Saturday, 31 August 2013

Singing in the Sun

I'm singing in the sun
Having so much fun
Winter is gone at last
I'm having such a blast
Yes I'm singing in the sun!
I hear the buzzing of bees
Among the flowering trees
I watch the swallows fly
Way up there in the blue sky
Yes I'm singing in the sun!

Happy Father's Day

Dear dad I want to let you know
How much I love you: dearest heart
You've always been there for me
No matter what! So here I say:
You are so special to me!
I love you unconditionally! 
Just like God loves me too!
If I could fly above this world
I'd be looking down upon your head
Kissing that precious brow of yours
Thanking you for everything
You have done for me &
You will do for me in the future
Dear dad I do love you!

Spring is here

Finally: Spring is here &
I hear a buzzing in my ear
The birds are singing
The bees are buzzing
People are smiling
The joy is finally here
After such a cold winter
The sun is burning brightly
Everyone walks more sprightly
Simply because Spring is here!


It is 5:55 pm in my part of the world
The day Thou gave Lord now is ending
It has been a blessed & beautiful Sabbath day
As I gaze towards the west I watch the last rays
Dipping down into the pink tinged skies
Peacefully the God-given day is slipping away
Darkness comes again to end this wonderful day
Thank You Lord for this day of peaceful rest
We who enjoy your Sabbath are truly blessed!


Portrait of Jesus

How would Jesus look in a portrait?
What would be the qualities we seek?
How do you portray loving and kind?
Benevolent and understanding
Powerful, majestic, all knowing?
What about humble, downtrodden, meek?

I see a loving father looking down
Upon the upturned faces of His children
I see a face full of light: radiant with love
Showing how much He cares for us all
I see a smiling face: full of joy and pain
Gazing at all His little lambs: come home again
I see sadness and loss for all those who fell
By the wayside as they climbed up to glory
I see hands open wide to welcome us home
Those scarred hands; hurt for us upon that cross
I see a mighty heart; battle scarred but red
The colour of His blood: yes precious blood He shed
I see my Father: at home in His heavens
Guiding us into our glory to our seating place
I see angels of light surrounding our King
Joyously serenading as they fly upon gossamer wings
I see the New Jerusalem filled with precious jewels
Saints crowned in splendour: smiling at Him
Yes this is the portrait that I see
Jesus my Father waiting for me!

The lost art of doing nothing

Have we forgotten how to live?
Our lives in quiet contemplation?
Forgotten how to relax & evaluate?
These crazy times in which we live?
In all these crowded nations?
Do we really understand how to?
Just turn off all the jumbled messages?

Speaking of the time just before Jesus returns the Bible predicts
"Many will go here & there to increase knowledge"
Just like a train station at rush hour
People hurrying everywhere: tuning out
From God's instructions: we are part of this rat race
God says "Be still & know that I am God!" Psalm 46:10

Socrates once said "An unexamined life is not worth living
In examining our own lives: examining our relationships with God
And getting to know Him better: all require time!
By being less busy & reclaiming the lost art of doing nothing!"

So put your phone down
Go for a leisurely walk
Chew your food slowly
Pray: ask God to help you relax
Keep the Sabbath
Get outside & get closer to God!

Friday, 30 August 2013

Letting go of the past

Letting go of past hurts
Allowing love into our lives
Helping spread understanding
Giving the future a chance
You don't have to change it all
Just show that you are no longer
Living under that shameful pall
Let go of all those childish hurts
Allow love to rule in your world
This is how it feel with Jesus
He rules in my life and heart
I am released from all that pain
I am able to live & love again
My past is just that now: my past
I look forward to growing
I look forward to enjoying
I look forward to heaven
For Jesus has already paid my price!

