Tuesday, 26 July 2016

It will be alright

I know it's tough right now
But still I know; somehow
Everything will be alright
Just as readily as night follows day
I know my dear Lord holds sway
All I have to do is trust
All I need to do is believe
Then all I need to do is leave
Everything in His mighty hands
There is nothing more to do
But simply get down on my knees
Thank Him each and every day
Allow Him in to take control
Please, dear Lord; forgive me
For my sadness; return to me
Some gladness: to you I pray
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for taking care of me
Thank you for giving life to me
Thank you for everything you 
Have done for me; are doing for me
And for all you will do for me
Into thy mighty hands I lay it all

Monday, 25 July 2016

Renew my spirit

Feeling lost and alone
I know my Lord
For my sins I need to atone
I need to come closer
Nearer my God to Thee
For I have wandered 
So very far from Thee
Please renew my spirit
Please guide me along
For I am weak Lord
You; my dear one are strong
I know that I have slipped
I know I have fallen down
I feel like I am despised
Have lost sight of
My heavenly crown
Satan ever dances
Right before my eyes
Tantalising; teasing; gloating 
Saying I have no chance
But I know my Lord is stronger
I know my Lord is wise
How much more am I loved
Than I am truly despised...
I must crawl back towards Him
I must turn my eyes upon my Lord
I must take His word as promised
I must be the one to step forward
Though he knocks upon my door
It is up to me to open wide
For as everyone surely knows
My heart's door handle is on the inside...

Angels among us

There are angels among us
I know this is true but I am 
Still feeling lost; so blue
I guess I am still reeling 
With the awful news
My mum is ill: don't really know
How long she will remain
Among the living: I'll make it plain
The melanomas are everywhere
In her lungs and in her liver
Her glands are full of cancer too
I've prayed; my Lord; to deliver
But though I pray it is not my place
To say one way or the other
How, where, when or why she must suffer
It is out of my hands: I place it all in God's
Into thy hands oh Lord I place it all
For I can no longer cope with the pain
Please dear heavenly father
Take these worries from me
Carry them for me; guide me; help me 
I can no longer bear these burdens 
On my own...

Let me lay in slumber

Didn't want to wake up to face the day
Hoped to remain in slumber
Like a solid piece of lumber
The coldness was depressing
These days I am assessing
Too many thoughts crowd my head
I push them away: hope they fled
But they return at break of day
Though I wish they'd go away
"Leave me alone" I want to say
Don't want to go there: want to stay
Snuggled up here in my nice warm bed
Please; thoughts; get out of my head...

Saying goodbye

How important is it to be able
To say "goodbye" at the table
Rather than at the funeral service
Too late to want to make amends
Too late to say "I love you" then
They sleep the long sleep; ken?
They are gone from us by and by
Slowly slipping away; by degrees
Until finally they take their last breath
Asleep in the Lord to take their rest
We who are left behind must grieve
We must cry our tears; feel bereaved
Only memories will remain amid the pain
Only good thoughts need to be entertained
Of sunny days and laughter; in the hereafter
I would hope to meet up once again...

Silly Billie

Knew a woman a few years ago
Thought it was okay to sprout
Words of anger; words of hate
A message I wish to her convey
And to others who offer up such spite
Remember that your every word
Will be recorded in the book of life
So think about it Silly Billie
Consider your words with care
For every harsh word you utter
That causes pain to another
Will be remembered and you'll be 
Reminded; at the end of your life

The voice 1976

Heard a beautiful voice singing 
"Jolene" the title of the song
Allen's Music centre
Gawler Place, Adelaide
Many long years ago with Tim
Didn't know who was singing
But it touched my heart
Knew it would make it big...
Watched as Celia Pavey 
Sang it again...on The Voice
It brought back memories of 1976

When Kiyomi Vella sang "It's oh so quiet"
More memories came flooding back
Of when Shelley was to perform that song
At the Easter high school musical event
We had a big argument; Tim and I
We never made it to hear her sing
He turned around at the railway tracks
Headed home; I was upset to say the least...


