Thursday, 23 February 2017

Turbulent heart

There's a strong wind a blowing 
From over the great Southern seas
Scattering all the creatures; glory be
No birds winging; no birds singing
Just a few southerners out there
A couple of surfers; enjoying the waves
Surfboards at the ready; yes siree
A man in a wheelchair; feeling free
Dipping his toes into turbulent seas
A few children building sandcastles
A simple little happy family; what glee?
A couple walking with their little dog
Maybe someone going for a jog...
And here I sit above them all; watching
This scene; wishing it was me
Feeling joyful; feeling happy...
But I am feeling troubled; unsettled you see
I wish everything was peaceful
I wish everything was secure for me
My heart is breaking; I'm crying; freely
My heart is like that stormy ocean
My feelings; like those choppy waves
Turbulent as those stormy seas
Ah I feel so lost; God help me!

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