Thursday, 26 December 2013

Peace on earth

'Tis the season to be jolly
'Tis the time to celebrate Christ's birth
But so many are lost in sadness
Hardly able to spread the mirth
It saddens me to see such sadness
Spread all across this precious earth
So many starving: not enough to eat
So many dying in their own streets
War and pestilence seems never ending
How can we who have so much?
Just carry on living and toss it in the street
Dear Lord it is difficult to feel so happy
When so many are dying for a feed
What ever happened to giving alms
To feed the needy as they beg in need
Too many live a life of fullness
Too many live beyond their means
Then sadness and anger come flying 
Madness lying in the city streets
Too many suffer for the other's greed!
Dear Lord please come quickly
Dear Lord please take us all home
Dear Lord please help us all to realise
The Blessed Hope is coming soon!

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