Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a blessed & Happy New Year in 2014
Praying that all are kept safe as they travel near & far
Please be careful as you drive during these holidays
Know that God is watching over very one of us everywhere
He who made us all is always careful of our lives but
It is up to us to continue in His ways: praying for others
Leading by example and having a care for everyone
Let us continue to open up our hearts & minds to Him
All we need do is ask & He sends His angels dear
They are His messengers: they are ready & waiting 
To help us as we travel these troubled times in 2014
May the dear Lord bless all who cry out in His name!

Monday, 30 December 2013

Truth hurts

I feel it is quite a shame
Life will never be the same
When words are said and done
Hearts are hurt and everyone
Would rather not have spoken at all
But sometimes it just comes up
Bubbling out of hurts kept inside
Some words just will not be denied
Then all hell breaks loose!
Oh what's the use: the truth hurts!
Anger flares and then explodes
Like a nuclear holocaust it spews
Forth in never ending clouds
Debris continue to descend
Like a nuclear fallout: black skies abound
Oh Lord the power of the spoken word
Shatters people's hearts and minds
Then it seems to take forever
Just to make those first few faltering steps
Nobody wants to be the first: it hurts
But being humble and admitting wrongs
Seems like the last thing on our minds
For some will not be denied their wrath
That's when the gloves come off and
Yes it is the real truth but all hell still breaks loose!

Journey to the edge of the universe

Our dear pastor showed us a wonderful video
Called "Journey to the edge of the universe"
"If we started travelling on January the first
The speed of light is 86,000 miles per hour
It takes 5 hours and 31 minutes to travel past Pluto
3 & a half billion miles to the outer limits of our solar system
It would still be January the first when we got there!
Travelling perpendicular into the emptiness of space
For a year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years!
We would reach Alpha Centauri on April 19 of year 5
25,000 miles: 10 light years from the sun
100 light years to the Milky Way
1000 light & years the galaxies have arms & discs
100,000 light years & they are more defined
Entire spiral shape of the Milky Way galaxy is recognisable
The Milky way is a part of a cluster of 30 galaxies
50 million light years & we reach the Virgo cluster
There are more than 2,000 galaxies: further & further out
A billion years, 5 billion years, 10 billion years
We would observe the theoretical view of the universe
Masses of galaxies separated by empty space
The power if its creator must truly surpass human understanding!"

So if we puny humans strive to go beyond our space
How big is God? Big enough to guide the mighty universe
Yet small enough to live with-in my heart!

All this power He gave up to save us from our sins!
What a wonderful loving Father we have!
He took upon himself the body of a man & came
Down from all this majestic universe
Just to save me! Just to save you! Just to save us!

Why would God want to save us?

Tell me: why would Jesus come here to earth?
To become a man in all ways: to save us!
Why would he leave behind His heavens for us
We who are so weak & puny in His sight!
This He did to save our very souls: yes He did!
Jesus: heir to all the known universe came to earth 
Became a human being: lowered himself for us
Made Himself of no import to prove His majestic love
Simply because He would save us: grant us eternal life
It is so easy to see God as far above us: aloof, enthroned on high
Yet He is so much a part of our tiny little lives
He gave up the power of the universe for us
He lives here within our very hearts: if only we would invite Him in?
Think about it: think about this earth as just a miniscule part
Of the massive majestic universe: of all this we are like a grain of sand
Yet God gave His only begotten Son for us! 


Imagine being on board the Challenger Space Shuttle
Knowing that you wouldn't make it back to earth alive
How would you spend your last minutes contemplating?
Everything that you had ever known: what an end to service
What a final countdown in your poor helpless human mind
This is what really happened to one passenger on board
He knew that his life was coming to an end: poor man
He knew he was going to meet his maker: knew it was his time
Yet he still went willingly to find his paradise up in space
Now his sou still waits for Jesus to come again!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Thank you Kevin H

A great big thank you to Kevin H
For getting my printer going 
At long last I can now print
My poems as I write them!
I no longer need to wait or
Have to travel to the library
Just to print out these blessed words!
Thank you dear Kevin you are wonderful!
May the dear Lord bless you & keep you safe!

