Thursday, 30 May 2013

Ah: Hot water

Ah! Hot water: what bliss!
How could anyone?
Do without this?
After a good soak
All the dead skin cells
Just slough away
It's like a new beginning
It's like a new lease on life!
Muscles relaxed
Skin renewed
Steam cleaning at it's best!
The grey water just drains away
Taking with it
All the stress
All the dirt
All the grime of another day!

Please pray for my mum: Roza Szabo

Please pray for my mum
She's almost 75 years old
She's always exhausted
She's running out of puff
She can't really do much stuff
Mum has worked hard all her life
Labouring for her daily wage
Now she's getting on a bit
There's not really that much:
To be done for it
But I know the power of prayer
I know that there is more out there
I know that God rules heaven and earth
I know He's watched over her
From the day of her birth
Dear Lord please take care of my mum
Please take care of your dearest daughter
I know maybe she hasn't been
As close to you as you would like
But she's always done the best that she could
She's always taken care of our family
So please Lord: hear my prayer
Please take care of my dear mum
Please keep her strong 
For a few more years yet
I know dear Lord that you get
So many prayers asking 
For so many things each day
So I won't trouble you any more today!

Letter to America

All those many years ago
Nana Lindy wrote a letter
To the Government in America
Sorrowing over the loss of one life
She wrote to anyone who would listen
She wrote about her sadness
At everybody's loss
When JFK was murdered
As he toured in Dallas town!
How wonderful to know that
Someone cared enough to listen
Someone cared enough to reply
For there was a letter in her mailbox
A letter filled with sadness and loss
Thanking her for her time
Thanking her for her compassion
As America mourned his loss!

I want to be with you

I want to be with you Lord
I want this more than life
For I know you are my true Lord
For you first gave me life
I want to go where you go
I want to be lifted up
There is no other place dear
Where there is so much love
I want to see an end Lord
To all this pain and strife
I want to help so many Lord
To discover your true faith
I want to leave hate behind
I want to find true peace
For you dear Lord are everything
You are all I want and need in life!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Precious gift

Nana Lindy gave me a precious gift
A little mirror inside: like a pearl
Inside its precious shell
Though Nana Lindy is now resting
Though she has left her earthly shell
I think about her often 
As I open up this gift from her
It reminds me of our visits
When we spent time together
Talking and hugging and laughing
Back when she was still well!

Mushroom hunting

We went hunting for mushrooms
Many years ago: with our nieces
Also with my brother and sister-in-law
We found so many mushrooms
In fairy rings and all alone
We picked them: put them in baskets
We took them all back home
We cooked them all up and ate them
We had them on warm toasted bread
I can still remember the children's voices
Calling out in their excitement
"Look I've found another mushroom!"
Yes I recall those excited voices
They still float around in my head!

Sunshine Smiles

There's sunshine on my clothes line
Shining down on pretty pink clothes
I'm getting ready for our precious baby girl
She's coming soon to meet us
She's coming soon to greet us
With her special little smile
I saw her in my dream last night
I saw her gorgeous eyes
We were painting her fingernails
We were laughing together 
We were having so much fun!
Dear Lord I just can't wait
To see it all happen!

Bob the bottle man

Today I saw the bottle man
Riding his bicycle in the sun
Checking all the rubbish bins 
Looking for a few bottles and cans
Obviously he has his plans
Trying to earn a little extra cash
I felt sorry for the old bottle man
He looked thin and underfed
Why does he have to seek
Among those rubbish bins?
To help him make his way?
Does he have no choice?
Because times are so tough?
Is that why his life is so rough?
I'll call him Bob because
His head was bobbing up and down
As he rode his old bicycle
Around that country town
I watched him cycle from bin to bin
Opening them up: looking in
He only found one bottle
I felt that was such a shame
I bet he was looking for so much more
That's why he came!
I stopped my car and called out to him
He didn't hear me shout
So I followed him into the park
I called out once again
Finally he heard me and listened up
He followed me across the road
I gave him all I had
To make his life a little easier
For whatever he had on his list
For Lord I felt I was the lucky one
That day I saw good old uncle Bob
I thank you every day for taking care of me!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Canoeing trip from Lake Cullulleraine

