Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Not my will but thine

My struggle has been lifelong
My battles hard fought: all along
My heart has been filled with pain
Felt lost as well as despairing but
Though Satan tried to take me down
I refused to give in to his evil wiles
He goes about as a roaring lion
Seeking to devour us: hates us all
So there is only one thing I can do
I surrender up my will to Jesus
To Him will I give everything: my all
Though struggling to accept this calling
I now know it is imperative to admit
I have been stubborn, full of pride
I have lost my way: given in to sin
I ask forgiveness of Him: my saviour
I ask my dear Lord to bring me in
Not my will but Thine my Lord
Let it be as you would deem fit
I am nothing in this whole scheme of things
I am useless without you in my life
Please forgive me my dearest Lord
I humble myself before your will
Only love me please my dearest Lord
Grant me peace and comfort me
Forgive my stubborn foolish pride
In seeking to do my own will
I am weak without you
I am but a grain of sand upon the shore
Let it be as you have designed
This special life you have given unto me

Monday, 28 September 2015

Too close for comfort

Ever been: too close for comfort?
Ever slipped into that abyss?
On the edge: ready to jump in
Senses honed: right upon that ledge
Fear and terror grab your backbone
Heart pounding in your ears...
Sweat pouring into your wild eyes
Scalp tingling from the stress...
Will you fall or will you climb out?
Will your heart give in for fear?
Ah the terror that's awakened
When you almost fly into the air

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Spirituality vs. Religion

Is strange and mysterious
It is something people fear...
Simply because they lack the knowledge
Spirituality is the most natural thing...
It is your own consciousness...
Self-recognition of your greater depth...
There are no rules to follow...
Simply follow your heart...
Listen to your intuition...
Do what is right for yourself and others
Spirituality sets you free to be
The best you can be...
Spirituality is based on love not fear
Focus on the good...
Be empowered...

Religion tells you the truth
Spirituality lets you discover...
Find out your own truth...
Your own connection...
Your own direction...

Religion separates
Spirituality unites, sees the truth in all

The truth is the same for us all
Despite our differences, uniqueness
We focus on the quality of divine messages
Karma rules the ocean waves
The law of action wins, saves
What you sow is what you reap
Simply do your best...
Walk you own path
Your own journey of enlightenment...
Trust your own path of self discovery

Religion stems from deep spirituality
Jesus and Mohammed had profound spirituality

We are not separate
There are no borders
No cultural divides
We are all one...
And the only constant is love

"Religion is belief in someone else's experience.
Spirituality is having your own experience"
Deepak Chopra

Notes from an interesting on-line page

Seeking spirituality

Many people seek their spirituality
All through their lives they feel...
They are missing something: intangible
Something ethereal...
Something no one else can steal...
They seek it by the wayside...
Travelling many miles just to feel
That they are doing something worthwhile
Something to bring understanding of life
They cannot see the importance 
Of searching deep within...
Of changing their own inner being...

So many people wander: lost
Drawn hither and thither by their souls
Seeking, looking, but not finding their way
Until it dawns upon them: finally
That they have been looking in the wrong place
Spirituality is not only to be found in a temple
It is not only to be found upon the streets
It is hidden deep inside of our conscience
Just waiting to be found by you...

So seek you the blessings of the universe
Seek you wherever you may go...
Go out searching in different ways...
It's true but in reality
Spirituality can only be found inside of you
You make seek in by the wayside
You may seek it overseas...
Seek in temples: churches, greater minds
But eventually when inspiration strikes
It will come from deep inside of you...

