Monday, 2 September 2013

The Lighthouse

The lighthouse shines out its welcome light
Showing ships sailing alone in the darkest night
Land is near at hand if you want to land but 
Treacherous rocks and stormy seas await
The lighthouse decries its lonely existence
It's solitary beam declares its power in the night
Just like Jesus demonstrates to us: poor sinners
He stands alone: our guardian in His might
His words are that powerful beam: guiding us near
If only we would deign to hear: His words of love
We are those storm tossed ships: we are so lost
His brightness draws us closer: we only need to ask
Dear Jesus: Light of the world: bear me ever closer to your coast
I long for your safety as I wander long: so lost
I feel so isolated: unappreciated: abandoned and yes
Sometimes lost at sea: along these foaming shores
You alone are my guidance and my hope!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus' light shines out of the darkness
    A beacon offering us comfort there at His feet
    We only need to call His name
    He is our protection in the night
