Sunday, 25 December 2011

Healing Hands

Have you ever hurt so much that you couldn't bear another human's touch?
Have you ever hurt so much: the pain surrounded everything
Your mind unable to function: your body barely so.
How much pain is that amount: that fills your days and nights
Your dreams become a pain-filled nightmare; every night!
Your days continue so: your family; sick of your whining
Start to ignore your plight!
How there comes a time when you wish upon them
Just a tiny bit of what your fight's about!
How appropriate you feel and think that they should 
Really understand and experience what you have on hand!
I'm sorry to admit this but such has been my plight
When enduring that unrelenting pain
No tunnel there, no light at its end
So, just as I wished it upon 
My unfeeling ones; there came a time
When my daughter was in pain: how easy then just to say
"Well, now you might just understand what I've been going through!"
With tears in her eyes: she finally did admit
"I'm sorry mum, I didn't know: please forgive me now
For being so unhelpful then: I knew not of your plight!"

After months of pain and no recourse
I prayed to the Lord for help and from very far away
Help finally was near at hand:as until then: I couldn't bear that human touch!
Nor needles acupuncture yet:the healing hands embarked upon
A more gentle way to ease the pain: the lightest touch at pressure points
To relieve the nerves so tight and finally I saw an end at last to my pain-filled plight!
After several weeks of this massage: my pain reduced at last!
So thank you Lord for sending  those healing hands my way
I thank you Lord for helping me every single day!
And though my pain had diminished I thank you dear Lord still
For sending your dear angels: to ease my pain again
As when at night I surrender all my earthly will
To you my dear loving healing angels who help me nightly still!

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