Sunday, 22 December 2013

War and peace

If peace is the absence of war and
Health is the absence of illness
How come there is still so much strife
All over the world and within our life?
Though we are not fighting a world war
Still there is death and destruction everywhere
People still die of starvation and illness is rife
So many needy everywhere you may look
What about little children in their parent's care?
Some are still dying because of neglect
"What the heck!"  you may say but if 
Nothing is done to aid those kids or others
Will anyone do anything without the time?
Who gives a damn for the weak & needy?
There are way too many who are just greedy!
"The money doesn't get too those who need it!"
This seems to be the catch-cry! Why?
Because people are now so cynical: so clinical
About the why's and wherefores! 
It is easier to just turn a blind eye!
To sit back and deny there is a need
That is the problem with people's greed
Well it is Christmas: how about a little love?
God sent His most precious Son for our needs
Can we not in our plenty just give a twenty
Something to someone else for a change!
In honour of He who made us: He who saved us!

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