Monday, 27 November 2017

The state of our land

What a state our lives have become?
When the elderly struggle to live
Everything costs so much for sure
When you can't afford to pay your bills
$120 just for 3 months line rental
$15 worth of telephone calls
It's just not fair to out elderly
They have paid their taxes for years
What happens to our dear ones?
Who cares for our parent's fears?
Water bills; skyrocketing
We're bucketing out the dregs
Using what is left in the bath
To water the garden plants...
Electricity bills; through the roof
Who can afford to cool the house?
They have to go to the shopping centres
If they are able to get out of course
The aged concession was never renewed
10 years ago when dear old mum
Changed electricity carriers
So that is lost for good...
Council rates are going up
For the usual amenities he needs...
Someone to collect the rubbish
The sewerage rates too; understood
Someone needs to clean the streets
But how on earth does he make ends meet?
Once the bills are paid
What is left to buy the food?
He is shrinking now; my dear old dad
At 82 years of age
His eyes grow dimmer as I watch
His happiness is ever my gauge...

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