Started this blanket 
About 30 odd years ago...
Wanted it to be perfect 
Only used the exact same wool
Same brand names; Same dye lots
Until I couldn't get them anymore
It waited patiently for completion
Sitting in a cupboard or box
Was used a couple of times
Incomplete; unfinished; sadly
I got sick of waiting for wool
Bought different colours
Different dye lots; different shades
Thought it would look unique
Unusual; liked the contrasts
Thought it looked kinda cool
Found a few holes in it today
Thought it would be okay
But now as I look at it
I realise; it doesn't matter
About dye lots; colours
Shades and stuff; its not important
Today I decided to unravel it all
Start afresh; redo the whole thing
I guess it's a bit like my life
I worked on my marriage
For over 35 years
Raised my family
Did the best I could
Now I have beautiful grandkids
Now my parents are getting old
Now; like my life; I'm unravelling
I am no longer the same as I was
I have a few holes in me
A few bits are unravelling
A few bits don't look the same
But like this blanket
I am still useful
However I look on the outside
Inside beats a loving heart
Inside is a precious soul
I am loved; appreciated
I am still useful; full of love
Full of warmth; full of life
Like this blanket; I am being renewed
My life might have unravelled
But I still have a chance
To be useful; productive
So...in unravelling my old blanket
I am giving it a new life
I am going to redo the whole thing
Rework it; change it; renew it
It will be just as beautiful
Maybe even more so
I'll use different patterns
But it will be a useful piece
Keeping me warm and snug
As I work upon it; keeping me busy
Keeping my hands busy
Allowing my heart to beat peacefully
While I contemplate my life
Take note of how it is changing
Taking time to appreciate
These days that are left to me
These days that are left
To spend time with my mum
To make the most of our time
Before He comes to take her home...

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Paint me a portrait

"Paint me a portrait" 
The rich man said
Of Jesus our saviour
How He is in your head
Show me the beauty
Of His great love
Paint me a portrait of Jesus
Who came from above

The portrait was painted
Such beauty divine
Jesus knocking at the door
Of our hearts; he contrived
Stately and loving 
There was no disguise
For there he was standing 
Asking entrance within

The rich man was troubled
Wanted to escape his deal
Sought to find a way out
Of his proffered fee; still
When the portrait was presented
He looked; for any ill spot; carefully
That would allow him negate
Any prior responsibility 

He peered at the portrait
Intense was his gaze
Seeking to find any little fault
That could be used to declare
"This portrait is insufficient
I find no goodness in here"
Finally he found the answer
Finally he spoke out with ire

"Your portrait is unfinished
There is something wrong here
Though Jesus is standing
Knocking; entrance to gain
You have omitted one facet
No door handle is plain"
He stood back and waited 
He was pleased to say the least

Until the painter; answered; quietly
"I did as you asked of me
I painted dear Jesus above
Seeking to gain entry; to show His great love
But see you; this doorway; into our heart
There is no handle outside
We must open it from within
Allow Him to gain entry therein

Guide this ship home

Guide me oh thou great Jehovah
Lead me in thy blessed ways
Let my heart be found willing 
To serve thee all my days

Let peace and understanding 
Be foremost in my heart
Let my life be found worthy
Let me live this life as thou wart

Please guide this ship of truth Lord
Let us all be found safe within
From port to port let us share thy word
For only you can save us from sin

No matter the stormy waters
No matter the troubles within
It is paramount we choose thee
For; lost we sink not swim

Bless the hands of the pilot
Bless all who travel here
Let safety be our surety
Let us not live in fear

Upon thy mighty shoulders
Let all who cry out thy name
Be lifted up; enlightened
In safety may all remain!

Though storms; tempests surround us
Let us cling to thy dear name
For no other could now save us
Than He; who to earth; came!

Guide us into blessed harbour
Instil thy love within our hearts
Guide us through persecution
To safety in heaven once again

Live out thy life within me
Fill my heart; fill my soul
For I know; without my saviour
I am rudderless; without control

Bear good fruit

The gardener does the pruning 
A strong vine bears good fruit
Testing times will come upon you 
Bear your cross; carry it before you 
Let not your heart be troubled
Your precious love is being doubled
Look in the mirror of your life
See all those early troubles; strife
I promised you a love unlike any other
Lead him home to me; your lover
Though he stumbles; up he gets
Questioning all the information he gets
It is good to search the scriptures
Learn of me my precious sister; together
Lean upon each other
Like any blessed sister; brother
Words come forth to seek shelter
His mind is troubled; Helter Skelter
Let him find his way: I promise
Soon he will be happy; settled
His pain will be much deeper
More work to seek my harbour
This ship will sail on home
Sail along with you on board
I promised to lead and guide you
Never will I leave; forsake you
Hold on tight and look no further
He is the "David" I promised then
The one who will your honour defend

Lord please guide me

Ah, Lord please guide me
Please dear one; walk beside me
I cannot do this without you 
It is only through you I will grow
Is this your intention?
Or Satan's vile invention
God help me for I feel lost
On this road upon which I travel
Will all this too: unravel?