Two mates took a canoeing trip
From Lake Cullulleraine in Victoria
All the way to Renmark
In South Australia’s Riverland
Vanessa and I travelled to the lake
We were happy to spend that time
Talking to her daddy before
He left on that camping trip
The first of his life time
Then we went home to wait
We went home to relax
If you could call it that
Hoping and praying that
All would be well!
They paddled that canoe
For so many long, long miles
Passing many creeks and islands
Passing many beautiful sights
Enjoying the peace and quiet
Enjoying nature’s days
And all those glorious
Star clad velvet nights
Sleeping beside a campfire
Watching the sun go down
On their peaceful yet strenuous
Canoeing trip along the River Murray
Tim remembers getting up early
Before the sun was up
The serenity of that billabong
So still and quiet: nothing moving
Like a mirror the river lay
Reflecting the peacefulness
Of the coming bright new day!

Blue heeler

Man's best friend
Blue heeler dog
Kept his master safe
Loved him like God
Bit anyone who came
Too close for comfort
Nipped and fought
For his master's life
Anyone was a target
Around his master's car
Watch out people
He'll get you unaware!

For Murray McKinnon

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Hyperbaric chamber 1987

Diving underneath the dark green sea
Searching for some adventuring
My hubby went with his mate Ian
They dived below the frothing seas
Everything was ready: everything was cool
Had lots of fun chasing all those fish
Searching for that old shipwreck
Seaweed and Corals growing upon her hull
Water: crystal clear beneath that sun
But then trouble came to spoil the day
Rising up to that sunny surface: rough
Panic set in and caused a turn
Ambulance came and took him off
To the Royal Adelaide Hospital
This was way back in 1987!
Vanessa and I were waiting at home
So many miles away in Sedan
I just knew that something was wrong
As I watched the clock ticking
On that wall: shadows elongating
Finally Ian and Kathy were there
At our door: “Tim’s in hospital at RAH
He’s in the hyperbaric chamber
There’s a bubble in his blood
He’ll be okay! Don’t worry now!”
We travelled there to visit him
All we could see was
That great big orange tank
Tim inside: recovering
From Nitrogen Narcosis!

Ode to Donny Osmond

I remember when I was young
Singing along to my teeny-bopper love
He was so cute when we were twelve
I dreamt he was my love
I thought his songs were my world!
As I grew up a little bit
I watched him grow up too
I saw him join with The Osmonds
Their family band just like
Michael Jackson and his family
I sang along to "Puppy Love"
I sang along to "Twelfth of Never"
These were the lyrics that
Touched my pre-teen soul
I remember watching his videos
I remember watching 
The Donny and Marie Show
I just couldn't get enough 
I loved to idolise him and his brothers
I knew all their names and dreamed
Of falling in love and marrying him
Yes! Donny Osmond was my teen idol!

I watched a lot of Disney movies with our kids
I remember Mulan was popular
I never expected to hear Donny singing
His family disappeared years ago
He still had his great voice
It seemed unfair to hear how
He'd been pushed aside
Nobody wanted to hear him sing
But I'm so glad he had another chance
Because he was my teen idol 
From all those years ago!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Drive-in picture show

My parents regularly took us
To the drive-in picture shows
Every weekend we'd go there
To Barmera to watch a movie
I was 8 years old
Small for my age
Mum and dad didn't earn much
They were labourers
Picking fruit: oranges
Apricots, grapes
Whatever they were asked to do
Every Friday night we'd go out
They tried to save a few pence
Saying I was under the age to pay
They said I was seven
I was offended and piped up
"I'm eight!" 
Then I realised what I'd done
Getting them into trouble
And said: "I live in a gate!"
I remember blushing beet red
Being embarrassed 
For causing some trouble
I was just being a silly little kid!

Wedding Reception 1979

The wedding reception was held
At The Townhouse in Hindley St 
Adelaide on the 26th of May 1979
I was just 22 years of age
Tim was 23: almost 2 years older
Denis was best man
Debbie was matron of honour
I organised the seating: unknowing
I had our two families
Drawn up along battle lines
Facing each other across
The three long tables radiating
Like rays form the shining sun
Of our bridal table
I hoped everyone would enjoy
Themselves for our big day!
We didn't have a photographer
Just asked everyone to take photos
Then pass their pictures to us to keep
Gil Harrington arranged my dress
To make it look more professional
Thank you everyone for coming
To celebrate with us! 

