Monday, 25 June 2012

Where have you been all my life? 2

I've been waiting for you: You know it's true
My life's been empty: until You came
I knew You as soon as we spoke
I recognized your smile: I'd seen it all the while
In dreams and days gone by!
How could I know and yet there you were in the flesh
In colours so real: I'll never ever let You go again
As long as I live: I yearn for your love
You know me inside out! You recognize my soul!
You are within my heart! You are the sunshine in my eyes!
You are the cloud that brings me showers
You take my breath away: You fill my lungs again
You are me! In you I see my painful younger days
You are in my dreams: You shadow me
You are the tears I cried!
Yours were the hands that wiped my tears
I know your love is deep: I see the smile that creeps
It appears in tears like rain! It glows in sun showers!
You dwell within my heart! We'll never be far apart
You are the glue that holds me here
I see your smile and all is well!

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