Self reflection; introspection
Much needed
I hear your interjection
"But daughter; listen; hear
Follow after me my dear"

This is how I feel

Torn in two
Between my Lord and you 
My love feels enlivened 
Yet this pain 
Makes my heart feel divided
This is how I feel
Torn in two; for you
Bring me such joy; still
I am beset
Am I lost and yet
I am just now; found
That lost little girl
Has finally come around
She has been silenced
Her tears; her fears
Stilled at last
Letting go of her past
Shredding all the papers
Is like jettisoning the vapours
I'm free-falling 
A hole in my parachute
Will you still catch me?
Hold me up; balance me?
As I teeter; fall
You have become my all
My reason for living 
Your love you are giving 
Your trust in me; I believe
You; I will not deceive
But; am I deceiving myself?
Where am I headed?
In this earthly life
Will there be strife?
Smooth sailing is a dream
Life is never straight forward
It is a curved path I tread...
This is how I feel right now
Away from you
But when we’re together
I am so ‘in love’
So happy; joyful; beaming
Must I be?
Constantly questioning my choices?
Do I really need to listen?
To all of these small voices
The world calls; will I heed it?
My hands work; bleed; do I not feel it?

Behind the scenes

Much of life is played out behind the scenes
Nobody sees the pain it costs
Nobody actually feels another's hurts
Only by reading between the lines
Do we get to understand the dangers?
Like rocks lying beneath the surface
Causing waves to crash upon the shore
Nobody can see the friction but
We know it is there; feel it sawing like a knife
It is the friction that causes waves to crash
No simpler way to say it
What lies beneath the surface?
Causes the undercurrents of this life

Call me home again

Call me home again
Call me home
I have roamed dear Lord
I have roamed

Long days of suffering
Long nights of pain
No longer can I bear it Lord
Please call me home again

Call me home again
Call me home
I have been lost dear Lord
I have been tempest tossed

Long years of this life
Long years of strife
No longer can I bear it Lord
"Please call m home again" she sighed

The longest scarf

Knitting needles; knitting wool
Quickly moving: knotted old hands
Bringing back memories; in her mind
She is still making something grand
The longest scarf is now growing 
No pattern is necessary; for all is planned
These simple movements a blessing 
To these tired old hands...
Just keep on knitting; never cease
Keep on making; knitting on and on
Thus returns to your tired old mind
A peace beyond understanding; life's plan

Baby mine

Old woman; at the end of her days
All alone in a nursing home she stays
Merely existing: barely alive
Slowly, silently; her mind decays
No family to speak of; no visitors to see
No children to adore you; dear love
Nothing left to live for; yet there is love to give...
A little baby; a toy; brings you so much joy
Memories returning of long days gone by
Your children in your arms: your eyes afire
Your heart; now in seclusion; you're reliving
All the joys you had been given; golden days

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Fly away

If I could fly away
High above land and sea
I would spend the day
Gliding over you; for me
It would be a blessed sight
I could smile upon your fears
Knowing I could land beside you
Wipe your eyes; dry your tears
Hold you close: calm you
Ah my love I would enfold you
Shower you with kisses; sweet lipped
Warm you; not let pain beset you
All this would I do for you
My love...

Friday, 22 July 2016

I held your hand

I held your hand today mum
I held it close in mine
For today I finally realised
There isn't much more time
Though your hand was warm mum
I felt sadness in my heart
For indeed I know dear
We must surely grow apart
We have lived our lives dear
We have loved each other well
And soon I guess it will come
When I must say goodbye mum
I must allow this time to run...

