Thursday, 21 April 2016

Three gardens, three harvests

In the garden grew God's apples
Shining bright upon the tree
Into that garden slithered the serpent
Hell bent upon causing misery
He approached Eve the first woman
Whispered into her pink shell-like ear
"Would you like to taste the fruit my sweet
There is nothing for you to fear"
Eve ate of that apple: offered it up
Gave to Adam of the sinful fruit 
Ignoring the Lord's commandment
They were sent forth from Eden
Forever to be burdened; pursued
Thus through sin: the earth was cursed

Upon the peaceful mount of olives
In the garden of Gethsemane
Here our Lord was sorely tempted
Here dear Jesus fought for you and me
Though he prayed unto his blessed father
All alone he suffered without mercy
Jesus begged for our Father to free him
"Let this cup be taken from me"
Jesus prayed for us all: for you and me
As the olive must be crushed to make the oil
So Jesus had to suffer for humanity...

The grapes must be sweet for the final harvest
Pure and ripe straight from the blessed vine
Jesus is the trunk and we are the branches
Without His precious blood: there is no wine
Remember the fruits of the spirit: loving kindness
His self control, love, peace, joy, gentleness
Ah the faithfulness of such a love divine
Jesus is the cure the whole world is needing 
Without His sacrifice: without His bleeding 
There is no way for man without Jesus' dying
His sacrifice is the only way to save us
Thank the Lord for his blessed sacrifice...

The gardener is coming 
To look through his garden
There are many trees growing 
But they are not bearing fruit...
Soon dear Jesus will be returning 
Soon the gardener will come
Will a fruitful harvest be waiting?
Will our hearts be in tune with the divine?

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