Communication breakdown

Such a sad time it is when 
Communication breaks down
We might think we are communicating
But sometimes it is just two people
Taking turns: talking at each other
That does not make it real communication
For that you actually have to understand &
Listen to what the other person is saying
That is what communication is all about
Listening; hearing; understanding each other
Taking on board the words & really taking note!
It feels awful when you cannot get through
When the other just listens but does not get it
Doesn't even try to hear your words: your pain
Simply because they are so full of their own thoughts
And no matter what you say: they don't hear
Because they don't want to hear what you are saying

Stop at the Esso sign

At high school we went on many trips
Mostly to Adelaide: our capital city
We saw the play Eqquus: a bit risque
Full frontal male nudity on the stage
We were a bit shocked to say the least
Afterwards as we toured the city
We had a lunch break down by the River
I remember laying down on my belly
Enjoying a bit of lovely sunshine
Suddenly our teacher was taking my picture
(A picture of my bottom to be precise!)
I was wearing a pair of blue jeans
I had a pretty nice little butt back then!
Later back at our school in Loxton
All the trip's photos were on display
With added quotes from our teachers
Mine said "Stop at the Esso sign!"
They'd written a little Esso sign on my pocket!
That was one of the quotes from the play
The character kept on repeating and
There it was up on the board: 
My blue Jean clad bottom on display!

Top Gear in New Zealand

Watched a funny episode of Top Gear
They went to New Zealand for a race
James was on a US racing catamaran
While Jeremy drove a car to try & beat him
Poor James was splashed with sea water
(I would have been so seasick in his place)
But amazingly James won the race
Jeremy cheated & changed his car (Blue to red)
(After crashing into some railings on the road
He tried to take a short cut to beat James)
I guess it just shows that cheats never prosper!

A Hug

"A hug is the perfect gift
One size fits all & 
No one minds if you exchange it!"
Irving Ball

What a perfect gift to give?
A hug is just delicious
Warm & cuddly & not too difficult
Anyone can give one
All you need to do is 
Wrap your loving arms around them
Cuddle them close & tell them
I love you! Hug me too!
Pass on a hug to everyone
Let none escape this gift
It gives everyone such a beautiful lift!

Darkness and Light

"When we look into our shadows
We see darkness is just another
Aspect of the light"

Me and my shadow
We go everywhere together
We are never apart
Right from the very start
We have journeyed long 
To get where we are today
We are close and never will we part
One side is darkness
One side is light
Two halves of the whole
Just as it should be
For without the one
We would be as the sun
Too blindingly bright
For without the other
Who could appreciate the light
Yes together we are one whole part!

Risk taker

I read the other day a lovely quote
"For anyone who wants to take the risk
Of coming to their senses and losing their minds
For their souls to evolve"
Well I guess I'm a risk taker! 
I want to experience so much more than this life
I want to be able to fly to another universe
Where there is no pain and sadness
I want to be there in my Lord's heaven
At peace and in harmony with all who therein dwell
I want to be with my dear Lord's angels
Sitting at dear Jesus' feet: looking upon the lion and the lamb
In that blessed and beautiful garden where in my heart and soul
Is already at home: knowing that this is the true paradise!

Birth pains

I envy all those women
Who experience birth pains?
In their belly: lucky you I say
Because in my day it hurt so much
The pains were in my poor little back
My daughter wanted to have a natural birth
But I said "Honey just be thankful
That everything is okay: it doesn't matter
How your precious babe enters this world
As long as you are both healthy & well!"
She experienced a terrible back pain
Just the other day: I was there to comfort her
There to explain: "All my pains were in my back
It was so painful an attack I was crying for help!"
One pain was enough to show her the truth of my words
She was paralysed with fear that it would all be like that!
A planned caesarean is on the cards for my girl
Just like the last two beautiful births she had
Two beautiful boys: the apple of their mother's eye
This time it's a little girl who will come: in a few weeks
Just as precious as her brothers: just as much loved
No matter how she must come into this world! 
We await her soon coming!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Losing sight of the shore

If we cannot discover new oceans until
We have the courage to lose sight of the shore?
We must let go of all of our known lives
To be able to find out that there is really more
Our minds will not let us go into imagination
Unless we ourselves force it to let go!
What is possible cannot be experienced
Without faith in those higher worlds
For our God is way above us and waits 
To welcome us into His heavens above!