Indiana Jones trilogy

We spent the day together
Watching movies: having fun
Indiana Jones was the hero
Just for today anyway!
Three movies we watched
One after the other! 
It was so good to celebrate 
Christmas a few days later
Who knows what tomorrow brings?
Life is too short to be miserable
Get on with living for that's all there is!

The end is nigh 2013

The end of another year is nigh
It's gone so fast: no wonder why
I'm getting older & older of course
Time flies past quickly: faster it's worse
For as I age: less gracefully I stumble
Dear Lord I pray: keep me humble
I am not so concerned about looks
It is more important to enjoy what I have
I love reading & writing my books
Rather than bother with the things I have not
Family is the most important thing but
Sometimes I am sad to admit: it founders
Silly misunderstandings arise: complicate matters
Then this life just hangs around in tatters
I'm so sorry my loves for the mistakes I have made
I'm sorry dear Lord if I've not made the grade
For though time passes I am ready to pass on
I am ready to rise up & conquer: arrive at my zenith
Yes dear Lord I am ready to full-fill my contract
Ready to admit I am stronger than ever
For my dearest one you are with me
You live here within me: of this heart you are a part
In my very soul you dwell; grant me life eternal
For though you went away I do await the blessed day
When you will return to take me away from this
I am bound to go with you: to heaven above
Ever surrounded by your love: ah 'tis heaven
Just to think on this: I cannot wait till I see you
I long to be by your side: to sit at your feet
For then my life would indeed be complete!

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Tangled webs

"Oh what tangled webs we weave 
when first we practise to deceive!"

What a fine mess we make when we are dishonest
When we cannot even be truthful to ourselves
How many are doing things that are not right?
How many stay together simply because they don't want a fight?
So many poor little children trapped in the middle of relationships
Where parents no longer love each other: loveless relationships
Trying to keep it together for the kids: yet love is on the skids
Is it better to separate & remain friends or better to stay together?
Full of hatred: no matter what the cost to everyone concerned
I sometimes wonder where it will all end: husbands killing their children
Just to spite their own wives: why kill the innocents before themselves?
Why not in all honesty just do it to yourself? Lord help us!
It is so sad to see poor children suffering: needlessly: heedlessly
Why do parents hurt their own children: what possesses them?
What madness consumes their souls to see no other way?
Than to punish a little child who maybe cries too much
Oh Lord there are so many who need your help but will not ask
Not knowing any other way: it is such a crying shame!
Who do you blame? The parents? Their parents? Society?
Would they have known any better? Would they even ask for help?
God only knows the whys & wherefores: for I surely do not understand?
I guess people just continue on without praying: without asking
Dearest Lord I pray for so many little children who have done no wrong
Please help them & keep them strong! Please come soon! Don't be long!

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Peace on earth

'Tis the season to be jolly
'Tis the time to celebrate Christ's birth
But so many are lost in sadness
Hardly able to spread the mirth
It saddens me to see such sadness
Spread all across this precious earth
So many starving: not enough to eat
So many dying in their own streets
War and pestilence seems never ending
How can we who have so much?
Just carry on living and toss it in the street
Dear Lord it is difficult to feel so happy
When so many are dying for a feed
What ever happened to giving alms
To feed the needy as they beg in need
Too many live a life of fullness
Too many live beyond their means
Then sadness and anger come flying 
Madness lying in the city streets
Too many suffer for the other's greed!
Dear Lord please come quickly
Dear Lord please take us all home
Dear Lord please help us all to realise
The Blessed Hope is coming soon!


Do you know a troublemaker?
Someone always in a mess
Only wants to cause problems
Only happy when there's stress
Opening their mouths to cause confusion
Opening up to sprout their hate
Yes! Troublemaker is the one you need
To take outside to give them a good shake
They delight in anger: delight in shame
They delight in pointing the finger
To them life is just a great big game!

