Monday, 18 September 2017

Out of the frying pan

Was scrubbing my old electric frying pan 
It was covered in grease and grime 
How come I never saw this before?
How come I was so lost in time?
My tears began a-falling and
I felt so terribly ashamed 
As I peered into my dungeon 
Into the darkness and the haze
What had I become?
How had I behaved? 
Oh Lord: my life flew past before me
The pain; humiliation; the shame 
My eyes; though wide open 
Had been covered in a smoky glaze
Now; no longer blinded 
I could see all of those distant days 
The level to which I'd been reduced
All the dirt in which I'd wallowed; lazed
Now; it was revealed through my crying 
How could I have been so blinded? 
How so demoralised?
Devastated by life's circumstance...
Made to feel less than normal
Less than; dehumanised...
God help me rise up again
Help me see the light 
Release me from this lifelong blight...

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