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Daylight saving

There are never enough hours in the day
Never enough time to go out and play
Working to earn a living: living our lives
Always striving for new beginnings
Yet time escapes: we are lost along the way
So we use daylight savings: get up earlier
Everybody joins in this great fun: everyone
Must rise an hour earlier: must begin each day
So that there seem to be more hours of daylight
More time to do more things each and every day

Friday, 25 September 2015

Words are not enough

What do I do when words are not enough?
What happens when life becomes so tough?
Where do I turn when I can't cope anymore?
Where is that place where I can go to restore?
My peace, my faith, my hope, my love...
Sometimes as I am listening I realise...
That: words are simply not enough to hear
That's when everything becomes so clear
I need to feel comforting arms around me
I need to know that God's angels surround me
I need to feel those blessings that we all seek
I need to know that I am loved by my Father
Yes: that I am loved and forgiven everything
That is when I turn my eyes up toward heaven
Ask for that unconditional love to be given...

Voices inside my head

Can you hear these voices inside my head?
Know you what these voices have said? 
They speak of God and all He is to me
They whisper things that only my heart hears
They lead me where it is I must surely go
They are still and quiet: if you must know?
The purpose they serve only angels know
For they remind me that I am not alone
They show me things that are yet to come
In dreams they speak: prophesy it seems 
Things that make no sense until I truly see
After I ask my Lord to provide something I need
He answers with so many precious blessings
He is such a wonderful blessing to me

I need your prayers

I need your prayers my dear friends
I need your help right now!
Please pray for me as I struggle on
I feel so lost and dismayed
Darkness surrounds me...
I cannot see my way...
The light I seek confounds me
I need you all to please pray
We each need to feel uplifted
We each need prayers to come our way
For each one of us is tempted
By that evil serpent every day
Not one of us is exempted
No not one I say...
For that evil seeks to destroy us
From our dearest Lord
Tries to take us away
Pray for me, for each other
Together we can win the war
Alone we struggle daily
United we can withstand his plagues

Get out of my head

Get out of my head!
Yes that's what I said!
Get out of my head!
Leave me alone I said!
I refuse to play your evil game!
Get out of my way!
I will not allow you to hold sway!
My thoughts are my own!
I will not come out to play!
Go away! Go away! Go away!
I will pray! I will pray! I will pray!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Call me

Was feeling rather lonely
Needed to talk a while
Felt lost: abandoned
Didn't know who I could call
Went to find some company
It calmed my tears a while
Got back to my quiet room
You'd left a message
That you had called
On my telephone
So I called you up 
My dear friend...
Thank you for answering...
My inner voice's plea
Though it was only in my thoughts
You heard me
Answered me...


Cute little kitten given freely
White with black patches: really
Shelley loved this poor little mite
One eye missing after a cat fight
Though we sought aid: no remedy
He was then truly our Patchy as
The black patch covered his eye
He was our little pirate kitten: sigh
Loved by all: no matter: his design

BB Doll

Tiny little baby dolls we found
Mummy used to play around
With, these little baby dolls too
Now Evaleah, they belong to you
Mummy used to call her doll: BB
She took her everywhere she went
Until one day BB was left behind
Don't know where: her, we couldn't find
Now Evaleah does exactly the same
Calls her little baby doll: BB too
Kisses her, does just as mummy did
Many long years ago: as a little kid

Angels walk this earth

Don't you know the tales?
Don't you know the stories?
Angels sent from heaven
Keep us safe within their glories
God gives us many blessings
God gives us everything
Understanding in dreams, visions
Intuition, knowing, prophesying
The latter rain is falling
Our dear Lord is calling
Can you not hear His voice?
He tells you of your choice
Will you accept the path He has chosen?
For you: before you were even born?

Angels walk this earth
Covered in God's glory
Filling us with conviction
Giving us the power to take part
In this eternal life journey
That begins within our heart

