Saturday, 5 December 2015

Christ the perfect example

Christ is the perfect example
For both parents and children
"Jesus grew and waxed strong
in spirit filled with wisdom and
the grace of God was upon him" Luke 2:40
At the age of 12 he accompanied
His earthly parents to Jerusalem
For Passover...
After the feast was over
He was forgotten in the temple
He met with the doctors of the law
"Both hearing them and asking them questions" Luke 2:46
Jesus was subject to his parents...
In spite of his previous position in heaven
The Lord submitted himself to his parents
A perfect example of filial obedience...
As he grew in wisdom and stature
Jesus increased in favour with God and man
He drew the sympathy of all hearts
Showing himself capable of sympathizing with all
The atmosphere of hope and courage
that surrounded him made him
A blessing in every home...
Often in the synagogue on the Sabbath day
He was called upon to read lessons 
From the prophets...
And the hearts of the hearers thrilled
As new light shone out from 
The familiar words of the sacred text
Yet Jesus shunned display...
During all of his stay in Nazareth
He made no exhibition
Of His miraculous power...
Sought no high position
Assumed no titles...
His quiet and simple life...
Even the silence of the scriptures
Concerning his early years
Teach an important lesson
The more quiet and simple
The life of a child...
The more harmony with nature
The more favourable is it
To physical and mental vigour
And to spiritual strength

Week of Prayer December 2015

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