If the difference between a weed & a herb
Is simply a judgement: we know
Dear God made them all for our use
How then can we humans decide?
Who deserves: what to be called?
When only our Lord has that blessed role!

Sleepless night

It's 6 am on a Thursday
Dawn light is creeping in
I've been lying here for hours now
My eyes are beginning to sting
I've tossed & turned all night
I wish my brain would give in
My body's aching all over too
Oh Lord what am I to do?
Everyone needs their sleep
Everybody needs their rest
But the sleep I need is eluding me
How do I get up & go about this day?
Without having had any rest?
My worries are overwhelming me
My mind is not suitably eased
As I try to escape into oblivion
I'll just have to manage as best!
My belly is demanding breakfast
I must get up to eat: can't sleep hungry
Maybe after I eat I can rest!
I meet my son in the kitchen
He's getting up after his sleep
Oh I wish I were so much younger still
Maybe I could win some release!


Why does a person reject another's plea
To keep risk taking to a minimum
And why does one dig in their toes rather than
Accepting that things are going wrong?
Contrary to giving in gracefully with love
The stubborn one goes off the other way
Just to spite those who love & try to help
Satan's little minions upon those shoulder's sit
Making things go awry just to spite the lover's gift

Global gypsy

Found a great book of photographs & quotes
Lots of black & white pictures taken on his travels
To go with famous quotes from many people
Like JRR Tolkien: "Not all who wander are lost"
Simple facts we forget in modern life
Simply because we forget how to look

Gerar Toye the author of this book
Makes you want to have a better look
At life & how we live it during our times
So many things with which I do agree
Like simple things are meant to be
Appreciated & accepted with such glee
A smile can make your very day
Just by watching little kids at play

Changing the rules

It's not fair when you change all the rules
I say yes, you say no: you say this isn't so
Everybody loses: with ego nobody wins
Just ask the little kids: the yelling never ends
I try to let it mend: but no matter what I say
It never seems my day: It's not fair to say the least
That's the nature of the beast: ego ever rules
It makes us all look like fools: so uncool
I felt like crying then: the tears never seem to end
You call me nasty names: it's always the same
I always get the blame: you intimidate: that's plain
You're just a stand-over man: I'm not a fan
That's what I cannot stand: you just don't understand!
It's not all about you: I have feelings too!
It's not fair: no matter what it is
You change everything: you blame it all on me
No quarter given: no excuses taken
You'll drive me to my grave: if only I were brave
Oh it's not fair: I try my very best but
It's never good enough: you like to play it tough
You say you're teaching me: how can that be?
You never praise me at all: I'm always under par
I feel like we're at war: it's never even score!
Some days I hate you more & more
Where has my loving man gone?
Your ego's swallowed him whole!


Ever felt like you were cornered
Like you had nowhere to run
Like you were put on trial
For the way you lived your life
That's how I feel lately
That's how cornered I have felt
When trying to explain to someone
How to relax & let things ease a bit
It's like being constantly hounded
Like being pushed into a corner
And not given any way to escape
How does any creature react?
When things are building up
They turn around and fight back
For there is no other way to go
Well it's not a pretty feeling
No it's not much fun at all!
So all you can do is 
Fight for all you're worth!

Take the pressure down my pain

The pressure is rising
I'm feeling the strain
So much is happening
I'm in so much pain
I can't seem to sleep
I can't seem to relax
Though I'm trying to 
It's not working again
I fell over chasing Zac
I tripped him up as well
He was trying to escape me
I couldn't let him down
He was heading for the highway
So many cars racing  by
I didn't mean to do it
But as I went down
I made him fly
He looked back at me
To see why I'd knocked him down
He realised I didn't mean it
When he saw me on the ground
Now: a few weeks later
I am in so much pain
I had a chiro appointment
But had to cancel it again
My darling girl needed me
I had to put her first
She's having another baby
She's almost fit to burst
So as I care for my family
I ask my dearest Lord
To help me and to guide me
As I try not to go insane!

