Saturday, 1 March 2014

Peace between all people

If peace is the absence of war?
Why are there so many still dying?
If we could just understand each other?
Couldn't we finally seek that solution?
The solution to all earth's problems!
The solution to all our pain & sorrow!
The solution is right here in all our hearts!
It is called love: God's love as He intended
God's love as it was given: for you & for me!
If only we could all just reach out to each other
If only we could just see the good in all mankind
Living by God's laws: it would then be a true peace!

"Brothers and sisters: we bring to your thought
and minds that right minded human beings seek
to promote above all else the life of all things!
We direct to your minds that peace is not merely
the absence or war, but the constant effort to
maintain harmonious existence between all peoples
from individual to individual, and between humans
and the other beings of this planet. We point out 
that a spiritual consciousness is the path to survival
of humankind."

The Haudenosaunee Declaration 1879

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