Drawings from 1970's

I used to draw faces all over my school books
Girls with pretty noses and long beautiful hair
Colourful dresses and platform shoes too
These consumed my teenage days it's true
Huge eyes fringed with long eyelashes
Petite noses, rosy cheeks, luscious ruby lips
Ah my imagination was doing back flips
Found these drawings amongst my old books
Thought I'd better clean out some cobwebs
Have one last look before tossing them out
They brought back so many memories you see
About that shy teenage girl that I used to be
I hated my nose, my ears, my awful teeth
So my drawings were of beauty: I wished for me
Doesn't every young girl want to change
So many things that she doesn't like about herself
Well that's what I found just the other day
My fantasy world of drawings of my early life
My flights of fancy: my desires for change
Even then there was a yearning in my heart
To be thought beautiful: to be accepted
Ah to be loved and appreciated by someone
Dreams of better days I suppose it could be
Wishing and hoping that love would find me
To be tall, slender yet well endowed: you see
I was bullied in High School by two girls
They said I was flat chested: would always be
Told me I was useless: teased me mercilessly
I believed them for I felt sad and all alone
Though I thought I had forgotten all of this
Thought I'd gotten over all those terrible days
I guess deep inside: those memories stayed
The constant need to fit in with some group
The peer pressure: the stress: the strain: the pain
All these came back to me once again
My escape was the joy I got from drawing
The dreams I had of feeling beautiful in my art
Seeking perfection in the pictures in my mind
Pouring out all these yearnings onto paper
These things gave me the happiness I lacked
In my personal: imperfect: ordinary teenage life

Just tell her

Remember to love your family
Remember to tell them all
That you appreciate their labours
That you appreciate them all
Don't leave it for tomorrow
Don't wait for good times to fall
Just tell her that you love her
Any time is a good time after all
A little appreciation goes a long way
Simple words slip off your tongue
Don't wait till she's old and tired
Tell her now: while you're both still young
Too late if time has bypassed you
Too late if you wait too long
Each and every moment is to be treasured
Maybe you could even break out in song
But please don't wait another minute
Don't ignore this precious time you have
Get down on your knees and thank her
You'll never be sorry for those words you gave

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The darkness has lifted

Praise the Lord for my darkness has lifted
Maybe just a little bit but I truly feel gifted
It's like I have finally been heard at last
For the darkness that I was drowning in
Has shifted just enough for me to see a light
Though dim and still slightly dull it seems
Angels of the Lord came: brought me in
That sliver of hope has eased my struggles
I have been wallowing in here for so long
I battled daily with that evil one: he was strong
But I grappled with all the sadness he implied
Resisted those words he flung at me: he lied
I could surely see the way he was dragging me
Downward to damnation: downward to his hell
I called upon my dearest Lord: prayed unceasingly
There I found my salvation: my peace: before I fell

A poem from the 1970's

Poems are very hard to write
I have tried with all my might
With rhythm, rhyme and harmony
Oh! Nothing ever works for me!

Through love and life I try to fight
But I can never see the light
Of amorous lovers and their kisses
Oh! Why is it me who always misses?

In this way I conclude my plight
With nothing worthwhile in my sight
Should hapless wonders ever cease
Oh! Will I ever find my peace?

Written in 1975 I think...undated

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

You lift me up

You lift me up whenever I am falling
You give me strength whenever I am weak
You wipe my tears whenever I am crying
You heal my heart whenever it breaks
I feel your arms as they surround me
I feel your love right here within my heart
I feel your blessed peace abounding
I feel your strength refilling from the start

You lift me up whenever I am falling
You bring me light whenever it is dark
You hear my prayers and you answer
From you my dearest Lord I cannot part
I feel your love as it surrounds me
I feel your angels touch upon my hand
I feel alive when you my Lord are near me
I feel so blessed of your family to be a part

You lift me up whenever I am falling
You show the way whenever I am lost
You grant me peace whenever I ask it
You my Lord have already paid my cost
I feel these tears as they pour from my eyes
I feel the pain that you felt for me
I feel sad that you died upon the cross
I feel thankful that you did all this for me

Monday, 21 September 2015

At your feet

"Whenever I fall at your feet
Your tears rain down on me"
Beautiful words by Crowded House