Teenage binge drinking

 I look around at all the news and TV coverage
So many teenagers drinking too much
Getting into fist fights & going crazy on booze
Even supposed young ladies are drinking too much
What is the matter with our teens today?
Do they not have any brains: are they mad?
Can’t they see that binge drinking is no good?
Can’t they see the damage that is done?
What ever happened to just having a few?
What ever happened to taking care of themselves?
Lord I know that times are tough but this is ridiculous!
Our youth are running amok: drinking, fighting, doing drugs!
When I was young I had a few drinks but hated it
Hated the after effects: the nausea & the head aches
I got merry a few times then gave it up: wanted to be in control
Over the years I have watched as times have changed
Seen the soft alcohol that’s been around: tried a few but
Realised a long time ago that it was not for me: declined!
I thank God that my hubby is not a drinker: not a wino
I thank God that alcohol has not reigned supreme in my home
There are enough stupid things to do without getting drunk
So much trouble abounds when teens lose control
So many deaths upon our roads because of stupidity
Now the rage is king-hitting someone for no good reason
Sometimes even causing another’s death: what the heck?

Lord help, us to help our youth before it is too late!

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Understanding life

We think we understand everything but only a little of what goes on
For we humans are so insular & underhand so little-minded
We want to understand but in reality we miss the plot
What is it about us tiny-minded little humans that God loves?
Created in His image may be wonderful but unless we pray
To understand more of God's wonderful plans: we all fall short!
The intricacies of human ego & our precious hard won lives
Simply shrivel beneath the enormity of God's designs for us
What He wants us to do is look inside our very selves: desire
To see just a tiny part of what God has deigned for us to see
Then in being blessed with the vision into another's soul
We must step back a pace to really understand it all!
For God sees & works not as we humans see & work
But as He was meant to: He is all powerful: all-knowing
He knows each & every heart & soul as no other can
He is the one who really understands: He has lived upon this earth
He is the creator of us all: our maker: our saviour: our everything!
Yet we will not allow Him into our hearts: we'd rather take on Satan
Yes we'd rather give in to Satan's wiles & believe his lies: his tricks
We are so easily drawn into his tangles web because we have no faith
Oh Lord what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to achieve
Please forgive us for the stupid little problems: we set ourselves
Please help us all to see the bigger plan: the majestic reality
That could be if only we: little humans could forgive each other for 
Our silly little words that come out at ill-chosen times
When we think we are doing good but in reality we stuff it all up!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas day today

It's Christmas day today
We celebrate Jesus' birth
So many people going hungry
All over this precious earth
Too many with too much
Not caring about those without
How did this disaster happen?
How did we lose our faith?

Yes it's Christmas day today
Do you even give a damn?
About the poor in other nations?
About those dying across the seas?
Does anybody even think of them?
Does anyone hear their pleas?
How did we lose our hearts?
How did we drift so far apart?

It's Christmas day today
So many families split apart
Not talking to each other
No love at all in their hearts
No room for forgiveness
No room to heal the breach
Too soon it will be too late
Soon they'll have missed the gate

It's Christmas day today
Dear people all over this earth
Waiting for our Lord's second coming
Waiting for our world's rebirth
Please pray for all the weakest
Please pray to dear God above
What use is the day of Christmas
If we've forgotten how to love?

Monday, 23 December 2013

I feel like crying 2

Here I am: trying to be strong
Trying to be the tough one but
I am not succeeding: epic fail!
I am not very good at lying
I am not being very strong
I am afraid: I don't want to lose my mum
I feel like crying: like sobbing out loud
I want to be taken care of for a change
Lord I need your strength for I have none
Lord I need your patience for I have none

Lord I need your comforter to keep me safe
Please help me to cope my dearest one
for I am in sore need of comforting!
I feel that if mum goes then I will lose my dad
Then I will feel so alone: just like in my dreams
Sad & alone: all by myself: like a little child
Crying all by myself: lost & forlorn!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

War and peace

If peace is the absence of war and
Health is the absence of illness
How come there is still so much strife
All over the world and within our life?
Though we are not fighting a world war
Still there is death and destruction everywhere
People still die of starvation and illness is rife
So many needy everywhere you may look
What about little children in their parent's care?
Some are still dying because of neglect
"What the heck!"  you may say but if 
Nothing is done to aid those kids or others
Will anyone do anything without the time?
Who gives a damn for the weak & needy?
There are way too many who are just greedy!
"The money doesn't get too those who need it!"
This seems to be the catch-cry! Why?
Because people are now so cynical: so clinical
About the why's and wherefores! 
It is easier to just turn a blind eye!
To sit back and deny there is a need
That is the problem with people's greed
Well it is Christmas: how about a little love?
God sent His most precious Son for our needs
Can we not in our plenty just give a twenty
Something to someone else for a change!
In honour of He who made us: He who saved us!

