Monday, 27 November 2017

When peace like a river

Whatever my lot in life?
Whatever my pain?
This I know dear Lord
This truth I can explain
When pain washes over me?
When ear I cannot explain
Attempts to conquer me
Attempts to derail
That's when I call out His name
That's when it is always the same
The peace like a river
Begins to flow
Right through my veins
Yes, His peace like a river
Completely drenches the pain
My Lord I love Thee
"My Lord!" I exclaim
It is only when you're with me 
That I can finally gain
This peace; like a river
Coursing through my veins...

8th November 2014

Scent from heaven

Bought a plant today 
Wanted it to really say
"I love you mum"
"I miss you so much Hun"
Wanted it to bring me joy
With its every scent; employ
My every sense; empower
With kindest thoughts; to shower
Down upon me; in my grief
Oh dear Lord; death is a thief
Wish I could have had more time
Wish I could turn back time
In another month it will be a year
Is it possible; ah my mother dear
For time to simply disappear
Ah: it has; I fear...
Miss you my darling mum
Soon it will be that time again
And I will again be overcome...

The state of our land

What a state our lives have become?
When the elderly struggle to live
Everything costs so much for sure
When you can't afford to pay your bills
$120 just for 3 months line rental
$15 worth of telephone calls
It's just not fair to out elderly
They have paid their taxes for years
What happens to our dear ones?
Who cares for our parent's fears?
Water bills; skyrocketing
We're bucketing out the dregs
Using what is left in the bath
To water the garden plants...
Electricity bills; through the roof
Who can afford to cool the house?
They have to go to the shopping centres
If they are able to get out of course
The aged concession was never renewed
10 years ago when dear old mum
Changed electricity carriers
So that is lost for good...
Council rates are going up
For the usual amenities he needs...
Someone to collect the rubbish
The sewerage rates too; understood
Someone needs to clean the streets
But how on earth does he make ends meet?
Once the bills are paid
What is left to buy the food?
He is shrinking now; my dear old dad
At 82 years of age
His eyes grow dimmer as I watch
His happiness is ever my gauge...

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Drinking in the serenity

Glorious spring evening
Leading into blessed night
Enjoying the ambience
As I watched the fading light
Swallows swooping gracefully
Taking insects in their flight
Water rippling peacefully
A boat traversed the tide
Glass of champers in his hand
The conversation; polite
Does Margaret mind you drinking
Her wine he asked; this I denied
I am merely drinking in
The serenity of this glorious twilight 

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

If I should die tomorrow

If I should die tomorrow
If all of my days are gone
I'll have lived and loved through sorrow
This will have been my final song

I have lived through many decades
I have swallowed my pride anon
And through all this I've followed
The beat of my very own drum

I have given my heart to another
I have borne my children as well
Some days were like I was in heaven
While others were like a living hell

I was never one to be bothered
I was much more the quiet one
And though I was led by others
I am glad to have seen the sun

Though shy and retiring and quiet
I could stand up to anyone
Without uttering a single word; my darling 
I changed things; my stubbornness won

I felt battered and bruised and blackened
When I could not back down from fun
At times I did cause a blooming riot
As I acted and played the clown anon

I gave all I had; to be counted
For I was so desperate to please
Kept quiet when I could have shouted
It became and insidious disease

Ah if only I could change colours
I would become red with rage
Fighting the wrongs of this lifetime
But soon now; I'll tremble with age

No longer fearful; cowardly; yellow
I am finding my feet once again
Daring to say what I'm feeling 
Instead of keeping it hidden in pain

Too long have I held my temper
Thought it better to leave words behind
Couldn't face all the aggravation
I only wanted to be thought of as kind

Now; as mortality suddenly hits me
Now; as I see beyond my fears
It is painfully clear as the new day dawning 
I must stand up; count all my tears

How much can one woman bear
As she struggles to make amends
How far must she really travel?
Before her life on this earth ends...

The most wonderful treasure

Though the world keeps turning round
There's a wonderful treasure I have found
The words of my dear Lord; Jesus Christ
Makes my spirit soar unto the heights
My dearest Lord has given me
His words to write and communicate
His many blessings flow through my mind
I am but an empty vessel; transformed
When my Lord sends His mighty power
Through these cables; my blood's on fire
It all just falls into place as His words do race
In my open mind they do encode
Through my fingertips they do explode
Many blessings and heavenly showers
Burst through this weak and earthly body
It's like I am in some far-off place
Where His power is commonplace
His words keep me uplifted and I soar
I am being used to help fight this awful war
Good versus evil has been raging long
Soon the end will come...
Evil knows that his time is short
He goes about this world like a raging lion
Trying to drag down everyone
But our dear Lord will not let him win
His dear angels hold back the evil tide
Waiting for us to decide...
Choose God; choose life
Be in the sight of right 

21 June 2012

Moving Shelley

Helped my darling daughter Shelley to move a heap of stuff
Boy was I out of breath and had to puff
Up those stairs and down again
Had me looking like I was about to drop
Must admit I had to stop
Lots of times I sat and rested
But we couldn't let our bodied be bested
We moved that stuff; toted that box
Lifted and moved; dragged and coaxed
Finally we got it done...
We even had a lot of fun...
Thai for lunch down the road
Tasted so good after our load
Swept the pavers; pulled those weeds
That broken broom filled our need
Good for scraping out those tiny weeds
Stuck in between those bricks so tight 
As we struggled with all our might 
All that time we took to load
That trailer full up to the brim
Unloading took but a few minutes 
Then we were stuffed; ready for dinner!

10 October 2012

Forgive me for feeling lost

Forgive me for feeling lost
Forgive me; I'll pay the cost
I didn't think it was a big thing
I didn't realise the pain I'd cause
I'd just got over mum's funeral
The very day before...
I was tired; pained; exhausted
My every thought; constrained
I was so empty; broken; drained

Who broke your heart Nana

Who broke your heart Nana?
Who has made you cry?
My heart hurts with yours Nana
Oh Nana; please tell me why you cry

She held me close and kissed me
Cuddled me; whispered in my ear
Ah my sweet little grand daughter
Made me melt; her heart so dear...

23rd February 2017