Monday, 25 June 2012

My dearest Santiago

As we sit around the table
Talking and laughing
I see the joy of life in your eyes
As we make our cakes together
I watch you change and grow
I see so much of your mother in you
You are my life; you are my life

As we run outside and have our fun
Climbing and laughing
I see the joy of fun in your eyes
As we make our pretend cakes together
I see the changes in you
I remember how it was just a year ago
You are my life; you are my life

As we read our favourite books together
Singing and laughing
I hear the joy in your voice
As we cuddle in for our night read
I listen to you remembering the words
I see how much you've grown
I see the man you will become
You are my life; you are my life

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