My heart and soul

Once alone and feeling lost
The darkness surrounding me
With no light to go by
No hand to hold
My heart feels totally hollow
My life is cold
Sad and unfeeling 
Why did you go?
And leave me all alone
Was it something I said?
Or a wrong I had done?
Did you spare a thought?
For how I was affected
I was so attached
Needing you, feeling you 
Was all that made me go on
To be with you always
And then suddenly you're gone
So fast and so suddenly
I was so helplessly alone
I felt as if with one swift blow
You tore out my heart
And the pain that followed
I was unable to cope with
So I write you this letter
With no joy in my soul
To say my farewell
Just let you know...
I still love you
Always and forever
Dearest to my heart and soul...

By Us

Sunday 14th May 2000
Mother's Day

Thursday, 21 July 2016

My security blanket

Let me hide beneath your warmth
Let me feel your infinite strength
My blanket; my defense; my love 
Were you sent from heaven above?
To hold me close when I cry 
To comfort me when I feel shy
Some days I just want to lie
Here beneath your many layers
Cuddled up within your fire
Ah my dear I will not lie
Seems without you I would die
So cover me up and warm me
This coldness I cannot bear
A distance between us grows
We struggle with all these ties
Life tethers us within this mortal coil
Yet we slip; slide beneath the waves 
Of sadness; pity for ourselves too
What's a girl supposed to do?
Suffer on in silence as before?
It's like I've been conditioned 
Trained by pain; fear; circumstance
Afraid to say how I feel about it all
Too scared to say Boo I guess
Just like in my childhood days
Could I ask the Lord for any less?
Dear Lord I need to feel loved
Protected; accepted; approved of
No longer tossed aside; no longer lost
So like a little child I hide beneath
My blanket; seeking solace
Seeking warmth; seeking me
Someone I have never been you see
Someone strong; resilient; sure
Well loved; confident; secure 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Cruel sea

Tossed about in the cruel sea
Your words like waves
Crashing over me

Friday, 15 July 2016

One love

One love
One goal
One way 
One soul
Meet me
Greet me 
Hold me
Complete me

Blessed peace

At home
At peace
In your arms
Sweet release
Blessed peace
Warmth spreads
As love threads
Its way
Through my heart
Through my soul
My one goal
To remain true
In my heart and soul
To you

Angels cried

Angels cried their tears
A long, long time ago
It was to show their fears
When Jesus died to show
That God so loved the world
His gift for us was given
Dear Jesus took our place
That we should go on living 
He knew we could not pay
The price that we deserved
So He took our place right then
As our sacrifice HE served

Moonlight upon the water

Patches of moonlight 
Across the ocean dark
Bright lights reflected
Amid the sea so stark
Moonlight reflecting
Into the skies above
Glorious light showing
God's most amazing love
Though darkness is everywhere
Yet still candles are glowing 
Showing that God cares
Let your little light shine
Let your candle glow
Don't hide it under a bushel
Let your blessed candle glow

Lay me down

Lay me down among the flowers
Say you love me true
Watch with me April showers
See the sky so blue
Hold me close within your arms dear
Kiss me, comfort me
Let me feel alive love; without any fear
Show me, offer me
A new life beside you: God; inside of me
Within my heart and soul
Hope springs forth; with you to guide me
Please take sole control

Monday, 11 July 2016


The sonographer welcomed us
Sit here; out of the doctor's way
I sat quietly; watching; without a fuss
My poor mum; upon the bed she lay
Last fortnight: she had a PET scan
Radioactive dye injected; 3 hours long 
Today: biopsy; more pain
Thank God for local anaesthetic
Thank God for milestones medicine has made
The doctor came and started
He got the needle: prepared
I watched mesmerised: thinking; in my head
He poked that long needle: over and over
Into that debris filled black hole
Crazy thoughts running my mind
"What am I seeing? What does this mean?"
He mentioned the PET scan results
Had witnessed many growths: everywhere
Now he was concerned
Speaking out loud: his thoughts
Asking for a Cytologist to be called
She came with her assistant 
Little box of slides in hand
Microscope: wheeled in upon a tray
I watched it all unfold
Listening; catching all they had to say
"We need a core biopsy: this is not enough"
Ah poor mum; more poking and prodding
More needles: syringed fluids
More samples; peered at; upon the tray
Making sure there was enough
Don't want to have to be recalled

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Speak no evil

Hear no evil; speak less so
The devil hears everything you know
What is the very best way to go?
Say nothing that isn't necessary; so
Speak no evil as onward you go
For each and every word we speak
Is written up in heaven: mark my word
Angels hear and understand
Know the heart; see what's planned
Their duty it is to take it all down
When you seek your eternal crown
Remember all those words; their sound
You will hear them spoken back to you 
Will you cringe before your Lord?
Will you wish you hadn't uttered?
Wish you could sink into the ground?
Too late by then my friend
By then it will be near the end...