Glorious sunset

Wow! What a glorious sunset tonight
So many beautiful colours spread
Across the magnificent skies: so bright!
Though clouds obscured it's might
The sunset was a magnificent sight
First just a little golden yellow burst
Then as it progressed I was blessed to see
Wonderful pinks & blues: the palest hues
As I twisted & turned up & around the hills
The sun's glory increased & burst forth
In all its glory I was amazed: wow I said
'What a magnificent sight!" I thanked
The dear Lord for my precious eyesight
The sky was alive with the prettiest reds
That glowed so beautifully bright in my sight
As I sped along those winding country roads
My mirrors reflected each glorious colour
Right back at me: I swear it was fantastic
I had to stop my car to have a better look
Not photograph could ever look as good
As that magnificent sunset my Lord sent me!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Flying orcs

Just got hit by a flying orc
Zac just tosses everything
It came flying up through the air
Hit me right on my head; in my hair
"Ouch that hurt Zac!"  I said
Why did you have to hit me on the head?
He's a real little tosser that's for sure
Got good aim: good strength oh yeah!
Watch everybody when Zac is around
He tosses everything up & around!

Captive Kitten

We've got a captive little kitty
He is going to a brand new home
I know he won't like the trip but
He will go to a nice new home
Pablo is alone & lonely so he
Wants a new little kitty to share
Yes: to share his happy home
So we now have a captive kitty
Who is crying & carrying on but
Soon he won't be worried
Soon he'll be cared for; fed & happy
In his brand new happy home!

A prayer for sleeping

Beautiful Evaleah is so full of life
She jumps up & down for ages
Up & down on those gorgeous legs
Wearing herself out: we truly hope
Mum would love to have a long sleep
It would really be so nice to get a decent rest
All through the night: that would be best!
Santiago & Zac have gone off to bed
Been driving us crazy for quite a while
So full of beans: too much so I do declare
What ever happened to my energy levels?
I'm getting old I guess but I prayed for sleep
Yes for a blessed sleep for my precious little girl
I asked the dear Lord to bless this baby girl
I asked for the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit
To bless my precious little baby: to keep her safe
I said we'd dedicate her precious life to the Lord
To thank Him for giving her to us in this life!
Yes I said a prayer for sleeping for this whole household!

Friday, 20 December 2013

Cool change

The cool change came thundering in
Huge cold rain drops fell upon our roof
Thunder & lightning exploded near at hand
The smell of bromide was apparent in the air
Suddenly it was gone: as quickly as it had come
Peace & quiet ruled again but it was not over yet!
Minutes later it happened all over again
More huge raindrops plummeted to earth
I could feel the mighty wind as it buffeted our home
A cooling breeze exploded into birth; thank god!
It was a lot cooler everywhere all at once but 
As the mighty storm passed heat came again
It was only a short respite for heat still emanated
From the house's hot, hot walls: a tiny change it was!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Santiago & Zac's excellent adventure

It's too hot to go outside so the boys are playing hard
They're going on an adventure: together: camping out
Zac showed me his helmet: a little cardboard box
He was helping Santiago pack a bag full of goodies
His old school backpack has come in good use
They packed some food: a bit of wood: that's good
Their fantastic tent was the crocheted blanket: full of holes
They said: "look Nana we're in our tent: here we are: under here!"
Then they found some magic boots: old blue Wellington's
From Santiago's winter stuff: just right for travelling light
Zac is looking so very cute in them now: "Look at my magic boots!"
Santiago calls out: "Zac it's time to go to bed in our tent"
Zac goes over to go to bed: is obedient: but not for me at night!
Then suddenly it's daytime again & they are off on their adventure
Travelling fast: travelling light! Having a wonderful time together
Just like little boys should: just like all little children should!