Mickey Mouse is dead

Mickey Mouse is dead
I stepped onto his plastic head
I didn't mean to do it
I guess I'll have to glue it
It's such a shame he's gone now
Poor Minnie is alone now
This time I really blew it!
She'll just have to get through it!

Visit to the aquarium

What a special delight
To visit a huge aquarium
So many fish tanks everywhere
All sorts of sea life: fresh & rare
All the colours of the rainbow
Corals, sea grasses, urchins too
So much fascinating life we saw
Zac & Santiago had a ball!
Little fingers followed fish
Even asked to make a wish
Mummy was listening to her son
The very next day we returned
We chose the right little fish
Took them home & settled them in
Now those two little boys are rapt 
Watching those two little fish interact!

Shoulder bag sag

Too heavy a shoulder bag
Makes it such a painful a drag
Over time it makes your shoulder sag
So make it lighter: ease that awful jag
Empty out that bag of tricks
Save yourself some painful tics
Make that heavy bag a little lighter
Your life will then be so much brighter!

Hurts so good

Aching is such a pain
When it starts to win again
It creeps further down my leg
That's when I have to beg
"Someone help me please!"
It feels like a terrible disease
It takes over everything
Can't even think of anything else
"Massage my leg I beg of you!
Please take the pain down a notch or two!"
Find that epicentre of my pain
"Please make it just recede again!
Oh baby that feels so good
Anything to lift this sorry mood!"
Ah! A little pain destroys that deeper pain
And I am able to walk once again!

The best gift

If the usefulness of a pot
Comes from its emptiness?
Could we who strive for peace
Understand life any less?
An empty mind may thus be filled
With so many words: this and that
How much more a life of bliss?
Yes: we should all think on this!
To say good things in moderation
May raise us up above our station
A blessed thing it is to give
To little children who crave our aid
Our guidance: our love: our precious time
If a generous part of ourselves we give?
To raise up good souls unto our Lord
This is the blessed consequence!

The power of distraction

Small children: so full of life
Everything matters: so much strife
Tantrums come: no matter what
So the final thing that counts?
Distraction: changes that roaring tide
When those mouths: crying: open wide
Demand to do those things they want
But you know that you just can't 
Let them for their own safety needs
Make that wonderful connection!
For your own sanity & protection
Distraction from their own cares
Show them love & fun & games
Then nobody needs the blame
And everyone will remain sane! 

Heaven on earth

What is it: heaven on earth?
How is it? After giving birth?
Waiting for this life to quicken
A tiny little baby enters our lives
After 9 months of inner growth
God's gift is brought forth
Ah what a wonderful time
Still so precious: even after 
All of these glorious years

God given gifts

As I sit right here & stare
At these four walls within my care
I remember so many blessed times
When all were gathered here within
My heart & soul do surely fly
Up into those glorious azure skies
I recall so many wonderful days
When all was beauty to my gaze
Growing up under this sturdy roof
We had our ups & downs: that's proof
Of life & love: God given gifts!

Amorous birds

Two pairs of loving birds
Cooing & strutting their stuff
Up there on the light posts
Girls playing hard to get
Guys just trying to get
A little love: just like turtle doves!

Tanunda Bakery

It's so cold today: outside
Winter's chilly winds still bide
Warmth engulfs me
As through the doors I stride
These lovely aromas my nostrils fill
Warm food down my gullet slides
Adding heat to me from the inside

Saturday, 24 August 2013

All together under one roof

It is so wonderful to have the whole family
All together under one roof: it's been a while
Vanessa & her two precious little boys
A brand new baby in her tummy: soon to arrive
Josh & Shelley came to visit as well
They had to come to play with those little boys
Michael is still at home anyway: for a while!
Tim & I are so happy to have them home
What a blessing to be alive: happy together
I guess we must enjoy it while it lasts
For who knows when it will come again?