Ah Lord it is so very sweet it's true
This is how I feel when I'm with you
When I bow my head and ask blessing
I feel the comfort of your loving arms
I know that you love me forever more
I know you will keep me safe from harm
I feel the peace descending upon my heart
I feel loved beyond belief: so welcoming
Ah my dearest Lord in heaven up above
I come willingly before thy throne of grace
I need to ask on bended knee: forgive me
For being weak and lost at times in my life
For feeling scared and wandering without you
I know you truly understand exactly how I feel
I know that all I need do is ask and it is given
You hear my whispered prayers...
You see my heartfelt tears as they fall
I ask and know your angels are there
They bring me peace and guide me too
Yes, nearer my Lord, nearer to you
These tears that fall from my eyes
Wash me clean as do the blessed tears
You shed for me as you died for me
Your precious blood ha washed me clean
You saved my life as you bled for me
Yes, up there upon that cross on Calvary


Distractions, distractions day in day out
Helping us ignore what's really right...
Taking our minds off the important things
Our true life purpose: our eternal life to come
Ah dear Lord we are continually led astray
Keeping the important things at bay...
Inane television programs: frivolous stuff
Supposedly educational but it's tough
Choose between the simple silly cartoons
The adventures into the magical fairyland
Honestly there is so much junk to choose from
But what about nature and our dear Lord?
What about teaching our little ones
About honesty and joy and love
About giving to the poor: about heaven above
There are iPads, iPhones, tablets, computer games
Subliminal signals telling our little children to buy
"Buy it now" before another day goes by
New toys for Christmas: new toys for birthdays
It's all about having things and more things next day
People dedicating their lives to games they play
So many distractions to take up our time of day
Such a shame that we waste our time this way

Letting go of earthly things

Things: possessions, materialistic things
So many: people to these: wish to cling
Yet of what use are these...things?
Can you eat them when you hunger?
Can you digest things of brick and wood?
No they are only visual distractions
Things you think you need...
As you are told you should...
Do clothes truly make the man?
Does what you wear change your life?
Are you better than the next person?
Simply because you look the part in life
Ah but surely it is better...
To look inside and see their heart
Actions speak louder than words
There is much insight to be gained
If we look at how you treat us all?
Yes then much will be explained!
So the questions must be asked?
Do things make you a better person?
Do they uplift your earthly soul?
No they only draw you further
From the blessed path that Jesus paved...
Let go of earthly splendour
Let go of human vanity I say
For you cannot take it with you
When you give up the ghost: dismayed
You can only take your character
Nothing else can you carry away
For all that is of this earthly world
Will surely evaporate like steam
When you go back to your God
Upon your dying day

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Foreign prisoners

I look around this world of ours
I simply cannot understand it
So many people are in trouble
Lost along their journey in life
Too many corrupt and cheating
Don't care about their fellow man
Money is the god they bow down to
Making more money is their master plan
All they care about is robbing the poor
Taking everything into their greedy hands
No good thoughts ever enter in their minds
It is greed and dishonesty that fans the flame
Beware you do not tumble into their hands
They seek the unwary traveller
They seek to tear down and destroy
Joyfully stealing lives to feed their greed
Uncaring of the days, months, years...
They steal from another's precious time
So many foreign prisoners trapped within
Dirty jails: in overcrowded cells everywhere
Humanity crushed and ill used like weeds
Subjugated by the rod of power hungry men
Demoralised: dehumanised: downtrodden
Destroyed and abused at another's whim
God help all weary travellers: locked up in sin

Precious little children

Jesus loves all the little children
They are so beautiful: full of love
Innocent and pure: full of smiles too
Everyone one of them is precious
We need to come unto Him: our Saviour
As little children: totally trusting His word
For it is only thus that we may enter in
To that magnificent heaven: free from sin

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Wind chimes

Found a little wind chime
Amongst my box of things
Put it up outside my place
Love hearing the tinkling
Every time the wind blows
Every time there is a breeze
I hear the sounds echoing
I am comforted: pleased

Friday, 18 September 2015

Got to have faith

You got to have faith
Have to trust the Lord
He made the universe
Not just this tiny earth
Everything was created
By His mighty word
He saw fit to make us
In His own image
So why then do we doubt?
Why ignore His blessed words?
Isn't everything happening?
Just as Scripture predicted?
Wars and rumours of wars
Great cataclysms everywhere
Look up into those angry skies
Soon He will be coming again
Are you ready for the end?
Of this sorry earth