Zserbo Wedding cake

I asked my mum to make 
My beautiful wedding cake
I wanted something different
I was never a fan of fruit cake
My beautiful mum made two
Heart shaped cakes for us
Two hearts joined together
With the same blue ribbon
White icing on that yummy cake
Zserbo: apricot and ground almonds
In between the biscuit layers
A taste sensation for us all!

Wedding day jitters

34 years ago I was getting ready
To go to the church to get married
34 years ago I was very nervous
I must admit I was a little bit scared
Mum and dad were there with me
Debbie was helping me to get ready
Alec was to drive one of the cars
Blue was my favourite colour 
So we were all colour coordinated
I had a royal blue ribbon tied
Around those beautiful flowers
I had my precious Magyar grandmother's
Embroidered shawl she made for me
Something old, something new
Something borrowed; something blue!
It was all organised: all ready to go
We were standing outside the house
At 45 Jenkins Avenue 
In Rostrevor, Adelaide.
Taking a photograph just before 
We headed off to the church!
Suddenly: a car of hooligans 
Drove past: yelling and screaming
Someone threw a pomegranate at me
I thank God it missed!
I just couldn't believe that people 
Could be so awful: to try to ruin 
My special day; without a second thought!

(Pomegranates are for fertility)

34 years

Tomorrow will be our 34th 
Wedding anniversary: yes: 34 years of wedded ...
Bliss? I cannot tell a lie: it has not always been bliss
It has been oft-times: hit and miss: good times and bad
Happy and sad but always interesting
That's the thing: though we've had our ups and downs
The laughter and the frowns: through it all we've learnt
How to get along together: never say never!
We don't know how things will go but just so you know
I love you so much: I can't live without you!
I know sometimes I make you mad: just letting you know: you do the same!
There used to be this blame game: what a terrible shame to live like that
But now I understand how life goes: I understand how God works
We all have free will: we all have that choice: we are all to have a voice
Each must decide how this ride will go on and on: or not
If put on the spot: how would you vote?
Many years ago I realised it was up to me: I had the choice
I chose to live with you: to marry you: for better or for worse 
I was not coerced, was not forced! It's a matter of course
You get what you put into the pot: you are what you eat
You are the sum of your fears: you can't make a silk purse 
Out of a sow's ear but you can nurture and nourish
You can do things with a flourish or you can just wither and die!
I will not lie: God gives to those who ask in faith!
Finally I have faith: to believe in myself
As long as God is with me: I will not be afraid
For who shall stand against me: with Him by my side!

Purple flowers and butterflies

I Love purple flowers
I could just stare
For hours and hours
I could just imagine
How God made each
And every little petal
All those beautiful shades
So many flowers for butterflies
For birds and bugs
To colonise: for enterprise
Multitudes of gardens 
Full to the brim
Of every sort of flying thing
Beetles and moths
Butterflies and bees
Everywhere I look
I imagine all of these
Would be like heaven to me 
If only it would be like this!

Just another year or two

Some days I feel so old
Some days I feel so cold
It's like I'm in neutral gear
I don't know which way to steer
I feel so lost in this life
I wish I was in heaven already
I want to be nearer to Thee
Dear Lord I just want to flee
Don't want to hear about
All of these terrible deeds
Lord why can't it be better than this?
Why can't people just love each other
Why can't our life just be bliss?
Instead it's so hit and miss!
Life is so full of distress
Lord please help clean up 
this mess
Please hold back those angels of yours
Just a little longer dear Lord I beg
Just until some more people are safe
Just until I've had that final chance to 
Spread these words further for you
Please: just another year or two!

Pink Bootees

I'm looking for pink bootees
All things pink are in my sights
Anything girlish will be considered
I'm just so happy to say
A little girl is on the way
So I've got pink blankets
They're a-happening
I'm crocheting: up to number two
The second rug is on the way
It's pale pink and violet
It's soft pink and lilac
Sweet girlish colours
For our new little girl!
Help! We need some
New names because 
We're stumped: we can't agree
We need help: any ideas?

Friday, 24 May 2013

Love is easy

If this is love: love is easy!