Please forgive me Lord

I've been in trouble for a while
Thinking too much all the while
Worrying about how it will all go
When the spotlight hit: you know!
I had to ask forgiveness from my Lord
For thinking too much of myself
For really it is not the way
To appreciate God's gifts each day
These words are not my own 
I must confess: they come into
This earthly mind from another's head
I am just the vessel through which
These blessed words will spread
I of myself am nothing: this is true
I am only the lifeless cable lying here
Until my Lord does fill my heart and soul
With His blessed energy and then lo
I am filled with wondrous words until
It all just spills unto this page
Yes! That's right: I am just a pen
But I thank you my dearest Lord
For giving me this wonderful chance
To make it all balance: to make it all happen
For I am truly blessed to be His scribe
Putting pen to paper all the while
Anything I do to receive this gift
These messages: heaven sent
I undertake to fulfil these blessings!

The fish tank

The new fish tank is so cool
It's just like a tiny swimming pool
We set it up the other day
Mummy washed it all out
Then she put in the blue gravel
Planted little plants for the fish 
To have a lovely scenic place
We turned on the light to shine in there
Making it a real little exotic getaway
A cute little statue looks so great
Now after a week we'll get the fish
Put them in & let them investigate!
The only trouble is: little fingers
Belonging to those little hands
Have to get in there to investigate!

Santiago loves sushi

Santiago loves sushi
He enjoys his nigiri: rice fingers 
With Japanese mayonnaise
It is so lovely to see him eating
He likes flying fish roe too
Abalone as well! Bon apetit!

Cat on a Hot tin roof

Up the ladder & onto the roof
These cats are living proof
Agility to the max: that's right
Almost like they learnt to fly
Chasing each other round about
Listen to them scream & shout
Sound like a herd of elephants
Are they run around: lots of fun
Catching birds on the wing
Bringing them down: like anything
Crazy cats up on my roof
The roof is still cold but
Wait a few months & then
It will really be hot again!

The Sacred Earth

It saddens me to see 
That this precious earth of ours
No longer seems to be
Taken care of: all these years
So many care not what they do
So many are to this earth untrue
They litter the lands & seas
They kill off all our bees
Rubbish from our gutters run
Under moon & under sun
Into our Rivers lakes & seas
Polluting all our plants & trees
Oh Lord what a mess we've made
When we disregard: to our shame
Our flora & fauna: lost & then
Mining scars our beautiful lands
Seekers of golden ores & precious stones
Take our wilderness: so harshly used
What are we who care supposed to do?
To make all others look above to you?

"Every part of this earth is sacred to my people
...we are part of the earth & it is part of us."
Chief Seattle's Testament USA

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Tender heart

Tender is a mother's heart
She makes loving such an art
Mother's give us so much love
God sent them from up above!

Good excuse

Can't find the sink plug
Under all those dishes
I have really, really dug
Was supposed to do them 
Yesterday I suppose
But I was lazy: exhausted!
I'm not getting younger
After all! Good excuse
To use the dishwasher!

My eyes adored you

Remember Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons
That unusual falsetto voice of his
How I loved all of their songs!
My eyes adored you was a beautiful song
It felt like that for me when I was a teenager
I wanted so much to be adored too: no such luck!
But I was able to adore my crush from afar! 
I was able to dream: to imagine what it would be like
If only my crush loved me too!
I was never a popular girl at school
I was plain and way too shy to do more than dream!
But dream I did! What other choice did I have?
So I dreamed & let my imagination run wild!
Imagining so many wonderful scenarios!
Dream on you silly little teenager!

Santa never made it into Darwin

Who could ever forget Cyclone Tracy?
Darwin was wrecked in one night
Christmas Eve 1974; what a night
What a terrible mess: what a nightmare! 
Nothing left standing; everything splintered
Bill and Boyd sang of its demise
Disaster struck at dawn on Christmas Day!
More storms are coming our way
More disasters are filling this troubled earth
Cyclones, floods, bush fires, earthquakes!
The heavens open up and disaster comes
Today we live in a world filled with disasters
God commanded that His angels 
Hold back the winds of strife
But now the time is come when
He will no longer hold them back!
Surely we must see that times are changing!
Why should God wait forever?
Hasn't He given us enough warning?
Why do we not listen to His words?
The Holy Bible tells us What is to come
We just need to study God's word!