Feeling sick

Feeling sick like everybody else
The gastro bug has entered the house
First one then the other
Stomach aches and vomiting
Then the pain descends
Causing a quick exiting
Dehydration setting in
Got to keep the fluids up
Got to stay well
Someone has to clean it up
When all are lost in this hell
Headaches and belly aches
Don't know which way to turn
Now there's a rumbling in my gut
Feels like it's going to burn
Resting up in bed
Chuck bucket next to me
Just in case it all comes up
That'll be the end of me

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Praying for strength

Lately each day has been difficult
Every morning it has been a chore
Just to get out of my bed...
Just to put my feet upon the floor
Each day I ask of God
"Please dear Lord
Let me of your strength borrow
Please help me cope this day
Help me chase away this sorrow"
The battle has been raging
Here inside my poor old head
Satan has tried to engage me
Tried to drag me down again
I pray in earnest: pray unceasingly
I beg forgiveness from my Lord
I ask and He delivers my needs
I cling to His every promised word
It is only through His intercession
It is only through His aid
That I can remain standing
In this age old battle campaign
It is only with His blessed angels
Surrounding me in my time of need
That I am brought closer to salvation
Through Jesus' precious saving grace
It was for our sins my Lord did bleed

Bread soup

We eat by necessity 
We eat because we must
Poor children in the streets
Searching for scraps in the dust
Saw two orphans scrounging 
Had to beg for food: no lounging
They gathered crumbs of bread
Others had tossed about their heads
They were making bread soup you see
A few crumbs in a bit of dirty water
Nothing else was left for them
As they diligently sought their supper 
Nobody was there to aid them 
Nobody there to help them glean
For their parents were killed months ago
And nobody wanted them: were mean
Ignored, deplored, pushed away: that's right
Unwanted, unwashed, unloved, alone
God help this world where children suffer
Dear Lord: please come soon...
There are so many who need you
Please come and set us free

Scenes of sadness from Syria on our TV
Ah the pain I felt for those children
God please help them to survive these days

Dirt cookies

How poor is dirt poor?
Dirt cookies to sell at your door
Hardly enough food to eat
So they make cookies of dirt
Of little nutritious value
When all else fails you
Poor old mothers get to work
Baking cookies made of dirt
Add a little fat and maybe sugar
Sell them for 5 cents
To all the poor little beggars
It hurts your belly
Make it feel like a lump of lead
But better than nothing
Better than the pain of  emptiness
In Haiti times are so tough
When there is nothing to eat
There are dirt cookies at least

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

From hopeless to hopeful

Ah these feelings that come from within the soul
From hopeful to hopeless: hopeless to hopeful
We vacillate up and down: down and up again
We seem to have no inkling: no blessed control...
We mere men, women: human beings all
Worry about so many things: but we forget
That worrying never does us any good...
All we do is: steal away our peace for the day!
Instead of leaving all to our glorious God
We ride around ours and other's lives: rough shod
We stir up feelings: we disturb everybody's peace
Unwittingly we trample upon man and beast
An Empath senses the turmoil: feels the pain
Can't cope with all the pressure: other's maintain
Jesus empathizes with us all: He knows already
He took our fall: carried all our pain at Calvary
Upon that painful cross: He knows of our loss
Give up all your troubles: allow Him in
It is only through the intercession of dear Jesus
That we poor sinners can ever hope to win...

