Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Driving to the Baorssa

Driving up to the Barossa
So many worries on my mind
Looking through an op-shop
This little book I find...
Written upon the cover
Pretty as can be...
"God grant me the serenity to
Accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference"
Now, how is it that the dear Lord
Knows exactly where I'm at?
Knows my thoughts and feelings
Knows the worries that love begat!
He is all-seeing, all knowing, all wise
He is the great "I AM"
So why do we go along on our own?
Ignoring His promises...
Ignoring His pleas...
Should we not be more often?
Down on our knees...
He who made the heavens
He who made us all
He who rules the universe
Knows exactly what it is I need
I ask each blessed morning 
As I consecrate my day
"Dear merciful Lord in heaven
Please guide my thoughts this day
Please take me where I am needed
Please let me be a light..."
For I know that I cannot be without Him
I am nothing without His love...
It is only with His guidance
In everything I do
That I am comforted and refreshed
Blessed in all that I would do...

9 December 2015

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