Saturday, 31 August 2013

Portrait of Jesus

How would Jesus look in a portrait?
What would be the qualities we seek?
How do you portray loving and kind?
Benevolent and understanding
Powerful, majestic, all knowing?
What about humble, downtrodden, meek?

I see a loving father looking down
Upon the upturned faces of His children
I see a face full of light: radiant with love
Showing how much He cares for us all
I see a smiling face: full of joy and pain
Gazing at all His little lambs: come home again
I see sadness and loss for all those who fell
By the wayside as they climbed up to glory
I see hands open wide to welcome us home
Those scarred hands; hurt for us upon that cross
I see a mighty heart; battle scarred but red
The colour of His blood: yes precious blood He shed
I see my Father: at home in His heavens
Guiding us into our glory to our seating place
I see angels of light surrounding our King
Joyously serenading as they fly upon gossamer wings
I see the New Jerusalem filled with precious jewels
Saints crowned in splendour: smiling at Him
Yes this is the portrait that I see
Jesus my Father waiting for me!

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