Poem hunter.com

Googled my name to check it out on line
Found my name mentioned once or twice
Poems by Suzanne Andersson: I smiled
Looked up Poem Hunter.com: I'd forgotten
That I'd posted a few poems there ages ago
Thirteen of my poems I have there from last year
Nothing very exciting about all that I guess
But as I looked at them I was surprised...
A few had music added: pictures of flowers
Others had been recorded so I could hear a voice
It was pretty cool to hear: I was pleased, you know
For I never expected to see or hear those words
I feel so very blessed to have a few words
That have been given to me to share with others
Up there upon my computer screen
Thank you Lord for the many blessings
The joy I feel tonight: after feeling so depressed
Has lifted me from sadness for a little while
Thank you for granting me a little respite
Thank you from making me smile...
Please take a little stroll for me my friends
Feel free to leave comments as I appreciate
Any feedback that you would choose to leave
Thank you for reading these words that I share
It shows me that I am making a difference
In some little way: I hope I make your day
A little brighter: a little lighter: a little happier
Just as you have made my days brighter
By visiting my blog and poem site
Thank you and God bless you all!

I surrender up my heart and soul

I surrendered up my heart and soul
Allowed him to come take sole control
I offered up all that was alive in me
Knowing that it must be given freely
He asks it of us: demands our love
He made us in His image: up above
Heavenly Father I am not worthy I vow
For I am nothing more than dust I trow
Until you gave me your blessing of life
I was but dust: was but a lifeless thing
You have sacrificed your blessed son
Gave him to us on earth as our king
Through Him we are to come unto you
Without His blessed intervention
Without His precious deep red blood...
We are lost beside the wayside...
We are drowning in this sinful flood
Jesus came to be our sacrificial lamb
To take our place upon the painful cross
Without Him we were doomed to die
But now we are redeemed: I tell no lie
He took upon His blessed heart: our sins
That we might be cleansed...
By His precious redeeming blood
His gift of white raiment to cover our sins
Clothed in this garment: we may enter in...

He hears me

He hears me I know He does
He understands this pain
Has borne it upon the cross
He saved me then and now again
My dearest Saviour...
My dear sweet Lord...
Knows before I ask Him...
Knows everything I vow...
Sees into this breaking heart...
Yes right now...
He has been beside me
Yes each and every single day
Carrying me when I cannot even stand
He is my shepherd: holds my hand
That's why I love Him
I know He understands

Pray for me

She cried her tears as any girl would
Felt them trickle unchecked: understood
She knew it was coming: tried to be strong
She knew it was taking way too long...
Her heart was breaking but she couldn't stop
Felt the sickness reaching deep inside
Tried to escape it: tried to hide...
But there was no denying it: her pride
Took her for that tumble: knew it must come
For she had gambled everything on that ride
Roller coaster: train wreck: what to do now?
Came undone: felt flat upon her face: I vow
She cries out her sadness into the skies
Nobody there to dry those pretty, sad eyes
"Pray for me" she begs of all her friends
"I need your help now to make amends
I have been selfish: have been led astray
Please my dear ones I ask you to pray
Pray for my enlightenment...
Pray for my sadness to abate...
I feel I am stranded so close to heaven's gate
Oh wretched creature that I am: oh tortured soul 
Dear sweet Lord please bear me up I pray"
Her tears are drying upon her face
Her pain is still sheltered deep inside
Humility and peace is what she now craves...
She must surrender up her heart and soul
Begging her dearest Lord to take control
"Pray for me" she cries out into the skies
I am lost: I need my Father to dry my eyes...

When tears won't stop

What becomes of the broken hearted?
When they are lost: a soul's departed
How can they survive the terrors?
Of sadness, hurt, love unrequited...
What becomes of the tears that flow?
How on earth does the sadness go?
When does the pain cease to show?
On faces tightly drawn: pale as snow...
What becomes of the broken hearted?
Does life continue on?
As if there were no new horizons
When the tears won't stop...
When the pain never eases
How does any heart repair it?
How can any soul bear it?

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Testing times are coming

Testing times are coming...
The world is screaming out her pain
So many signs are showing
That man needs to lift his game
Wars and rumours of wars
Calamities everywhere flow forth
Dangerous times are coming
We are being tested for our worth
Too late if you are not ready
Too late if you will not change
Angels hold back the winds of strife
But soon they will let loose the gales
All hell will fall upon our shoulders
Giants wage war upon all shores

Ugly heart

Beauty is only skin deep
External looks are vanity
What use is beauty?
If you have an ugly heart
People might be drawn to you
They might think you're great
But when reality dawns
They'll only see the threat
The ugliness will surface
True light will finally dawn
And their love will disappear
Adoration withdrawn...
It's what's inside: that matters!
It will show through anon
Everything will be as nought
When true feelings
Are forward brought...

