Tuesday 25 June 2024

Why doesn’t she call us?

Sadness comes and tears do flow 
As I think upon all I know 
Saw a few pictures of those souls
A video of them on their stroll
They’re alive; living their lives
Though they don’t know I’m alive 
Their mother’s anger knows no bounds 
So here I am; estranged; unfound 
Her hatred burns with brightest flame 
As she feels I’m to blame… 

I have given all I had 
Left nothing for myself I vow 
What more could any loving mother do
Than give everything for their need
Leaving nothing for herself 
Bled dry by their insatiable greed
Used up then dumped by the wayside 
No longer useful; a dried up seed 

The grandchildren met their nana 
She told them your other nana loves you too
Granddaughter retorted; why doesn’t she call? 
Oh God that hurts; below the belt 
How can I call when she restricts it all
Blocked on every possible place 
Can’t even talk; communications down

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