There's a new song
On the radio
The words are simple
Can't stop singing
"If this is love: love is easy!"
If this is love: love completes me!"
That's exactly how I feel
Loving my Lord is easy!
Loving Jesus is so easy
He comforts me
He completes me!
Jesus is love
His love is complete!
Isn't it just so neat?
Being loved by God!
Being taken care of by our Lord:
Is so easy!
Thank you Lord for loving me!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Kicking in utero

Yesterday: I felt my little grand-daughter
Kicking; in utero; in her mummy's tummy
She's an active little baby already
She brings a glow to her mummy's face
She's growing: taking up more space
In her mummy's round tummy!
I talk to my little baby girl
Her big brothers talk to her too!
She'll know them when she arrives
As she's heard them gigling and playing
She will be a most precious addition
To our growing family
A little girl to clothe in pretty dresses
Colourful ribbons in her curly hair
Will she be dark or will she be fair?
That we will find out: when she gets here!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

How things have changed

My how things have changed
We used to have to wait for hours
At Centrelink: still do I suppose!
When people talk over your head
Instead of explaining it to your face!
Tablets everywhere
People's fingers pointing
Poking: prodding: typing
Numbers entered: names and dates as well!
Thank God for technology
But what about personal interaction?
What about a little understanding?
What about people asking for help?
A minute of your time
To see if he's got the plot?
To see if it's gotten in?
An extra moment to make sure 
That he understands
As well as hearing!
Poor old man next to me
Holding that phone to his ear
He didn't realize it was upside down
No wonder he couldn't hear!
He just waited and waited ceaselessly
Waiting for some-one to take his call
Finally I asked him: "is there anyone there?"
"No" he said "no one has answered me"
I took that phone and listened
Not even a dial tone on that phone
So I pushed those buttons
Redialled for him and got him his answer
Within a few minutes he was on his way
It was all done for him: no thanks to the assistant!
Thank you Lord for your assistance
On this blessed day!

Iron Man vs. the Dinosaur

At the dentist surgery
Zac wouldn't open his mouth
For his very first appointment
But afterwards he was singing
With his dear mummy
"Ah, ah, ah, ah" he sang
In his sweet little voice
When no-one was trying
To get a look into his mouth!
Then we went to play
But there were no toys
For him to play with today!
We had two pieces of paper
One with a dragon
One with a dinosaur
Not good enough for our boy
He wanted Iron Man!
So I drew a picture of Iron Man
Then he was happy
As Iron Man took on that dinosaur
The battle was fierce and scary
There were roars and lots of screams
As Iron Man flew about
Then there was a shout!
As Iron Man won the bout!
Iron Man: 1
Dinosaur: 0

Crimson Rosellas

So many crimson Rosellas
Along the country roads
Gliding down from those
Huge Eucalyptus trees
Pecking at their favourite seeds!
Crimson Rosellas by the score
Everywhere I look around
There I see more and more 
Every few minutes as I drive along
I get so scared for them as
They congregate on the roadsides
It feels so sad to see
A dead crimson Rosella
Who can no longer flee?
No matter how many cars
Go driving past so speedily!

Vanessa's 28th Birthday

I travelled down to the city of Adelaide
For my daughter's 28th birthday
I was 28 when I had her
My first precious girl
Now 28 years have passed
My daughter has grown up
She carries her own little girl
Nestled close; underneath her heart!
We baked a chocolate cake
We made chocolate muffins too!
Santiago helped his mum
He's a little chef too!
Zecarias helped to lick the spoon
They fought for that last bit of icing
They love their chocolate too!
Billie came with flowers
There were hugs all round
As we blessed the day
That God gave me my daughter
28 years ago!

Zac plus two = tantrum

Zecarias is two and a bit
He's going through the terrible twos
What can a Nana do?
He's trying to get his own way!
He's a determined little chap
Sometimes I wonder 
How to get out of his cute little trap?
I won't take his "NO" for an answer!
I won't let him have it over me
Cos if I do I'll have lost the battle
In this war of life we're in!
So we fight our battles
We continue on our way
Sometimes he's upset with me
But he has to learn that
His loving Nana is only trying
To teach him how to do things
How to make things right
Cos he's just at the very beginning
Of his most precious 
God-given life!

