Monday, 4 November 2013

Look in the mirror

I'm sick of hearing about all those who've done you wrong
It goes on & on like an endless painful song: tiresome!
Have a little think about all those times when the tables were turned
When it was you at the hard end of the boot; dishing it out!
How come those things have slipped your mind?
You think the world owes you a living: you have no heart for giving
Just take, take, take! Well look around mate: put on the brakes!
No: not one of us is prefect: we've all been down that winding road
We've all been in that "somebody done somebody wrong song"

Yes I've been there myself! I'm sorry Lord for being so cruel
So nasty to that poor boy from up the road: I was rude to him
For that I apologise: please forgive me for my silliness!
Please forgive me for my stupid words: I was but a silly child!
Now as I look back I realise: my mouth just opened up
Words tumbled out in desperate  denial of what I thought he meant
When he took me by the hand & held me close: not what I wanted! 
Sorry mate! I just wanted to escape: run away: never come back!

You look around & criticise: your eyes they despise all things!
Nothing is good enough for you: you want what you cannot have!
Those who love you are pushed aside: you cannot hide your hate
But honey look around you & you will see: they are just like you
Just like you are right now & then again before as well!
You see as through a tunnel: what you want to see!
The big picture eludes you: is beyond your ken: lost to your eyes!
You are blinded by your own visions: yet all you need do is look
At that face in the mirror: for you will then see what you disdain!

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