Kookaburra serenade

Woke up one blessed morning
To a kookaburra serenade
They were singing for everybody
To praise the Lord that day
We  were on holiday in Victoria
Driving along the Great Ocean Road
We'd stopped to camp the night
At the camping grounds at Wye
We'd had enough of driving
Finally relaxed after a refreshing swim
There were lovely grounds to rest in
There was a restaurant nearby
We travelled there: two families
Enjoying our Aussie holiday!

Too hot to handle

It's all too hot to handle
Too hot to trot: why not
At 46 degrees for over 3 days
I've really had enough
Hot flushes every day & every night
Is driving me crazy that's what!
I love the local swimming pool
Its coolness keeps me sane
Without it: I would really 
Really go round the bloody bend!

Zecarias' praise

My dear little Zecarias is almost 3 years old
He says a lot of things: yes he does but
Yesterday he made my day: praised me!
He said: "Nana you're the greatest!"
"Nana you're the best! Thank you!"
As I was making him a drink: what do you think?
Did he understand what he said? Did he mean it?
Or was he just copying things he'd heard
Word for word: praising me as he is praised!
When we try to get him to do something!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Scorcher 45 degrees

Today is a scorcher: it is so extremely hot
There's a total fire ban: no fires to be lit
It was already 40 degrees at 10 o'clock
The magpies are in the garage: cooling off
The stumpy tails are hiding on my veranda
Desperate for some coolness; anything at all
I've got a leaky pipe: the cats think it's great
Love lounging in my flower pots: when it's really hot
Hear the blowflies buzzing through my window screens
They are seeking shelter in my closed up house
I guess they're desperate for a little coolness too!
Outside the ground is burning: mirages abound
Looks like watery puddles all over the place
The air seems to be burning: it's so scalding hot
It difficult even to breathe when it is like that
So we stay inside: try to survive: air conditioners on
Full bore as we sit out this bloody heat
Later on we'll venture out: when the worst is past
Enjoying the cool swimming pool: yes that will be a blast
Santiago & I will have a race up & down the pool
We will have some fun: after the worst is past!

Gun crazy

Why is it that men are gun crazy when they are young?
Why is it that they have to shoot to kill just for fun?
I remember just watching as he aimed that stupid gun
Tried to shoot some lambs beside the road: I prayed
Yes! How I prayed that he would miss that shot: he did!
I was so happy for that: couldn't have coped with that death
Silly, silly man: why do you not understand: that life is grand
Why do you have to be so underhand; so bland
I thank God he's not so silly any more: an even score!

Pissed as a newt

Australians have a silly language
It's crazy maybe: even a little cute
My hubby was a bit silly many years ago
Got as drunk as a skunk: pissed as newt
He was a bit too merry: not really very cute
Got pulled over by the coppers: breathalysed
Ended up spending the night in the cooler
It was winter time: our baby was a few months
He wanted me to get a taxi: come & pick him up

Poor thing: didn't want to stay there at all
Too bad the copper said: "let him cool his heels"
I didn't want to take my baby out into the cold
So I let him take the consequences of his silliness
Let him sit & stew a bit: silly man: if you muck around?
You have to pay the price: I guess I wasn't very nice
But he was supposed to learn his lesson: cop it sweet
I realise he needed to take some time to think on it
Silly man! He was pissed as a newt: too drunk to think
So he had to wait all night until he was released!

Buying time

The Chemo is buying time
I guess that's really fine
Can't expect more than that
Another round starts next week
Those B-cells are copping flak
"Responding to treatment" 
That's what the doctor says
My prayers are being answered
For that's exactly what I asked for
A little bit more time with my mum!

