My dear Auntie Susie came for a holiday
After caring for her mentally retarded daughter
Since she was born: yes, every single day
She was due for happiness: some laughter
So she came to Australia for a 6 week holiday
She looked just like my other auntie: Roza
The only other one I've ever me it's true
The others still live in Hungary and always will
One day I may get to visit them all: a "maybe" that is true
I finally got to meet her in January of 1980
In my diary on the 6th of March she is returning
Going back to Hungary to live out her remaining days
Her daughter she had relinquished at long last
Had to put her into constant care: too much to bear...
She was a little old lady by then: well and truly old
Probably before her time: she refused to let another
Take on any of her load: only had herself to blame
Her child: her responsibility: never could she leave
Her marriage broke many up years ago: he left her on her own
At least now she's finally had a little holiday
Escaped from everything that held her down...
I remember giving my dear Aunties Susie a gift
A $20 dollar note: worth so much more in Hungary
For their money is virtually useless anywhere else
We were doing some washing at Kingston-on-Murray
Mum's automatic washing machine in use...
She was crying uncontrollably: I was surprised
Until she explained her dilemma to me
She'd left the gift in her pocket...
Now it was probably washed into shreds
For Hungarian paper money does not survive
Such a horrendous watery death...
Ah my poor Auntie Susie was so amazed
When the washing was all over...
The money still was saved: $20 plastic dollars
The currency here in Down Under lands
Even heavy duty washing it withstands...
The smile upon her face was beautiful
She was thrilled to bits I can tell you
For she treasured that little gift of money
To her it was a treasure heaven sent!
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