"This is the first lesson ye should learn
There is so much good in the worst of us
And so much bad in the rest of us
It doesn't behoove any of us
To speak evil of the rest of us" 
E Cayce


Whirling, twirling, hurling round
Screaming, howling, ghastly sound
Ripping, tearing trees from ground
Bringing havoc from all around

Wrote this in high school 1974


Descending castles of clouds
Misty breath of winter
Cold, clinging, moist, menacing 
Veiling the view; a curtain of danger
Cool death for the unwary

Wrote this in high school 1974

Shirley's curlies

A little girl called Shirley
Had her hair all curly
She washed it and combed it
And it grew quite swirley
Her mother said "cut it"
Her father said "let's grow it"
ANd so it was cut when
She didn't even know it
Her brothers said "Silly Shirley's shorn"
And boy could she have sworn...

Wrote this in high school 1974


Plunging from the skies above
Faster than a winging dove
Rushing, splashing to the ground
Faster than the speed of sound
Wet, clear, hard and cold
Faster than a ball is bowled

Wrote this in high school 1974


Teachers rushing here and there
Past classes; chattering without a care
Lessons; tutes; options; electives
Doing work; papers; selective
Listening and learning of what is said
Rather; wishing they were dead
Books unopened; lying round
Rulers dropping; making sound

Wrote this in high school 1974

Rough draft

Teachers rushing here and there
Classes chatter without a care
Lessons of all practical things
Lasting till the time bell rings
Books and papers lying round
Dropping solely to make a sound


Filtering light between green leaves
Sheltered boughs; as under eaves
Shimmering in the sunlight's glare
Cascading Lianas, long and bare
Monkey's crouching; swinging far
Nimbly searching, scratching; ah
Multi-coloured birds on high 
Sighing; cooing; flying by
Titters and tatters of fleeing hoards
Stretching, streaming of vocal cords
Lions and tigers; slinking by
Hoping and charming with their eye
Snarling, growling, prowling round
Watching, waiting, sniffing ground
Sighting, searching; lost without a doubt
Into some other preying mouth

Wrote this in high school in 1974


Filtering light 'tween their boughs
Overhead this ground of ours
Rising up through parcels of air
Every branch and leaf aware
Shimmering in sunlight's glare
Bushes and towering trees everywhere

Wrote this in high school 1974

Wartime gingerbread cake

Wartime gingerbread cake


125 g butter
155 g sugar
125 g golden syrup
1 egg
250 g plain flour
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1 teaspoon bicarb soda
3/4 cup sour milk (or fresh milk)


Cream butter and sugar
Add egg
Add rest of ingredients and blend
Sit for 5 minutes


on 160 degrees C for one hour

It will be soft...be careful.

Lasts one week if you can stop eating it...


Saturday, 9 July 2016

Upon the cliffs she stands

Upon the cliffs she stands
Waiting for her lover
Ships may come and go
But she searches for another
Her love has sailed away
She feels alone; deserted
He promised to return
But time seems mean: perverted
Days flow into long weeks
Months take flight as well
Here she stands: sweet; meek
Living in her own peculiar hell
She knows he meant each word
Felt his love; as close he held her
Yet here alone she stands; dear Lord
He swore his oath to heaven; no answer
Comes now from his lips; only silence
His warm breath she felt upon her skin
Together they worshipped; in reverence
Soon she will no longer be alone
For a new life grows beneath her breast
But for this sin of love she must atone
Before the Lord she kneels; soul at rest

Raining heavily

It's raining; heavily
Storm front looming 
Heavy falls forecast
Storm winds blowing 
Water coming inside
Floor awash; cold
Towels soaking up
Wet and cold upon
Her tired hands

Love and independence

Two best things we
Can give to our children are
Love and independence...
For in loving unconditionally
We may furnish them with
A joy for life and freedom too
With independence comes
A chance to choose their own