Sunday, 19 May 2013


I just heard the clouds burst
I just heard that rain falling down
It was so loud upon our roof top
It was like the entire sky 
Was falling right on down!
Now it is so still again
It is so quiet in the night
I can hardly believe it
Did I just dream it?
No: it really happened!
There's that wet dripping sound!


It's funny how I get the hiccups
Whenever I have a message on my phone
Yes I always get the hiccups
Whenever someone's trying to reach me
It's become like my personal system
Whenever I can't hear it beeping
Out its message tone
As soon as I get close enough
There it goes again
I get the hiccups just to let me know!

Flying egg-flipper

Sometimes he makes me so angry
I just want to lash out at him
He just can't seem to stop 
Smoking those bloody cigarettes
I'm sick of him sneaking off to buy them
He goes behind my back!
It reminds of many years ago
When I was so much younger 
And so much more volatile!
I can't recall what upset me then but
I do remember that flying egg-flipper
I threw it at him from across the kitchen
 I got him on the eye-brow!
Thank God it was made of plastic
It broke the skin and made him bleed!
I was so sorry then that I'd thrown it!
But now I guess It makes me think:
Words are thrown across at each other
They draw blood too!
Maybe not in a physical sense!
Words cause scars of another kind
Underneath it all they still linger
Just like my memories of that egg-flipper
Flying through the air: right on target!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Rosemary for Rememberance

A sprig of Rosemary smells so sweet
It is used for remembrance!
They give you a tiny piece
To take home from a funeral
It’s supposed to keep your mind
Centred upon your loved one
In times when your heart aches
In times when you eyes blur
As you think of days gone by
Yes thinking of one who has left your side
Thinking of one who has gone too soon
Taken to heaven as they say!
But in reality they are asleep
Knowing nothing; thinking not
They are laid down in their plot
Waiting for you to get on with your lives
Waiting for time to swallow their bones
Waiting for Jesus to come again!

I ache for my Lord

I need some printing ink
I need to rest my arm
I am writing too much
My arm is aching all the time
But I must continue writing
For my Lord is guiding me
All this writing I am doing
It is for my Lord that I ache
I ache to be beside Him 
Up in heaven above
I ache to show His guidance

In all that I write with love
I ache to help so many others
I ache to aid the world
But Lord I am so powerless
In this huge big earth!
So all that I am really able
Is to spread just a few seeds

That when my Lord comes again
He will be able to reap so many more!
He leads and I am guided
He calls and I do come
Where ever I am needed
To spread His wondrous love!

Comfrey for bones

I accidentally kicked the table leg
On a dark cold night
Now my poor toe is aching
It is visibly injured, red
I rubbed in some Comfrey ointment
An herbal medical unguent
It made it feel so much better
It made my poor toe feel good
It started working to ease that pain
Just as it was supposed to do!
So many times we need to understand
Just how to help ourselves
If things get bad when we're alone
We must be able to ease the pain!
We have those little ditties
We have those little sayings
Like: cool, clean, cover for a burn
Like rest, ice, compress, elevate for sprains
All these things we need to learn
Knowing these things should be our aim!

Glowing embers

My wood burning stove awaits me
A glowing bed of coals still visible inside
I add a couple of bunched up newspapers 
A few dry old walnut shells
I light the match that starts it all
Flames lick upwards through the paper
Ready to catch at the Mallee stump as 
The fire starters glow with their heat

Warmth emanates from that wood stove
I hear the roar as everything goes up
It spreads out into my cold kitchen
After a few more minutes 
I feel that glorious radiating heat
Warm fingers touch upon my body
I am ready to relax next to
That wonderful, glorious heat!

Wood fire heat

Winter is almost upon us
Even after all of these warm May days
It's so cold inside these walls
Where no sunshine ever falls
These walls are made of sandstone
They are 18 inches thick
So no warmth now comes inside
As it used to with summer's heat
Now that the days are cooling
Now that autumn is almost gone
The chill rises and consumes me

I feel it climbing up my back
I have to get that wood fire burning
I have to halt that dampness
I need to keep my warmth inside me
Or that chill will curl its winter claws
All around my body as 
My feet touch these cold 
Linoleum clad floors!