Touch me in the morning

When Diana Ross sang in her sweet voice
I was entranced: yet filled with sadness
For my life was just like that song
Touch me in the morning then just walk away
We don't have tomorrow but we had yesterday
My life was filled with sadness because
In my search for love I was lost & so alone
Nobody wanted me enough to stay with me
I wasn't good enough to deserve that kind of love
That was my feeling back then
(Maybe I just hadn't found The One)
I felt like I was on a spinning wheel
Dropped where ever the wheel stopped
Picked up and spun around until I was dizzy
Sadness my companion: destined to walk alone
Very dramatic I guess: teens are like that!
Same as teens today: full of drama, drama drama!

Let me be there

Thank you Olivia Newton-John
For singing those love songs
You touched my heart 
When I was young & lonely
I wanted to look like you!
I wanted to sing like you!
I wanted to be just like you!
Pretty, popular, famous, loved!
Let me be there in your morning
Let me be there in your night
Let me change whatever's wrong
And make it all right!
I sang along with you 
Dreamed of being you 
You were my teenage dream
Sure & confident: loved!
Let me be there!

Hooked on a feeling

"I can't help this feeling deep inside of me'
Blue Swede sang!
Their lyrics touched my heart & soul!

That was my dream as lonely teenager
Desperate to find someone to love me
Poor little old lonely teen; full of feelings
Full of my own needs: yearning for love
Wanting someone to hold me tight
Tell me everything will be all right!
I'm allowed to dream aren't I?


David Bowie sang of his Sorrow
Back when I was still a silly teen
My life was full of sorrow then
I thought that life would be a cinch
But what I got was a big whinge
I was never happy: just so sad
Bemoaning the things I never had
Sorrow was my best mate back then
Never thought I'd find any friends
Lost in my own little world of grey
Dreaming of how it might have been
Had love found me: took me away
Happiness was just another dream
One that I could never glean
Sorrow, sorrow. Oh oh oh Sorrow!

Day dreamer

It would be so easy to dream my life away
Snatching at bits as I drifted in and out of sleep
But living life is what we are meant to do!
Learning form our mistakes: moving on
Never letting life get us down: if only!
Live and learn the poets say!
Understanding comes with time
Nothing happens without our consent
We are to be active in our choice
We are to give our little voice
Stand up for what we believe in
Never stop learning as we go
Every day brings something new
If we never hurt and never cried
How could we understand the joys?
If we cannot see beyond the sky
Our imagination must come into play
Beyond our understanding we must pray
For God is waiting for us to choose
He is patient: loving, kind!
Ask for His help and we will find
A whole new world of power in our mind!

My heart is an open book

Sir Paul McCartney wrote in Live & let Die
"When you were young 
& your heart was an open book"
Was it really so? Was I so transparent?
Did everything show upon my face?
Was I so stupid then? So lacking grace?
I guess it's true for I'm telling you!
Everything then surrounding me
Was open to another's look
My heart was breaking as I went
My stupid youth: so ill-spent
Oh Lord why would you want me?
Why would anybody want to love me?
I was so angry at this whole world
I was searching but I never found
That thing that was so important then
Love was missing from my plans
This life: nobody really understands
Why oh why was it so full of strife?
Am I just making excuses: being underhand?
Do I lay the blame upon another's whims?
Does that make it easier for me to bear?
By blaming him for his lack of care?
Dear Lord I understand your words
I must live this life you have planned!
Nothing happens without your consent
My life then: upon finding love: so hell-bent
Never then did I look above
I was only doing what I knew best
Living my life in such unrest
Now it is so clear to me in hindsight
Now I finally get to see the light!
God gives us this precious life
He lets us loose to live as best
Setting us so many tests
How we make our path through life
He watches us from high above
Sending angels shining with his love
But we must ask for His precious help 
He is waiting to guide us from above
Ready to take us from this strife!

Winter hibernation

Sometimes I wish I were a bear
So I could hibernate in here
Away from all these stormy days
Soaking up the wood fire's rays
I just don't want to get out of bed
These words keep running round my head
"Get up you lazy old slow thing!
See the wonder that each day brings!"

