Monday, 24 October 2016


It started with a sore throat
I coughed until my head felt weak
Coughed again until my lungs grew still
Nothing helped my pain until
My eyes grew heavy; my head it hurt
I coughed until i felt so ill...
Then something moved, I spat it out
Felt like such a hue and cry over it all
But it was such a tiny glob
And it was all yellow...

I blew my nose till it was red
Felt like I'd burst blood vessels in my head
Ah Lord I've never felt so bad
No medicine was to be had
The doctor said it was a virus
Nothing she could do
I'd have to cough; maybe spew
I'd just have to see it through
Finally something escaped my nose
You'll guess the colour I suppose
And it was all yellow...

It's been more than 5 weeks in all
Thought I was recovering well
But my life had stalled
Never been this sick; if I recall
It came back with a vengeance
I'm telling you; felt like I would spew
Each time I coughed; dry retched too
Coughed, coughed and coughed some more
Now apparently I also snore...
This mucous I have come to see
Can't believe it's still coming out of me
And it is all yellow...

My sinus pain was through the roof
Bright yellow snot; infection's proof
Dizziness and stuffed up head
Spent so much time in my bed
Couldn't sleep; couldn't breathe
Need some magic up my sleeve
Tried "Codral" tablets; cold and flu
Then "Ease a cold"; herbal teas
It seems that there is nothing that will ease
This blasted, awful, horrible disease
Coughed up more and more
An it was still yellow...

My head cleared up for a couple of days
Thought to catch a few of the sun's rays
But rain clouds gathered everywhere
Gusty winds blew through my hair
Coldness creeps up through my bones
Wish this flu would disappear
Now I feel a popping in my ears
And still I'm coughing more or less
Nothing's really changed I guess
Still coughing; I'm colourful at best
And it is still yellow...

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