I'm sick of feeling weak & ill
Pity there is no miracle pill
To solve all the world's problems
Without even lifting a finger
Sometimes my thoughts do linger
Upon these multiple ills
How would I solve all matters?
Without getting all cluttered?
Without getting into a mess?
I don't know: I must confess!
I'm not God: wouldn't want that job
I'm no dolt: I am imperfect that is true
What about you? Do you have any clue?
I guess I'll just have to plod along
Doing the best I can: hell man!
I am getting older but still I yearn
For supple limbs & slender waist
For active mind & eternal grace
My faith in this is confirmed but
Lord how do I maximise my life
To minimise all worry & strife?
How do I become the better man?
So to speak: for I am weak
I want to take the easy road &
I know the roads I've taken
Have not always been the highest
Sometimes as I've been lost
Along those meandering paths
I realise if only I were stronger?
If only I were more able
To place upon my table the truth
I am me: a simple human being
What is that from which I am fleeing?
My own humanity: my own silly life
I must get up & get moving
You've heard those sayings
"Move it or lose it!"
"No pain: no gain!"
Well: to gain your life eternal
The words are just the same:
Exercise your faith as well as
Your physical mind & body!
Don't let anybody tell you different!
A dollar earned is a dollar spent
A muscle used is a muscle strengthened
Use what God has given you
He has strong belief in you
Do not let Him down!
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