Friday, 16 December 2011

I know you think I'm mad

I know you think I'm mad, mum and dad!
I understand your thinking but
What was forced on you when you were young
Is what I missed out on: is my inkling!
You had it shoved down your throat without wanting
And I was kept out because you didn't want me
To have the same as you found lacking
So in your own best way you tried to save me
From having to put up with that bitter undertaking but
Here is the problem you will see: what you hated in your youth
I was needing when I was excluded from religious education
I didn't realize that was what I was seeking!
For many years along my path I was hiding
From something I could never understand
Let alone explain it! I couldn't tell you what I needed
I didn't even know what it was my self!
So after many years of following the wrong crowd and
Doing stuff that wouldn't make you proud
I was washed along the loneliest of beaches
In my own stupid way, I went totally astray and
Found myself in many situations
Very much unlike cream and peaches.
I'm sorry that I let you down: that was never my plan and
Somehow I just drifted back and forth
In dirty piles of flotsam and jetsam
Yet even though I was lost along the way
He finally found me one day
When even I could not face my life that way
A stranger came to our door and
Without even knowing it at all
That man brought with him no stranger
Because he brought me to salvation and 
Finally I did meet; and sobbed at Jesus' feet and
Begged Him to save me from those sins
That had dragged me down and then
Almost drowned me under their cold weight.
I asked and He replied, and turned that awful tide
When under water I was born again!

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