Saturday, 12 September 2015

In denial

She's in denial: doesn't want to accept
The life that has passed her: is bereft
Her pain surrounds her: she is awash
With the shame that fills her: pulls her
Deeper into those darkest depths: no light
Shines into those darkest corners of her past
Her daughters call her: need her, but she is deaf
Sadness is her constant companion every day
This is no longer such an easy game to pay
Her friends have left her: they have had enough
Of her neediness that grows larger every day
She wallows in self-pity: alcohol drags her...
Further into that deep despair: doesn't shower
Doesn't care to even comb her beautiful dark hair
She chooses to give up her heart to Satan's wiles
Says "nobody loves me: nobody cares for me"
These thoughts fly around within her befuddled head
No longer will her friends support her...cannot...
They have their own lives to lead: families to feed
Too many times they have rescued her...
Saved her from her own mistakes: enough is enough
She does not listen to their words of wisdom...
She is in denial: is determined to stay this way
For she is used to being rescued: being saved
Her "poor me" attitude is losing sway...
Only prayers are given by her friends now
For they have lost their patience: it is gone away!

Is this how God feels about us?
Sinners that we are...
Do we grieve the Holy Spirit?
Do we ignore dear Jesus' pleas?
When will our probation end?
When will God have enough?
Of asking, of begging us to come...

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