Monday, 16 December 2013

Attachment theory

Little babies need to feel loved from the start
Else they feel starved of affection: starved of love
Left alone to lay in their cots: orphans close off
They shut down that connection for affection
If their cry is unanswered: if it doesn't work
They even stop crying after a while: just lay 
Listless, subdued: lifeless like a doll!
Many years ago an adoption was made
Twin boys: nine months of age: just lay there
Didn't cry: didn't move: nothing to prove
Felt abandoned: left to do it all alone
Until love came to take them home
Then they blossomed into sweet little boys
Brought their new parents so many joys
All was good until their teen years and then 
All hell broke loose: they couldn't cope
Understanding came about their early lives
They were distressed with their history
They just couldn't cope: went off the rails
Got up to mischief: went on their own merry way
Troubles seemed to simply multiply: didn't know why?
It all stems back to that earlier time: unhappy start
Anger & frustration came hand in hand with pain
Why didn't mum & dad want us? What did we do?
Couldn't understand the hand they'd been dealt
All that pain came flooding back: deep hurt was felt!

Why am I so angry?

Why am I so angry?
Why do I want to cry?
What is the matter?
Why do I sigh?
Everything is too much!
Everything makes me mad!
Can't cope with anything!
It all goads me: I am sad!
Lord please help me!
Help me find myself
I feel so alone
So left upon the shelf
I am angry at the world!
I am angry at myself!
What chance have I to cope
When I have no support
The one who should be there
Is no help at all I guess
That's why I am so angry
That's what takes the cake
I feel like all I've given
Is just a big mistake!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Singing baby

My dear little Zecarias is nearly three
He's such a little cutie: yes he is!
He's got the cutest little voice: oh yes he has!
As he goes off playing: my gorgeous boy
He's singing songs that sound as cute as he is
His little voice raised in song: amplifying!
Singing the ABC song from Sesame Street
He's also singing rock songs: boy that's sweet
Those two gorgeous boys love to sing along
Santiago & Zecarias are so precious to me
When they go home I miss them so
I can't wait to have them returning!

Burping baby

What a pleasure to have such a beautiful baby girl
What a blessing to see her precious smiles 
As she goos and gaas at her dearest mum
She lets us know if ought is wrong: she cries
She lets out a cry to tell us all: has good lungs
She wants to be in the thick of things 
Looking around at everything: her brothers
As they run around and have their fun for she
Doesn't want to miss a thing: that's so cute and
Burping this little girl is so easy: just pick her up
And "there she blows!" Well done little one!

Evaleah's pain

What a terrible state to be in when you discover
A pea-sized lump in your little baby's breast
Poor little Evaleah has a tiny lump under her nipple
She's not even 3 months old yet: time to fret?
Poor Vanessa is so upset you see because
Her poor little baby shouldn't have something like this
So early in her precious little life: it doesn't seem fair
As it is early days: breast feeding around the clock
This comes as quite a shock but easily fixed
So its off to the doctors for us today to get some help
Antibiotics should do the trick really quick!
It just goes to show all new mums to keep an eye out
For any lumps or bumps upon their precious babies!

Swimming at Glenelg beach

Had a lovely swim at Glenelg beach today
It wasn't really hot but it was so lovely
The waves were tossing me around
I could hardly even touch the ground
It felt so fresh as I swam into the sea
Pounding waves were glorious to me
I swam & swam as far out as I could
Hoping there were no sharks waiting for me
My goggles protected my eyes & nose
My flippers kept me going I suppose
I enjoyed my blissful time as I was tossed
I felt so light so wonderfully free: yes free!
Like a piece of seaweed jiggling up & down
I was rocked upon those crashing waves
The oxygenated water was so beautiful
The negative ions refreshed my mind you see
For it was exactly what the doctor ordered
Yes! exactly what the doctor ordered just for me!

Sunday 15th December 2013

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Jacky's story

Way up north about 56 kilometres out of Meekatharra
There's an Aboriginal Education Community school
Called Karalundi it's for young boys and girls in peril today
All around is the Australian bush: desert scrub and red sands
Nothing for miles and miles: hot dusty countryside
Many children come and go: gaining a little education
A little love and understanding: along with their room and board
Its a hard life I know but they've got nowhere else to go!
At least there they are fed and clothed: taught a few lessons
Learn about horses a few other necessities too

Overseas in Cambodia there is a lack of food and medicine
But here there is a need for more simple fare
These children need some love without the fear
They need to know that they are loved no matter what
They've said and done: no matter how many times they run
You see the problem is one of nurturing and love
Alcohol has destroyed so many families: dire straits
So many situations get in the way: drugs, Mary Jane
Can't cope with their desperate lives so they'd rather die
So many suicides: so much sadness: too little love
Dearest Lord in heaven up above; please help them!