Tiny Scorpion

Tiny scorpion lying on my floor
How on earth did you get in?
What are you here for?
Tiny little scorpion 
Why are you inside?
Did you think you could stay?
When my grandsons are around?
Tiny little scorpion
I am sorry but you must go!
I don't want you here
Just in case you let your venom flow!
My grandsons are so precious to me
You are the one who must be gone!
Yes! Tiny little scorpion: you have to leave
Before you sting anyone living here!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Feel the love

Feel the love of the Holy Spirit
Feel the love of God
God is love!
Love is of God!
If we don't love one another
We are in darkness!
God sent His son to save us!
Whosoever confesses
That Jesus is the Son of God:
God dwells in him and he in God
There is no fear in love
We love Him because
He first loved us!
The oldest commandment is: Love!
God's love is perfect!

Anger and frustration

A child's feelings are more important
Than the broken shards of glass
Lying on the ground beneath his feet...
A mother's love is more important
Than her anger for the loss of a thing!
His pain and tears so much more 
Important than her anger any day!
Yes he dropped that expensive thing!
He didn't mean to do it: it was an accident!
Forgive him for his clumsiness
Forgive him for his fears
He is only 5 years old: though 
Sometimes he seems way beyond
He understands the consequences
He understands your anger
But what he needs is your love
At times like these: you need to see
He is only that little child
He needs your love and understanding
For many more long, long years!

In the light of Jesus' Love

In these darkest times
When the Light of our Lord
Is seen to be shining less brightly
We are called upon
To keep the commandments
To stay close to our Lord
To live the life of Jesus Christ!
Too many care not how they live!
Too many only do what they want!
As Satan goes about like a roaring lion
We must stand up and be counted
We must be closer to our Lord
We must show the world that
Only through the power of Jesus' words
Will we be able to stand
Thus must we study His words
Keep them in our hearts
That when that dark day shall come
We will be found standing 
Among the ruins of this earth
Steady as His beating heart
Righteous unto salvation!

Galatians 5: 22
The fruit of the spirit:
Love, joy, peace
Faith, meekness

John 15: 1-12
Jesus is the vine
We are the fruit
Jesus says: 
If I abide in you
You will bear much fruit

Revelation 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints
Here are those 
Who keep the commandments of God
And the faith of Jesus

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Walking with my Lord

I love to walk along the beach
After a storm has been
There are so many precious shells
Along that beautiful beach to be seen
The waves have tossed and turned
All that fury has played it self out
What remains upon the shore there?
Are all those beautiful little creatures
Who have given it their best fight!
I found so many beautiful Olive shells
After a long dark stormy night
I gathered those precious little shells 
Took them home to share their light!
I have some on my beautiful shell table
They are so precious to me
For they remind me of those days and
Those nights long gone by as well
When I lived beside the sea side
And walked the miles with Thee!


You have to have your wits about you 
You have to be so careful as you drive
You have to take notice of everything
If you want to stay alive!
Following along behind another car
Just keeping all in control
I was surprised by a bit of commotion
As the big truck ahead took off
It was jack-knifing off the highway
It was ploughing through a fence
Dust was flying up into the sky there
Like a plume of toxic smoke
The truck finally came to a standstill
And the dust settled all around
My heart was beating like crazy
As I took stock and looked around
I'd tried so hard to miss that car
Pulled my steering wheel to the right
But something; someone also grabbed it
And stopped me from taking us out
Onto the other side of that busy highway
Kept us safe from harm!
Thank you dear Lord for saving us all!
Whenever I drive: no matter how far
I always take my Lord with me
I always pray for His protection
As I set off onto those dangerous roads!

Sleazy serpent

My first office job was so cool
I was enjoying my job as a clerk
Even dreaming of the accounts
When I was asleep in my bed
I dreamt of Honeywell and Howard
And all those other accounts
That were floating around in my head!
But there was one thing that bothered me!
One thing that really pissed me off!
There was a sleazy guy who lurked about
Trying to embarrass all the young girls
Rubbing himself against us
Insinuating himself between us 
And forcing us to move past him
As he leered at us and made us feel
Like we were just his playthings
That sleazy look upon his face
He tried it out on me one day
I turned around and gave him an icy glare
He stayed away from me after that
But I still watched as he intimidated the others
Still made his sleazy presence felt
A she slithered around that office
Like Satan the serpent himself!