Thursday, 16 May 2013

Walking with my Lord

I love to walk along the beach
After a storm has been
There are so many precious shells
Along that beautiful beach to be seen
The waves have tossed and turned
All that fury has played it self out
What remains upon the shore there?
Are all those beautiful little creatures
Who have given it their best fight!
I found so many beautiful Olive shells
After a long dark stormy night
I gathered those precious little shells 
Took them home to share their light!
I have some on my beautiful shell table
They are so precious to me
For they remind me of those days and
Those nights long gone by as well
When I lived beside the sea side
And walked the miles with Thee!

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of that poem about the footprints in the sand! When asked why God was not with that person during those times when there were only one set of footprints and he replies: "that was when I carried you!" We are those shells cast upon the beach after a storm: God picks us up and takes us into His loving arms to take care of them in heaven!