Do unto others

You've heard that old saying
Do unto others as you would
Have them do unto you
If only it were that simple?
If only we could think upon this?
And not become such annoying pests
Why is it that we become so selfish?
Why is it that so many are so cruel?
They don't even want to understand
How God made things to go as planned
If we truly loved our neighbour as ourselves?
We would never ever want hurt another soul!
Our thoughts & words would be so sweet
We would always smile upon our family
We would happily help others across the street
Lord please forgive us for our sins
If only we would forgive those who hurt us too!


Driving up to the Barossa Valley
Almost at Lyndsay Park
Saw a horse had gotten away
It was running for its life
Down the road it came 
Wildness in its eyes
Dumped that jockey 
On the turf: escaped 
Decided to have some play!

The KISS Principle

Keep It Simple Stupid
That's how it goes
Don't make it too difficult
Or your memory shows
That all is not just as it seems
Remember whenever you will look
The simpler the better: that's right
So that's what I do to make it easier
Simply simple is the way
To make everybody's day!

Good Shepherd Circus tickets

Our girls used to go to Good Shepherd 
A primary school in the Barossa Valley
Caught a bus up that great big hill
Made that trip every single day
It was good for them to travel there
They did have lots of fun with friends
Playing there & learning lovely hymns
Mrs Oliver was the Principal back then
She was like a mother to us all
Gave us tickets for the circus
When it came to town: set up in the park
That big top looked so huge
Under those great big trees
We enjoyed that night underneath
That big-top circus tent: fun for all!
I am so very happy now that we went!

Red Earth

I saw a flag the other day
A big golden sun centred
Over a red earth; black sky above
This is what it is like here in Australia! 
When the sun goes down
The desert sands are red with dust
The golden sun burns down
The dark night sky is black as sin
When the day is done
Stars glow brilliantly in the infinite sky
I love this sunburnt country
And this is the reason why!

Santiago said to me just the other day
As I was sitting there crocheting
Making a blanket for a friend's birthday
"I want a blanket too but more colourful!"
I told him I'd already made him one
When he was a little baby in his mother's tum
I showed it to him & he just said
"Why didn't you ask me what I wanted?"
I don't like that greenish one at all!
Nana, please make me a new blanket
I want it all different colours of red
Oranges & yellows I want in it too!"

So I've been busy crocheting for the last few days
Making his new: more colourful blanket
Just as he ordered: reds & oranges & yellows
Just like that flag I told you of: Australian hues
Just like this lucky country we live in
All golden yellows, burnt oranges & reds
It will look so perfect laying on his little bed!

After the flood: still cleaning up

We're still cleaning up after that flood
Had a Bobcat dragging so much stuff
Out from underneath the trees
So many little things causing such a mess
Everything was lifted up: dropped else where
Nothing was left the same after that awful flood
The Bobcat unearthed so much rubbish now
So many memories brought back to me
As I picked it up & tossed it in the trash
Shoes my girls used to wear: toys they used to love
Dear Lord I couldn't bear to do it all again!

Rolly Poly

We've been driving up & down these hills
For over 25 years: kids grown up: leaving home
Now it's Michael's turn to drive up & down
He's remembering those older days when he was just a kid
"Remember when we used to play that silly game?
We used to ask you to make us roll around
As you were driving up this very same hill!"
Yes! He & his sisters would ask me to
Make them roll around: squealing as we went up
Screaming as we went on down again!
Yes I remember those days: not so long ago
When you were small & full of fun
I remember those days just like yesterday
I remember all the squealing: loud & full of joy
I remember all that fun: it's just like a dream to me
One that I can recall whenever I drive along!

Blossoms of Spring

The blossoms of Spring are here
So many beautiful trees are blooming
Pinks and whites and darker hues
So many pretty flowering trees in bloom
Almonds and plum: natives blooming too
Wattles: golden yellows every where you look
Warmer breezes blowing amid the sunshine
But winter is holding on: she will not yet let go!