All is vanity

"All is vanity" my mind it screamed
This life here that we have to live
As we think we need: deserve
So many things...
"Nothing is as it really seems"
More words flowing: hard and fast
"Think you that you are worthy?"
"Think you that you are good?"
All is superficial: all is transient
It's all a dream: you are merely in it!
A holographic entity: not really here
It serves its purpose but when you wake
You are sickened by the truth...
The honesty of all things rebounds
It echoes within your soul...
And you are left wallowing...
So far from your supposed reality
So far away from your treasured goal

The tempter

When that evil serpent came to tempt me
Using all his unearthly wiles... 
He slid in beside me and whispered
Awful things into my ears as he smiled
"You are not worth your family's tears"
"You are fallen too far to be redeemed"
All these words he whispered unto me
As he tried to bring me even lower
So it seemed...
Only for a moment I thought about it...
Then as I prayed to my Lord in heaven
My strength it was renewed!
"No I will not listen"
"Get thee behind me Satan...
I will not hear your foul words!"
The battle raged on and on
He tried to enter in again and again
But my heart and mind were uplifted
My faith in Jesus resurrected
He brought me through unscathed

Monday, 14 September 2015

Bloodied hands

"Beware the ides of March"
The prophet cried out loud
Caesar would not heed him
Though Calpurnia dreamed and
Begged him to stay at home
He was convinced to attend...
In the senate they were waiting
Ready to take his precious life
Supposed friends: they approached
Daggers hidden up their sleeves
One by one they stabbed him deep
His blood was spilled that day
Washed their hands blood red
Marc Antony came along they say
Shook their bloodied hands anon
Pretending that everything was okay
Thoughts of revenge were in his head
Knowing he must wait for another day
Revenge did come: more blood was spilled

Does the bleeding never end?
How many times must someone pay?
Until all lie dead amid the dust?
Until there is nobody left to slay?
I look around in this day and age
So many willing to kill and lie
Ah dear Lord: nothing has really changed
This vicious cycle never seems to end
Each day the blood still runs red
As more and more poor people die...

Watched Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
A bloody history from ancient Rome
These latter days seem no better...
Life is still not considered precious
Too many poor human beings
Are bleeding out into this dusty ground
For Satan rules too many hearts
And hate goes on and on and on

Sunday, 13 September 2015

I am afraid

Lately I am feeling so sad and depressed
Struggling to find peace and happiness
So many things are suddenly getting me down
I am struggling to smile and not frown
The days drag by like snails climbing up a hill
An uphill battle every day: try as I will
To place a smile upon my face
I look in the mirror and feel: ill at ease
I pray constantly for comfort and peace
And yet it returns many times each day
To drown me in this smothering grey
It is a constant battle going on inside
It only disappears after I kneel down and pray
Ah Lord I am lost in this constant misery
It is only with you beside me when I pray
That I can even dream of better days
So wrap me up within your loving arms
Hold me close: keep me safe from harm
Without you Lord I am afraid...
I feel I am nothing worthwhile...

Men's hearts failing them for fear

Too many people living in fear
Fearing for their lives: their souls
Fearing for everything that is to come
Afraid of letting go: afraid of darkness
Afraid to go outside at night: as is right
Afraid of losing everything in a fight
Wars rage around this saddened world
People dying: murders everywhere
Ah dear Lord they just do not care
How can we who search for your light?
Ever expect to find any delight?
In all the senseless carnage
In all the fear and anger that rules...
Men's hearts failing them for fear
Ah dear sweet Jesus: please come soon
Save us from this crazy, angry world...
We are waiting eagerly for your return