Jacky lost his dad earlier this year: sad to say
His mum is an alcoholic: her boyfriend too
He doesn't have much of a home to go back to
He doesn't really want to be there when they're drunk
Locks himself into his room: tries to hide away 
Doesn't like living his life that way: what choice does he have?
His grandma cares for him when his mum can't but
At least at school he has a chance to learn a bit
Gets a bit of love and understanding too!

Jacky's grandpa was a ringer: herding cattle and sheep
Rode his horse for his work: he was good at it too!
I guess that's why Jacky loves horses: has an affinity
Would rather work with animals than people any day
At least they don't get angry at him: they don't care
Where he's been or what he's been up to!

Poor Jacky: a young Australian lad
Not really good but not really bad
His mum loves him but she just cannot cope
So she drinks the grog and smokes the dope
He tries to be a good boy: he really does: it's true
But what he really needs is love
Will he get it from you?

(Names have been changed for privacy reasons)
Donations are needed to help these poor children
To get an education: to help them learn of life
To let them know that they are loved: to have a simple life
They don't ask for much: just for a chance to live
So please everybody: every little bit you give
Will make it just that much easier for them to have some love!

Friday, 13 December 2013

In the ditch

He gets into the car heading for the shops
Doesn't even think about driving safely
Just accelerates: doesn't look around at the gate
One day he'll just hit someone as he goes about
What do I have to do to make him think: about?
All these silly things he's doing: without a bloody thought!
Why can't he just grow up & be the man he ought?
Lord I am at the end of my tether: wondering whether?
He will ever be sensible again? What then?
Today he drove into a ditch: wasn't aware at all
That Josef was coming up the drive in his little "Sunny"
He came to wake me up: certainly not being very funny!
"The car's stuck in a ditch: can't get it out at all!"
"What have you done now?" I say to him 
"What were you really doing?"
He had to drive it off the road: made a snap decision
Now the tyres are bogged in dirt & dust is all around
Cannot back it out at all: he'll have to drive it forward!

The switch

My son is acting all grown up
My husband's acting like a silly teen
One is well over 58
The other is barely even 19
Lord help me cope with this switch
I feel like I'm losing ground
Please help me fix this awful glitch
Or is there some other way around?
Can't they both act like a man?
Can't they both be responsible?
Why should I have to be his mum?
When I need the grown-up man!

My Christmas List

I have a list of folks I know all written in a book and
Every year at Christmas time I go & have a look and
That is when I realize that these names are a part
Not of the book they're written in but of my very heart!

For each & every name stands for someone whose path 
Touched mine & then left such a print of friendship that 
I want to touch again: while it sounds fantastic that I want
To make this claim: I really feel we are composed of each remembered name!

So never think my Christmas cards are just mere routine
Of names upon a Christmas list forgotten in between
For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you
It's because you're on that list of folks I am indebted to!

Every year when Christmas comes I realize anew
The biggest gift life can give is meeting folks like you
May the spirit of Christmas that forever & ever endures
Leave its richest blessings in the hearts of you & yours!

Sent to me in a Christmas card many years ago!

Personalised wrapping paper

Last year I had no cash for expensive Christmas wrap
Found a huge roll of plain white wrapping paper
Got Santiago to help me out: Zecarias joined in too
We even had mummy drawing with us too!
Had such fun I'm telling you! Made our own special
Christmas wrapping: had us all enjoying ourselves
We drew & scribbled & painted: the colours of the rainbow
We employed: bright & beautiful it was for us
Showing how much we love each & everyone
Of our dearest wonderful family at this precious time!

