Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Picnic in Angaston

I was at a loss one day: a bit down and alone
Didn't really know what I wanted to do
I was sitting in my car at the park in Angaston
That beautiful little country town: South Australia
I saw a young couple trying to eat their lunch
With their 6 month old baby boy in their laps
I could see that it just wasn't going to work out!
That little boy could not sit still: wanted to bounce about
So I got out and offered to hold him while they ate
Great big roast beef rolls from the local bakery
Two hands needed to just hold them: let alone eat them!
We chatted about our lives: theirs and mine
I explained how God had sent me wonderful words to write
They were Christians too: from Singapore: newly arrived!
Isn't it just amazing how God sends us forth to aid
Others who don't even know they need a little help
So as Wyatt jumped around upon my lap
Julia and Dan got to eat their lunch: hungry to do so!
We kept in contact for a good year afterwards
Then it petered out and I haven't seen them since 2010 but
I was able to thank them for their offer of help in return
After our home was flooded in December 2010

Thank you dearest Lord for sending me forth to help
Where-ever you know a little help is needed
Thank you for allowing our paths to cross a few times
Thank you for giving us all a little joy in all this strife
Thank you for loving me and being such a wonderful part
Of this: my very ordinary human life!

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