If a child
lives with criticism – he learns to condemn.
If a child
lives with hostility – he learns to fight.
If a child
lives with ridicule – he learns to be shy.
If a child
lives with shame – he learns to be guilty.
If a child
lives with tolerance – he learns to be patient.
If a child
lives with encouragement – he learns confidence.
If a child
lives with praise – he learns to appreciate.
If a child
lives with fairness – he learns justice.
If a child
lives with security – he learns to have faith.
If a child
lives with approval – he learns to like himself.
If a child
lives with acceptance and friendship -
He learns he
can find love in the world!
By Dorothy Law Nolte
This poem has always been a favourite of mine
For if you are able to read between the lines
You will see the honesty and truth that shines
Every little thing that children experience in their days
Becomes a lesson that for many years...often stays...
Though inexplicable; though unfathomable for sure
Some tiny things that we as children must endure
Become a solid conviction within our very souls
We believe those words another may fling...
We take to heart every tiny little hurtful thing...
We nurture painfully: deep within our tiny hearts
Those awful words that basically tear us apart...
Ah dear Lord; so many cry out in utter pain...
Trying to understand, trying to look within, explain
To their younger selves; to their inner child...
That though others maybe hated them, were shunned
It is not their fault...they are not to blame...
This life we lead is tangled to say the very least
Ah if only we could honestly understand this hidden beast
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