Monday, 26 December 2011

Look through My eyes

I look back on childhood prints and
See myself again and notice that I see
As if through a different set of eyes
Where is that ugly awkward face?
That used to look back at me
As I look now as the adult me
There's something different that I see
I see a shy yet happy child
I see a smile where tears used to flow
I see my face and compliment my eyes
I see my hair and shape of face
Though not a beauty, yet still there is grace
The shy wall flower has bloomed and grown
The simple pleasure that is there: not hidden by a frown
I now see the potential me within that face
The wiser me that could come to be
Not the awkward teen so lacking grace
How odd to look at that plain me and 
Finally to see some worth and life and
Realize I'm worth the space!
That then I could not see at all
As if my life lay shadowed under a pall
How very like that little me to not understand
Or see how beautiful and special I was
Right then and there and now again
Simply because My Lord had already given
His dear sweet life for me when He took
those steps and cried those tears and shed His blood for me!

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