself
Look into the very depths of your soul
What is missing from your life?
What do you think is your life's goal?
Don't sit and wait for its arrival
Don't let your life just pass you by
Look unto Jesus for your salvation
Let His love be your eternal goal...
No other human being can be relied upon to save your is your personal journey with the Lord that makes you ready for eternal life...