Thursday, 10 September 2015

Raining in L.A.

"They say it's raining in L.A.
The city's headed...
For an unexpected storm
It's cold and rainy in L.A.
And I don't know... 
Who's gonna keep you warm" 
A favourite song of mine 
By Renee Armand 
Way back in the 1970's...

It's so easy to check out the weather 
No matter where somebody is
Whether near or far away 
You only have to touch a few keys 
And the weather is at your fingertips

That's how it feels to me right now 
As I sit here so far away from you 
I can see the weather over there 
It is raining: though not cold at all
I can feel the distance between us
It seems insurmountable...
Yet if I could: I would fly to you
On gossamer wings; upon warm air currents 
I would fly over you with my radar heart
Find you and land there within your mind
Praying you would welcome me 
With arms wide open: heart aglow
Hug me honey: don't you know
It is you I long for...
Every moment of every single day 
I seek no other love for you are mine
And will be if God grants my prayers 
Forever and a day... 

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