Sunday, 20 January 2013

Empire of the Sun: The Solar System


Closest to the sun, fastest on the run
Mariner 10 flew by; first of 3 in 1974.
Looking much like our moon
Meteorites have scarred your face
Craters have caused concentric rings
Of mountains all around, your core has contracted
Your face is old and puckered, creased into ridges
You are too small for atmosphere
No protective air to be seen here
You are scorched by day (350 deg C +)
Frozen by night (-170 deg C)


Your beauty is beguiling in our skies
Yet your surface is desolation
A wasteland of rocks roasted
In the highest of temperatures
Soviet Veneras; 4, 5 and 6
Were crushed by your intense atmosphere
(90 times that of Earth)
Mariner 10 flew by on its way to Mercury
U.S. Pioneer Venus; orbiting since 1978
Has told of your ways:
Atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide
Traps more heat than it radiates (+475 deg C)
Creating your pressure cooker conditions as
Volcanic eruptions belch sulphur dioxide into your skies


Superficially similar to Earth
Might there be life on Mars?
You day’s length and axis’ tilt
Are almost identical to ours,
Even ice caps at your poles
Your rust red soil
And salmon pink skies (-23 deg C)
Indicate the absence of life.
Limited frozen water supplies
Little or no oxygen
And no ozone layer to protect you
From the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation


O mighty Jupiter you of us all
Almost became a star!
Your mass has attracted 16 satellites
The four largest being Io; Ganymede
Europa and Callisto
A vast bulk of gases wreathes you
In a kaleidoscope of swirling clouds
Voyagers 1 & 2 have shown us much:
Your great red spot
A cloud system 3 times the size of Earth
Underneath this colourful sky
Hydrogen and helium are so compressed
By your force of gravity
That they behave like liquid metals
In the ocean surrounding your rocky core
Your frozen icy temperatures
(-123 deg C) at the cloud tops

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