Wrapped up tight

Christmas wrapping paper is such a waste 
Presents opened: tossed aside in our haste
What a wasteful people we have become
Dumping everything with such aplomb
So much over-packaging is the norm
To stop people stealing: that's the form
Every little tiny thing is wrapped up so tightly
Stops one from extracting things so forthrightly
Well now we have too much paper waste
Too much overdoing: over everything: what a shame!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Legs like jelly

Well it's been three weeks of going to the gym
I'm feeling so much better but not much slimmer yet
Taking those Garcinia Cambogia tablets as well &
Replacing one meal a day with my diet shakes
Surely it must be making a tiny difference I pray
I am feeling much less stressed I must admit
I'm at the acceptance stage of dealing with mum's illness
So something's getting better or I'd just give it all up
As Dr Oz explained on the internet: it's great those capsules
Help even out my blood sugars in general so that's good
But let me tell you how difficult it is to continue on
My alarm went off this morning at 8 am: didn't want to hear it
Went right back to sleep until I finally surfaced at 9 am
Got to gym 20 minutes late but got there all the same
Did my circuit workout & aqua-robics as well at 10:15
My legs felt like jelly: weak as a kitten after it but
I did it & I'm just so proud to be making it!

Four funerals & a wedding

Instead of four weddings & a funeral like in the movie
We've had four funerals & a wedding in the past few years
As we get older we attend more funerals as our friends & family
Age & disappear back to the dust from whence we came
We attended a wedding tonight & my hubby commented
He was so glad to be attending a happy celebration rather
Than a sad occasion: too many sad occasions in the last years
We lost uncle Terry just last year, Nana Evelyn just before
Auntie Renee & Aunt Imelda & uncle Dean have gone as well
Only uncle Paddy is left of the fourteen that once graced this world
Now my mum is ill & grief already clutches my soul
How many more must we lose before dear Jesus comes again?

Wedding in Tanunda

Attended a lovely wedding in Tanunda: Barossa Valley
Dean & Elaine tied the knot: beautiful spot at the Weintal
Lovely gardens so picturesque: nature's greenery
On display: what a blessed day to see them joined
In Holy matrimony: Elaine cried as they said their vows
She looked so beautiful in her white skirt, pretty pink top
Everyone was happy to see this day: joy fulfilled at last
We toasted them in champagne: chilled: frosted glasses
A lovely meal was enjoyed by all: simplicity was employed
Second marriage for them both: they plighted their troth
Precious words straight from their loving hearts: true love
Second time around: a wonderful blessing indeed
God brought them together: bringing love again!
I say thank God for lovers everywhere: bless them all
Grant them all a happy life together: always & forever!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

From Hungary with love

My dearest Magyar nagymama was amazing
She embroidered so many precious things for me
So many doilies and larger colourful runners too
Brought home for me by my precious mum: from Hungary
I had them all neatly put away: saving them for another day
When I could finally give them pride of place but
Over the years my daughter begged me please
To let her use some in her room: I agreed you see
Because I love her unconditionally: but now woe is me
There are stains upon those precious pieces!
As with all those things we think to put aside
In our silly pride they are lost: never used at all
So many things we lost in the flood; kept them safe
For what good? They are destroyed & tossed aside
Never to be used at all: such a shame: who to blame?
So now I realise that something loved is used with pride
No use putting it aside for who will then see it at all
I think I will frame many of those precious pieces
Perhaps cover them with a durable plastic matting
Yes I think I will do that: then display them all with pride
All my dearest grand-mother's handiwork: I will display
For all to see: not hidden away: a grand display!

Ruby & garnet

My mum gave me her precious jewellery
Brought them all the way from Hungary
A simple signet ring with a tiny ruby
A pair of ear-rings of nine carat gold
One tiny ruby one tiny garnet in that gold
I had them in my tiny jewellery box: wore the ring
Saving them for when my daughters grew: mum
I just didn't realise how much they meant to you!
My little girl found them: had to try them on
Now I cannot find them: they are all long gone

Simple memories come flooding back to me
I feel so ashamed: for I guess I didn't see
Though they were not worth much financially
They were heirlooms that you'd saved for me
I am so sorry mum: I didn't think to save them
I never thought they would get lost you see
But now as I have a new grand-daughter 
I understand what you'd planned for me: they
Were to be passed on to my eldest daughter
Then to her eldest as time went on: but now
They are just tiny fragments in my memory!